Tuesday, July 2, 2019

The fascist "anti-fascists" rule the streets as they once did in 1930's Germany

Rich Terrell
Andy Ngo
The American left is seriously out of control. Now they are dangerous  "The Left's hysteria over Trump's victory in 2016 has escalated into something quite beyond mere hysteria. Now they are well and truly dangerous.   Antifa, the fascist organization that protests anything and everything with which it disagrees is violent, very violent.  They show up with weapons, wearing masks and attack anyone they perceive to be in opposition to their own warped ideology.
"CNN has long defended the group as good guys, social justice warriors.  That is how off the rails CNN is.  Like Antifa, CNN is officially and openly anti-American.   Over the weekend in Portland, Quillette journalist  Andy Ngo (Pictured, right) was badly beaten, seriously injured,  by a group of these thugs and got no help from the Portland police, who actually made him walk back through the mob to seek help." . . .
Not only CNN but the NY Times supports these street thugs  Just as Germany in the 20-30s had the Vőlkischer Beobachter and Der Stűrmer, so, in my opinion, the American Left has CNN and the NY Times, apparently. TD

WATCH: Violent Antifa Protesters Savagely Beat Elderly Conservative Man With A Crowbar

Did the 1960s teach us nothing? Unless our next generation undergoes a character change this will continue long after President Trump has left the office. TD

Attack on D.C. Free Speech Rally, Promises To Blind Attendees  "A person utilizing artwork created by a Rolling Stone journalist who writes favorably about Antifa has threatened to attack attendees of the Demand Free Speech rally with “muriatic acid, wax, and balloons” on July 6 in Washington, D.C.
"The threats were made on a popular right wing Telegram channel. A user with the name “POUND ON YOUR BOY” made several threats against the rally, prompting co-organizer Enrique Tarrio to contact the FBI and DHS, who are now planning to provide additional security to the event."

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