Sunday, March 7, 2010

We Have Race on the Brain

Victor Davis Hanson "I remembered also that the Rev. Wright tapes were disturbing not just because of his lunacy, but due to the standing ovations from his congregation who were ecstatic in praise of his racist and anti-American hatred. This week the Internet is alive with a tape of an elderly white Vietnam veteran duking it out with an African-American bully on an Oakland bus — with plenty of commentary and racial epithets from the observers on the bus."

Homeschooling vs. Howard Zinn

Pajamas Media "If my child were in a public school, what would they be learning from? One of the more popular texts is The People’s History of the United States by the late Howard Zinn, a radical Marxist. As noted on Big Hollywood, Zinn not only admitted his text is biased, he said he wanted it to be “part of the social struggle”...."While the untrained homeschool dad is teaching his children about American history from two authors who focus on facts, the trained teacher is busy educating students about how terrible America has been from its creation, because the author of their text “wanted to be a part of history.”"

Getting Out of Medicine

Thomas Sowell, NRO "Some of these young people might prefer becoming a doctor, other things being equal. But the heady schemes of government-controlled medicine, and the ever more bloated bureaucracies that these heady schemes will require, can make it very unlikely that other things will be equal in the medical profession. Paying doctors less and hassling them more may be some people’s idea of “lowering the cost of medical care,” but it is really just refusing to pay the costs — and taking the consequences."

Obama's 'engagement' with Syria met with laughter

Rick Moran , AT "It may make Obama and his liberal base admire themselves for their forbearance and magnanimity in giving Syria so much while getting nothing in return but mocking laughter. But it alarms and depresses our friends in the region that America may be willing to sell them out for little or nothing."

Is Capitalism Evil?

American Thinker "If you think capitalism is at fault for bad management, you know nothing of human nature. To paraphrase Steve Forbes: If government run business was better than privately run business, then Communist Russia would have won the Cold War."

The role for reconciliation

Rep.Kent Conrad D-ND "Reconciliation is not being considered for passing comprehensive health-care reform. Major health-care reform legislation passed the Senate without reconciliation on Christmas Eve. If the House now passes that legislation, it can go immediately to President Obama's desk to be signed into law. What the president and others have suggested is that, after the House acts, reconciliation could then be used to pass a much smaller "fixer" bill to allow for modifications to the comprehensive bill that will have passed under regular order." "Call, write, protest. We Have To Stop The House!" Weasel Zippers

The Left and Its Cheap ‘Racism’ Charge — the Last Refuge of Scoundrels and ‘Media Matters’

Big Journalism "James O’Keefe has to be destroyed in some way. And the best way you can attack an effective conservative in America today is to call him a racist . In the past year the tactic has been used against Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Andrew Breitbart, Bill O’Reilly, Scott Brown, the entire Tea Party movement and, all those who oppose President Obama’s health care scheme (the last charge was leveled by none other than a former President)." To protect this man's reputation, he will be known only by the code name J---y C----r.

Low-tax Texas beats big-government California

Michael Barone "Now it is California's ruinously expensive and increasingly incompetent government that seems dysfunctional, while Texas' approach has generated more creativity and opportunity. So it's not surprising that Texas voters preferred Perry over an opponent who has spent 16 years in Washington. What's surprising is that Democrats in Washington are still trying to impose policies like those that have ravaged California rather than those that have proved so successful in Texas."

Iranian Clocks, Tick Tock, Tick Tock

Michael Ledeen "Some of those pious people who bleed oceans of ink for the sweet “victims of Guantanamo” would be more convincing if they could spare a few harsh words for the monsters who govern Iran, and who seek our death and destruction. "

Saturday, March 6, 2010

The GOP Targets State Legislatures

Karl Rove "If the president's dismal approval ratings cost his party additional state legislative seats and with them control of redistricting this fall, there will be plenty of Democrats bitter about how Mr. Obama has brought low his party's fortunes. It seems that no Democrat, at any level, is immune to the politically poisonous effects of the Obama presidency."

Hollywood Elites Are Now Openly Calling For the Murder of Conservatives (Video)

Gateway Pundit " ‘Kill Glenn Beck’ draws laughs. Bill Maher commented on the Bush-bashing Pentagon shooter and registered democrat on his show last night: “Why Couldn’t (it) Have Been Glenn Beck?” Apparently, calling for the murder of conservatives is now acceptable speech for the Far Left and Hollywood."

Ahmadinejad believes 9/11 was a US hoax

Islamic Republic News Agency "The September 11 attack on the US and collapse of twin towers were parts of complicated intelligence move to give enough excuses for them to prepare the ground for invasion of Afghanistan under pretext of fighting terrorism, he said." That pretty much puts Ahmadinejad in line with American leftists such as the Austin plane bomber and Rosie O'Donnell.