Heritage "It takes taxpayers 6.1 billion hours—or 51 hours per household—to complete all the required filings. That’s more than six full eight-hour working days per household!
"The compliance burden comes on top of the direct financial cost of $3.5 trillion in federal spending. In 2012, Washington collected $20,000 in taxes for every household in America. But Washington spent nearly $30,000 per household."Sunday, April 21, 2013
Saturday, April 20, 2013
The Mainstream Media and the Moore-Maddow-Matthews-MSNBC axis
Michael Moore’s Continuing Epic Fail -Tweets Sympathetic Comments About Dzhokhar And Tamerlen Tsarnaev. This is nothing new for Moore: Christopher Hitchens: The lies of Michael Moore.
NPR: Hitler's Birthday Might Have Motivated Right to Bomb Boston Marathon "The thinking, as we have been reporting, is that this is a domestic, extremist attack and officials are leaning that way largely because of the timing of the attack. April is a big month for anti-government and right-wing individuals. There's the Columbine anniversary, there's Hitler's birthday[.]"
They can always retract the comment or continue with updated info later; the words are out there into the minds of people who like believing that sort of thing. TD
Viewers Abandon MSNBC During Boston Bomb Coverage "The Monday cable news ratings are in and as expected, the events in Boston made viewership surge as Americans were hungry for the latest information on the terrorist attack at the Boston Marathon. However, as the Hollywood Reporter notes, the numbers mostly surged for CNN and Fox News while MSNBC was left in the dust:"
Wait just a pea-picking minute here; Obama had 50 million+ votes in November, so why wouldn't MSNBC have 50 million+ viewers?
While at the same time over at Fox: Fox's Chris Wallace Asks: Perhaps Boston Residents Would Have Liked Firearms During Tsarnaev Manhunt?
NPR: Hitler's Birthday Might Have Motivated Right to Bomb Boston Marathon "The thinking, as we have been reporting, is that this is a domestic, extremist attack and officials are leaning that way largely because of the timing of the attack. April is a big month for anti-government and right-wing individuals. There's the Columbine anniversary, there's Hitler's birthday[.]"
They can always retract the comment or continue with updated info later; the words are out there into the minds of people who like believing that sort of thing. TD
Viewers Abandon MSNBC During Boston Bomb Coverage "The Monday cable news ratings are in and as expected, the events in Boston made viewership surge as Americans were hungry for the latest information on the terrorist attack at the Boston Marathon. However, as the Hollywood Reporter notes, the numbers mostly surged for CNN and Fox News while MSNBC was left in the dust:"
Wait just a pea-picking minute here; Obama had 50 million+ votes in November, so why wouldn't MSNBC have 50 million+ viewers?
While at the same time over at Fox: Fox's Chris Wallace Asks: Perhaps Boston Residents Would Have Liked Firearms During Tsarnaev Manhunt?
Friday, April 19, 2013
Were you wondering what the left had to say about events of the last two days?
The Left's Spin on Boston Marathon's Chechen Terrorists
"So, Chechnya is a breeding ground for Muslim youth who "know only conflict" and are merely acting out their heretofore suppressed hostilities. That doesn't make the Brothers Tsarnaev much different from inner-city youth in Chicago, Detroit, Newark, East St. Louis, and many other Democrat-dominated snake pits -- sorry: cities -- who "know only conflict." "
New York Times Shows Sympathy For Boston Terrorists…
Michael Moore: Boston Cowering In “Fear” Of Just “One Teenager”… "So he wants people to defy the police and roam the streets while a psychotic jihadist who most likely has suicide vest strapped to his body is on the loose?"
Apparently, the attack on the Boston Marathon is due to global warming; says Governor Cuomo.
How would the left deny this point that Rush makes?
"So, Chechnya is a breeding ground for Muslim youth who "know only conflict" and are merely acting out their heretofore suppressed hostilities. That doesn't make the Brothers Tsarnaev much different from inner-city youth in Chicago, Detroit, Newark, East St. Louis, and many other Democrat-dominated snake pits -- sorry: cities -- who "know only conflict." "
New York Times Shows Sympathy For Boston Terrorists…
"The sympathetic portrayal of the men — who murdered three civilians, including a child, wounded 180 people, murdered one unsuspecting police officer and wounded another officer — was met with quick condemnation on social media networks."

Apparently, the attack on the Boston Marathon is due to global warming; says Governor Cuomo.
How would the left deny this point that Rush makes?
"If it turns out that a Muslim bombed the Boston marathon, everyone in the media will circle the wagons and say, 'This is not because of Islam. This is a lone bad actor, lone wolf,' and remind us the vast majority of Muslims denounce this kind of terror. However, if it turns out that whoever did this has either a real or imagined connection to conservatism, everyone in the media will unite to denounce the whole group. There will not be the same treatment."
If you live in the Boston area and feel you need a firearm, forget it
This all came to mind while thinking of people in the Boston area afraid of carjacking and home hostage situations. Think of the security the bomber must feel there is not much chance of encountering a person who is carrying a weapon.
Boston Globe "In 1998, Massachusetts passed what was hailed as the toughest gun-control legislation in the country. Among other stringencies, it banned semiautomatic “assault” weapons, imposed strict new licensing rules, prohibited anyone convicted of a violent crime or drug trafficking from ever carrying or owning a gun, and enacted severe penalties for storing guns unlocked."
MIT Students Post Moving Tributes To Police Officer Murdered By Islamic Terrorists…
"MIT has identified the officer shot and killed on Thursday evening as Patrol Officer Sean A. Collier, 26, a native of Somerville, Mass.
"Collier responded to a disturbance on campus and died Thursday night after two men fired gunshots at his vehicle. Collier was shot several times in his vehicle around 10:30 p.m. Thursday. He was transported to Massachusetts General Hospital, where he was pronounced dead. [...]"
Boston Globe "In 1998, Massachusetts passed what was hailed as the toughest gun-control legislation in the country. Among other stringencies, it banned semiautomatic “assault” weapons, imposed strict new licensing rules, prohibited anyone convicted of a violent crime or drug trafficking from ever carrying or owning a gun, and enacted severe penalties for storing guns unlocked."
"But the law that was so tough on law-abiding gun owners had quite a different impact on criminals.
"Since 1998, gun crime in Massachusetts has gotten worse, not better. In 2011, Massachusetts recorded 122 murders committed with firearms, the Globe reported this month — “a striking increase from the 65 in 1998.” Other crimes rose too. Between 1998 and 2011, robbery with firearms climbed 20.7 percent. Aggravated assaults jumped 26.7 percent."
"MIT has identified the officer shot and killed on Thursday evening as Patrol Officer Sean A. Collier, 26, a native of Somerville, Mass.
"Collier responded to a disturbance on campus and died Thursday night after two men fired gunshots at his vehicle. Collier was shot several times in his vehicle around 10:30 p.m. Thursday. He was transported to Massachusetts General Hospital, where he was pronounced dead. [...]"
The language of terror
Charles Krauthammer "Terrorism is speech — speech that gathers its audience by killing innocents as theatrically as possible. The 19th-century anarchist Paul Brousse called it “propaganda by deed.” Accordingly, the Boston Marathon attack, the first successful terror bombing in the United States since 9/11, was designed for maximum effect. At the finish line there would be not only news cameras but also hundreds of personal videos to amplify the message."
"But what message? There was no claim of responsibility, no explanatory propaganda. Indeed, was it terrorism at all?"
The use of the word complicates things for this administration in this way:
"To use the word terrorism, meaning deliberate attack, would have undermined the blame-shifting and raised exactly the questions — about warnings ignored, inadequate security, absence of contingency plans — that have dogged the administration for months."
"Yet Obama couldn’t say the word. This is no linguistic triviality. He wouldn’t be tripping over himself to avoid any reference to Islam if it was insignificant.
Obama has performed admirably during the Boston crisis, speaking both reassuringly and with determination. But he continues to be linguistically uneasy. His wavering over the word terrorism is telling, though in this case unimportant. The real test will come when we learn the motive for the attack."
From Arutz Sheva in Israel comes this appropriate cartoon:
Some background on Chechen Muslims: RUSSIA: 2004 Beslan School Massacre by Chechen Muslim terrorists
"But what message? There was no claim of responsibility, no explanatory propaganda. Indeed, was it terrorism at all?"
The use of the word complicates things for this administration in this way:
"To use the word terrorism, meaning deliberate attack, would have undermined the blame-shifting and raised exactly the questions — about warnings ignored, inadequate security, absence of contingency plans — that have dogged the administration for months."
"Yet Obama couldn’t say the word. This is no linguistic triviality. He wouldn’t be tripping over himself to avoid any reference to Islam if it was insignificant.
Obama has performed admirably during the Boston crisis, speaking both reassuringly and with determination. But he continues to be linguistically uneasy. His wavering over the word terrorism is telling, though in this case unimportant. The real test will come when we learn the motive for the attack."
From Arutz Sheva in Israel comes this appropriate cartoon:
Some background on Chechen Muslims: RUSSIA: 2004 Beslan School Massacre by Chechen Muslim terrorists
Stop bomb violence
"“That feeds into the gun debate that we’ve had here in Washington,” Wallace asserted. He noted it will be one of the many issues they’ll be discussing on Fox News Sunday."
Photo of the Day – Coexist Bumper Sticker on Car Terrorists CarJacked
Potluck Irony alert.

From the comments to this post:

From the comments to this post:
"Would someone please explain to me just “Who” these idjits wanted to COEXIST with?"
1 of 2 Muslim Chechen suspects in Boston bombing killed (Updated)
Those who remember the murder of the Breslan children know these people are devoid of any conscience or compassion.
UPDATE: Boston Jihadi bomber's Dad Warns "Hell Will Break Loose" if Son Dies "More threats from father of Boston jihad bomber. The elder Tsarnaev insisted that "his sons were innocent" -- according to jihadic doctrine, he is. His father refers to his devout son who killed, mutilated and maimed women and children as a "true angel.""
AP "WATERTOWN, Mass. (AP) -- The two suspects in the Boston Marathon bombing killed an MIT police officer and hurled explosives at police in a car chase and gun battle overnight that left one of them dead and his brother on the loose, authorities said Friday as thousands of officers swarmed the streets in a manhunt that all but paralyzed the Boston area."
"The suspects were identified by law enforcement officials and family members as Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, brothers from a Russian region near Chechnya, which has been plagued by an Islamic insurgency that has carried out deadly bombings. They lived near Boston and had been in the U.S. for about a decade, an uncle said."
Boston Jihadi bomber's Facebook page: Islam and Bombs
Here is the Facebook page Note the two Islam links under "Noteworthy Pages" and the bomb underneath "send a gift."
Dead bomber 'didn't have a single American friend' "One of the brothers from Chechnya suspected of bombing the Boston marathon once declared he “didn’t understand” Americans and had no American friends, despite living there for up to ten years."
Boston Marathon victim Jeff Bauman helped identify bombers "Jeff Bauman, a man whose legs were blown off during the Boston marathon
bombings, and whose image was seen round the world, helped identify Tamerlan
Tsarnaev, the dead suspect."
...."It has now emerged that Mr Bauman helped the FBI identify a suspect's photograph, telling the investigators that he looked in the eyes of Tamerlan Tsarnaev as he planted the bomb."
From Mother Jones: Did Boston Bombing Suspect Post Al Qaeda Prophecy on YouTube? "A user by that name has posted a video to his YouTube playlist extolling an extremist religious prophecy associated with Al Qaeda. It is not clear yet whether the user is the same Tsarnaev as the deceased suspect."
Pictured just feet from the man who 'killed him': Chilling image shows eight-year-old Martin standing beside Boston bomb suspect moments after 'he planted explosive'
"Martin had been waiting to give his father a big hug to congratulate him for finishing the race, but was blown up when the twin blasts ripped through the city centre on Monday." Read more
Bombing Suspects’ Uncle: They Do Not Deserve To Live On This Earth
UPDATE: Boston Jihadi bomber's Dad Warns "Hell Will Break Loose" if Son Dies "More threats from father of Boston jihad bomber. The elder Tsarnaev insisted that "his sons were innocent" -- according to jihadic doctrine, he is. His father refers to his devout son who killed, mutilated and maimed women and children as a "true angel.""
AP "WATERTOWN, Mass. (AP) -- The two suspects in the Boston Marathon bombing killed an MIT police officer and hurled explosives at police in a car chase and gun battle overnight that left one of them dead and his brother on the loose, authorities said Friday as thousands of officers swarmed the streets in a manhunt that all but paralyzed the Boston area."
![]() |
Killed |
"The suspects were identified by law enforcement officials and family members as Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, brothers from a Russian region near Chechnya, which has been plagued by an Islamic insurgency that has carried out deadly bombings. They lived near Boston and had been in the U.S. for about a decade, an uncle said."
Boston Jihadi bomber's Facebook page: Islam and Bombs

Dead bomber 'didn't have a single American friend' "One of the brothers from Chechnya suspected of bombing the Boston marathon once declared he “didn’t understand” Americans and had no American friends, despite living there for up to ten years."

...."It has now emerged that Mr Bauman helped the FBI identify a suspect's photograph, telling the investigators that he looked in the eyes of Tamerlan Tsarnaev as he planted the bomb."
From Mother Jones: Did Boston Bombing Suspect Post Al Qaeda Prophecy on YouTube? "A user by that name has posted a video to his YouTube playlist extolling an extremist religious prophecy associated with Al Qaeda. It is not clear yet whether the user is the same Tsarnaev as the deceased suspect."
Pictured just feet from the man who 'killed him': Chilling image shows eight-year-old Martin standing beside Boston bomb suspect moments after 'he planted explosive'
"Martin had been waiting to give his father a big hug to congratulate him for finishing the race, but was blown up when the twin blasts ripped through the city centre on Monday." Read more
Bombing Suspects’ Uncle: They Do Not Deserve To Live On This Earth
Boston Bombing Victim in Iconic Photo Helped Identify Attackers
Bloomberg "Minutes before the bombs blew up
in Boston,
Jeff Bauman looked into the eyes of the man who tried to kill him."
Just before 3 p.m. on April 15, Bauman was waiting among the crowd for his girlfriend to cross the finish line at the Boston Marathon. A man wearing a cap, sunglasses and a black jacket over a hooded sweatshirt looked at Jeff, 27, and dropped a bag at his feet, his brother, Chris Bauman, said in an interview.
Two and a half minutes later, the bag exploded, tearing Jeff’s legs apart. A picture of him in a wheelchair, bloodied and ashen, was broadcast around the world as he was rushed to Boston Medical Center. He lost both legs below the knee.
“He woke up under so much drugs, asked for a paper and pen and wrote, ‘bag, saw the guy, looked right at me,’” Chris Bauman said yesterday in an interview.
While still in intensive care, Jeff Bauman gave the FBI a description of the man he saw, his brother said. Bauman’s information helped investigators narrow down whom to look for in hours of video of the attack, he said.
April 18 (Bloomberg) -- Kevin Knierim, a former Federal Bureau
of Investigation agent, and Larry Compton, operations manager at Forensic Video
Solutions, talk about FBI's release today of pictures and video showing two men
suspected in the April 15 terrorist bombing in Boston. They speak with Emily
Chang on Bloomberg Television's "Bloomberg West." (Source:
Just before 3 p.m. on April 15, Bauman was waiting among the crowd for his girlfriend to cross the finish line at the Boston Marathon. A man wearing a cap, sunglasses and a black jacket over a hooded sweatshirt looked at Jeff, 27, and dropped a bag at his feet, his brother, Chris Bauman, said in an interview.
Two and a half minutes later, the bag exploded, tearing Jeff’s legs apart. A picture of him in a wheelchair, bloodied and ashen, was broadcast around the world as he was rushed to Boston Medical Center. He lost both legs below the knee.
“He woke up under so much drugs, asked for a paper and pen and wrote, ‘bag, saw the guy, looked right at me,’” Chris Bauman said yesterday in an interview.
Those words may help crack the
mystery of who perpetrated one of the highest-profile acts of terror in the U.S.
since the 2001 assault on New York City and the Washington
area, one that killed three people and wounded scores.
While still in intensive care, Jeff Bauman gave the FBI a description of the man he saw, his brother said. Bauman’s information helped investigators narrow down whom to look for in hours of video of the attack, he said.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Biden: 'The President Is Already Lining Up Some Additional Executive Actions' On Guns
JoshuaPundit " Vice President Biden told a number of anti-Second Amendment allies in a conference that President Obama,having failed to get his way is going to be implementing what he wants via yet another executive order:
"Look I know you're going to say that I'm just being an optimist and I'm trying to put a good face on this. But you know I've been around here a long time and we've already done, because of you, some really good things," Biden said. "Number one, the president is already lining up some additional executive actions he's going to be taking later this week."
Earth Day: tips for honoring this special occasion
This comes from the Tunnel Dweller's eldest son, Jeff whose fertile mind dreamed up the name of this blog and whose talent designed the banner at the top.
- Reduce your carbon footprint by purchasing carbon-free shoes.
- Drive really fast. The quicker you can get to work, the less time your car will have to burn fuel.
- Don’t throw away those empty soup cans. Instead, hang them on strings and give your wife a new handmade wind chime for Mother’s Day. Bonus tip: use her tears of disappointment to water your house plants.
- Before throwing it away, rinse out a broken CFL bulb in the sink so the dangerous chemicals don’t end up in the trash and eventually the landfills.
- Avoid public transportation. Police and Fire Departments will have to send five or six gas guzzling vehicles to the scene when you get knifed on a subway.
- Replace your 60 watt bulbs with 15 watt bulbs. It saves energy and most environmentalists look better in dim lighting anyway.
- To avoid accidentally running your sprinklers all night, when watering the lawn leave your indoor faucets running also as a reminder that the sprinklers are on.
- Ask the cashier to double-bag your groceries. The last thing the environment needs is a Pine-Sol spill in the Wal-Mart parking lot.
- Instead of dumping that giant 19” CRT monitor into the land fill, break out the glass and fill it with dirt to make a flower pot for your front porch. It will also give you a chance to meet the members of your local HOA.
- To save water and electricity, instead of washing dishes use Styrofoam cups and plates. They can be tossed away without using a single drop of water.
- Get a dog. A dog can lick a plate cleaner than any dishwasher and the dog uses none of our valuable resources to do it.
- Drive a really big SUV. They create more shade and slow down global warming.
- Don’t buy flowers. They are grown in greenhouses and we all know the danger of greenhouse gases. At least that can be your story when you forget Valentine’s Day.
- Flush your toilets only once a day. This will save many gallons of water per day. A lighted candle and having the seat down will take care of 90% of the odor.
- Don’t buy any Justin Bieber CDs. They will only end up in our landfills.
- Kill a whale. Each whale eats about 2,500 pounds of beautiful ocean creatures per day. And think of the waste left behind from a 2,500 pound-a-day diet. That giant wasteberg could potentially bring down a ship carrying oil.
- Paint your SUV green.
- Wash your hands just once a week. Purell three times a day will take care of the germs, even at the end of the week when it gets pasty while rubbing it in.
- Don’t buy tuna. Sure most of it is dolphin-safe these days, but none of it is tuna-safe.
- Don’t put ice in your drinks. Ice harvesting is destroying the polar ice caps.
- Plant a garden. (does not apply to California where environmentalists will block you from watering said garden)
- Rent an Ed Begley Jr. movie. There are plenty still available.
- Give a cow a Beano. Cow flatulence is the number one polluter of the environment. http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/GlobalWarming/story?id=2723201&page=1
- Leave your lights on all day. The brighter we can make it with lighting, the less of our greatest natural resource; the sun, we will have to use up.
- Buy a Toyota Prius. Maybe you can find ways other than your car to look cool.
- Use lots of hairspray. This will increase the hole in the ozone layer, which allows heat to escape out- thereby slowing down global warming. Think of the hole in the ozone as a giant vent on the roof of our earth’s hot attic.
- Take your own grocery bags to the store. This will reduce trash in our landfills and it makes shoplifting easier.
- Use a windmill to power your home. They create more energy than you can use and it’s fun to watch spotted owls try to fly through their spinning blades in one piece.
- Use powdered water. It doesn’t do much for thirst but you feel better about using it.
- Forgo the oven all together. Uncooked, many foods taste exactly the same as cooked- just not as hot.
- Buy a Water Pik. You can tape it to the bottom of your toilet seat and convert your existing toilet into a luxurious bidet. This will eliminate paper going down the drain when you flush your toilet at the end of the day.
- Boycott Motel 6 until they stop leaving that stupid energy-consuming light on for us.
- Instead of using tree-killing materials, add that extra room onto your house by using “bricks” made of tightly bundled dirty diapers. Not only will your house be greener but the air inside will be a little greener as well.
- Turn your heat down to 62°. If you get cold you can put on a toasty-warm mink coat.
- Let your faucet run while you are brushing your teeth and doing the dishes. This extra water will go down the drain and feed the thirsty creeks and rivers.
- Become envious. It will make you green.
- Only buy carpet made of bamboo. And be sure to recycle the splinters you pull out of your feet.
- Don’t buy products tested on animals. They look ridiculous wearing make-up.
- Eat greener foods. It’s better for the planet and it will save you money. Many foods get discounted once they turn green.
- After raking your leaves put them in a plastic garbage bag. Leaves are good for the earth and they will last a lot longer in a plastic bag.
- To avoid polluting the air, bring your barbeque grill inside before grilling.
- Make your kids mow the lawn. That way you’ll be burning their excess energy instead of quickly blowing through your own limited resources.
- Turn the light off when you leave the room. Sure it will anger everyone remaining in the room but you can just say, “Deal with it homies! I’m being green and junk.”
- Dig up your trees, bushes and lawn. These just drink up our valuable water resources and require maintenance from gas guzzling, smog producing equipment.
- Wipe out the panda population. They eat way too much of the earth’s precious plant life.
- Print all of your emails. That way you can read them all any time you want without having to turn on your power-sucking computer.
- Use the word “green” in your conversations every time you get a chance. You may not actually be helping the environment but you will sound like you are- which ought to keep those tree huggers away.
- Take environmental advice from your favorite celebrity- even if he did drop out of high school so he could play the part of Gizzard in Animal Road Trip 3.
- Eat at the Rainforest Café. The grilled baby seal is Deeeee-lish!
- Only buy dolphin-safe beef.
- Don’t drink bottled water. Instead pour if from the bottle into a glass.
- Don’t use your air conditioner. Sure, you may have to apply several extra coats of Chlorofluorocarbon producing spray-on deodorant.
- Ride the bus to work. Just hope you don’t have to sit next to a guy who, in the name of a greener earth, stopped using his air conditioner.
- Buy a minivan instead of a maxivan.
- Use disposable diapers. They don’t require earth-destroying chemicals to clean them and they just go into the landfills anyway. And nobody wants to save the landfills. They’re disgusting!
- Go to the bathroom outside. It saves water. It feeds the grass. And it gives you a chance to wave to your neighbors.
- Water is a precious natural resource that needs to be saved. Instead of water, buy ice and let it melt into water. This way, instead of using water you are creating it!
- Send a designer some money as a thank you for making the world a more beautiful place.
- Save energy by turning off your TV every time you see Al Gore appear on it.
- Do your spray painting near a lighted candle. The flame will burn off the harmful VOC’s before they have a chance to rise up into the precious atmosphere.
- Plant a tree. It creates shade, traps CO2’s and provides oxygen. Plus, it will give you an excuse to go out and buy that 8-horse, gas-powered leaf blower you’ve been wanting.
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