American Glob "Were was CNN when ObamaCare was passed on a purely partisan vote using reconciliation? Where was CNN when Massachusetts elected a Republican senator to stop ObamaCare? Where was CNN in the run-up to the 2012 election, arguably the last chance to defeat ObamaCare?
"here was CNN when it was known that the Democrats hadn’t even read the bill?
"CNN is asking this question NOW???"....
"here was CNN when it was known that the Democrats hadn’t even read the bill?
"CNN is asking this question NOW???"....
The Silence of the Shams "We have an entire industry in this country that is nothing more than a sham, pretending to be one thing while in fact, being something utterly different. That industry is, of course, the liberal media, who daily vow to bring you all the news while in fact sifting the worth of any story through a liberal sieve that has been perfected to block the passage of any story that might reflect well on the conservative view. A glaring example has come to be in the past week." Read more:
Media Ignores Lavish Obama Vacations, Slammed Bush for Mountain Biking "And while Bush spent more time outside of Washington than Obama, it is also worth nothing that nearly all of Bush's vacations were trips back to his Texas ranch or family vacation homes in Maine.
"The Post, in 2005, conceded that Bush's vacations--unlike Obama's--were not lavish and he did not "make time for fun." "
CNN's Don Lemon Hectors Traditional Marriage Advocate "On the same day CNN CEO Phil Kent insists CNN is not a liberal news network, CNN's Don Lemon mercilessly (and ignorantly) spent seven minutes badgering Heritage scholar Ryan Anderson, a thoughtful advocate for traditional marriage who regularly writes on the subject." Remember this classic softball a CNN reporter shamelessly threw to Obama?
No post about media malpractice could ever overlook MSNBC and Chris Matthews; Movie Mad Matthews: Pro-Second Amendment Voices Are Like the Nazis in Casablanca "Chris Matthews on Thursday took a break from comparing conservatives to Nazis and instead compared them to movie Nazis."
WashPost's Sally Quinn Attacks Ben Carson for Prayer Breakfast Speech... 48 Days After He Delivered It! " If Carson were a Democrat with big-government policy prescriptions and his prayer breakfast speech happened during the Bush years, it's hard to imagine that Quinn would take offense. It would, in fact be considered that the good doctor was "speaking truth to power" or being a "prophetic voice" for change."
Want an example? Try this one. Speaking nonsense to power. President Bush, not being as petulant as, um, recent presidents, handled the affair with grace that we have not seen in some years.
MSNBC's Touré's Racist Rant Against the GOP And Its 'Black Friends' Like Ben Carson "The MSNBC host's words speak for themselves."