Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Busted; Every Sharpton business known has been dissolved for failure to comply with tax rules.

NRO . . . "“Carelessness was his hallmark,” Mercado-Valdes says. Was it worse than that? “Carelessness, yes. Complete disregard for the little laws? Yes, some powerful people are like that. . . . [Sharpton] was someone who, because of the nature of his organization, just between his nonprofit and his for-profits and his personal life, just had a very ad-hoc approach to organization.”
"Sharpton has had brushes with the law. In 1990, a jury found him not guilty of 67 counts of fraud and larceny, though three years later, the reverend pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor tax charge.
"Later, the Federal Election Commission found that National Action Network had inappropriately paid for expenses related to Sharpton’s 2004 presidential campaign.
"Last March, Jeri Wright, a former president of the Chicago branch of National Action Network and the daughter of Reverend Jeremiah Wright, President Obama’s former pastor, was convicted of money laundering after participating in a fraud scheme involving another nonprofit.
. . .
" 'Yet the reverend’s financial woes and big-spending lifestyle may be catching up to him, says Carl Redding, a former Sharpton aide who has since publicly criticized the reverend.

“ 'What he’s doing is negligent,” Redding says, adding that he can’t fathom why, after all of Sharpton’s past tax troubles, the reverend continues to make the same financial mistakes.

“ 'Absolute power corrupts absolutely,” Redding says. “I believe that Sharpton has become so powerful it’s diluting everything about him. The African-American community doesn’t trust Sharpton anymore. He’s living in a fantasy world if he thinks he has credibility."

That’s rich: Environmentalists praise the Saudis as an ally in fight against Keystone

Hot Air

. . . "Today, however, it seems alliances are shifting wildly. Once the all-purpose boogie man for progressives, the Saudis are now proving to be allies of convenience in their fight against Keystone.
“Environmentalists are depending on President Barack Obama’s veto pen to block the project–at least until the State Department issues its final ruling in the matter,” The Sierra Club’s Paul Rauber wrote. “But we have another, even more potent ally in the fight: the House of Saud.”
“Rather than cutting back production in order to stabilize oil prices, the world’s largest oil producer is keeping its petroleum taps wide open, hoping to drown upstart competitors in Canada, North Dakota, and Russia in a sea of cheap oil,” he added." . . .

Monday, February 2, 2015

CNN ‘Totally Biased’ Against Republicans [VIDEO]; Other items on Media bias as well

Daily Caller  . . . "Navarrette didn’t just lay blame with CNN, saving his harshest words for Univision, telling Malzberg they’re a shill for the Democratic Party and that he doesn’t blame the GOP for not kowtowing and giving a primary debate to Univision.

“ 'Univision has shown itself to be a partisan network in favor of Democrats, making Democrats look good, making Republicans look bad,” Navarrette said. “I don’t think the RNC owes them anything and I think it’s time we spoke honestly about what Univision is. It’s a shill for the Democratic Party.' ”

Completely Non-Biased WH Reporter Expects To “Probably Cry” When Obama Finally Leaves Office  April Ryan, White House correspondent for American Urban Radio Networks, really loves President Obama." . .

Rand Paul scolds CNBC anchor  Well, their name does contain the letters N, B, C after all.  "Rand Paul Tears into CNBC Anchor for ‘Misleading’ Questions on Vaccines, Taxes: ‘Try a Little Objectivity’
"(Mediaite) Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) showed his impassioned side Monday afternoon during a heated interview with CNBC anchor Kelly Evans on forced vaccinations, a bipartisan corporate tax holiday bill, and accusations of “conflict of interest.' ”  Video

Various musings on the Super Bowl X-Whatever

How an undrafted Patriots rookie made one of the greatest plays in Super Bowl history
seahawks interception patriots super bowl
. . . "It's not like Seattle's play call was doomed from the beginning. It's not like Russell Wilson made a horrible throw. Butler read the play perfectly, jumped the route, and got to the spot on the field where the ball was going before the receiver.
"Here's the breakdown of how he did it." . . .
The left hijacks the Super Bowl  . . . "I’m one old football fan who does not like to be preached to by holier-than-thou liberal jerks when I’m trying to watch a game.  I resent such indoctrination attempts to the point of questioning if I’m going to continue to allow myself to be insulted by an advertising industry that appears to be several degrees left of the New York Times." . . . 
"And of course they have their intestinal worm: Bob Costas."  By Russ Vaughn
It's not just in those commercials; it is in most conversations during every TV show. One theme: guys are clueless dunces and ripe for ridicule by dominant females of any age.

Lloyd Marcus: A shared American experience: Super Bowl  . . . "It was fun being a part of a uniquely American shared experience, watching and allowing myself to be slightly emotionally invested in the Super Bowl." . . .
I'm done with the Super Bowl.  The leftists have won.
I’m done with the Super Bowl. The leftists have won.  . . . "But as a viewer and occasional football fan, I care.  I watch for entertainment.  Not to get judged.  I don’t watch the Super Bowl to be told we need to “have a conversation”.  Save the “conversations” for another day.  If that’s the future direction of the Super Bowl, then I’ll spend my time on something more worthwhile.  The left-wing ad execs have won.  They killed it.  The Super Bowl is now officially yet another propaganda outlet for left-wing psychology.  As if we needed another one." . . .

Barack Obama Marks Super Bowl Sunday By Posting Pics Of . . . Barack Obama…
Here is one of several:
Screen shot 2015-02-02 at 11.00.21 AM
George Will: A Season of Wretched Excess; Don’t let Deflate-gate keep you from enjoying the uniquely American experience that is the Super Bowl.   . . . "It consists of the days — this year, twelve of them — between the State of the Union address and the final merciful tick of the clock of the Super Bowl.
"The State of the Union has become, under presidents of both parties, a political pep rally degrading to everyone. ". . 

Was The Nationwide Commercial The Worst Super Bowl Ad Ever? [VIDEO]  . . . "Calling the ad a downer is an understatement. But it did leave an impression on the tens of millions of viewers who saw it. Unfortunately for Nationwide, that impression was incredibly negative." . . .

The Super Bowl That Took Everyone’s Breath Away 

In Defense of Darrell Bevell  . . . "Keep in mind, Bevell has limited resources. None of Seattle’s wide receivers can consistently separate from man coverage, and their quarterback, great as he is on extended plays, can’t make many throws from the pocket. That makes things tough on an offensive coordinator.
John Biever/SI/The MMQB

George Will: The harm incurred by a mushrooming welfare state

"America’s national character will have to be changed if progressives are going to implement their agenda. So, changing social norms is the progressive agenda. To understand how far this has advanced, and how difficult it will be to reverse the inculcation of dependency, consider the data Nicholas Eberstadt deploys in National Affairs quarterly:

"America’s welfare state transfers more than 14 percent of gross domestic product to recipients, with more than a third of Americans taking “need-based” payments. In our wealthy society, the government officially treats an unprecedented portion of the population as “needy.' ” . . .

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Story that Boehner blindsided Obama on Netanyahu invitation was manufactured agitprop


Ed Lasky "A correction appearing in the New York Times quietly unravels what has become a major story as phony agitprop, intended to discredit the leaders of Israel and the House of Representatives.  Of course, the story is still believed by many, and has well served those in the White House and media who created and disseminated it.Omri Ceren spotted the correction and explained on Twitter:
 NYT tries to promote anti-Netanyahu talking point that #Israel blindsided Obama. They got just 1 tiny detail wrong:
Correction: January 30, 2015 
An earlier version of this article misstated when Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel accepted Speaker John A. Boehner’s invitation to address Congress. He accepted after the administration had been informed of the invitation, not before.
"In 2011, Boehner sent a notice to the WH stating his intention to invite Netanyahu to speak before a joint session of Congress. The White House never responded (spite? incompetence?) and Boehner proceeded to extend the invitation to Netanyahu. Netanyahu accepted the invitation and spoke. The White House did not express any outrage in 2011. That was before the 2012 reelection, of course, so Obama did not want to run the risk of losing any support." . . .
Full article..

Your Dog Loves You, It Really Does

Digg  I'm sure most cats would do this for you as well.

Can Israel Survive? Traditional pillars of the tiny democracy’s security have begun to erode.

The main pillar is not mentioned in this excellent column:  the God of Israel and of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; Our Creator and the One who promised the return of Israel to this land that He gave them thousands of years ago. One of many such promises God made to Israel is in Ezekiel 28:25-26. The Tunnel Dweller

Victor Davis Hanson
via NRO

"Israel is the only liberal democracy in the Middle East and North Africa. Eight million Israelis are surrounded by some 400 million Muslims in more than 20 states. Almost all of Israel’s neighbors are anti-Israeli dictatorships, monarchies, or theocracies — a number of them reduced to a state of terrorist chaos.
"Given the rise of radical Islam, the huge petrodollar wealth of the Middle East, and lopsided demography, how has Israel so far survived?
"The Jewish state has always depended on three unspoken assumptions for its tenuous existence.   Full article here.
. . . 
"Third, Israel counted on Western moral support from America and Europe, as well as military support from the United States.
. . .
"Until there is a change of popular attitudes in Europe or a different president in the United States, Israel is on its own to deal with an Iran that has already hinted it would use a nuclear weapon to eliminate the “Zionist entity,” with the radical Islamic madness raging on its borders, and with the global harassment of Jews.
"A tiny democratic beacon in the Middle East should inspire and rally Westerners. Instead, too often, Western nations shrug and assume that Israel is a headache — given that there is more oil and more terrorism on the other side."

 Ezekiel 37:1-14: The Valley of Dry Bones prophesies the return of Israel to their land after it was long thought dead; never to leave their land again

And I will plant them upon their land, and they shall no more be pulled up out of their land which I have given them, saith the LORD thy God. Amos 9:15; Old Testament
Ezekiel 37:1-14: The Valley of Dry Bones

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Good grief, where is the fire in this president's belly?

"Comment from Eleanor in Hell": 01/31/2015 at 10:45 am
His favorite vowel is “I”
…to the point of wearing it out.

President Gumball . . . "Obama should make every American with a modicum of decency feel ashamed and sickened as he continues his coarse and boorish behavior. We used to be known as the Ugly American, a term used to refer to perceptions of arrogant behavior by Americans abroad, but Barack Hussein Obama truly epitomizes such genuine arrogance.
. . . 
"Ergo, Americans find themselves in a weakened position. Military morale is low and the middle class scrambles to keep up with the ever expanding executive decisions that curtail economic and political freedoms.

"So while Rome -- I mean Iraq, Afghanistan, France, Nigeria and Yemen burn, our gum-chewing president keeps displaying the new America.

"Ugly American, indeed!"

Taxpayer funded grovel to Muslims

The shame Obama must feel because of his nation. TThe man is embarrassed to stand tall as our world leader.

How to Bow in Japan  . . . "Bowing seems simple, but there are some different ways. It depends on the social status or age of the person you bow to. If the person is higher status or older than you are, it's common to bow deeper and longer, showing respect." 
Or if your nation is inferior to the other.

"Compilation of Emperor Akihito shaking hands with other foreign (and domestic) leaders, juxtaposed to Obama shaking hands with Emperor Akihito. Does anyone notice the difference? (Hint: Look at the angle created between Obama's Legs and torso)"

Ben Shapiro: The First Amendment Is Dead

"The first amendment is dead; long live the reign of sensitivity. Ben Shapiro explores how Americans have forfeited their fundamental rights in the name of political correctness. See the video and transcript below."

Watching America: Freedom of Expression: France vs. America . . . "Being a good sport, the law professor recognizes that the U.S. government is driven by the same motivation as France. He mentions that the Obama administration has considered installing a new blasphemy standard “to avoid a return to the old patterns of division.” When she was secretary of state, Hillary Clinton even hosted delegations to try to move this agenda forward. In France, such a backward step wouldn’t occur to any reputed decision maker. And it is Obama who declared, before the United Nations assembly, that “the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.” What Turley omits is that many American newspapers, starting with The New York Times, published neither the cartoons nor the cover of the latest Charlie Hebdo. Even in the land of the First Amendment, freedom of expression is threatened, above all, by ... Americans.

Here’s why Trey Gowdy’s had it with Benghazi committee Dems

BizPac Review
Trey Gowdy, Elijah Cummings
Trey Gowdy, Elijah Cummings

. . . "And a potential clash between Gowdy and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is waiting in the wings.

"The Democratic members, headed by Maryland’s Elijah Cummings, seek veto power over the committee’s subpoenas and object to Gowdy’s examination of witnesses by only the GOP members.

"The Democrats would rather debate the matter than hear what the witnesses have to say.
Gowdy, a former South Carolina prosecutor, knows that giving Democrats veto power over issuing subpoenas would mean no witnesses would be called at all.

“ 'I am unwilling to let the minority party veto subpoenas when it is clear they have prejudged the outcome of the investigation,” Gowdy said, according to the Washington Examiner.

“ 'The minority has repeatedly indicated it is unwilling to issue any subpoenas. If subpoenas are necessary for the committee to talk to relevant witnesses or access relevant documents, they will be issued.”

"Gowdy is having none of it." . . .

Saturday Smile: Polish Soldier Names His New Son After U.S. Soldier Who Gave His Life To Save Him In Afghanistan

Weasel Zippers

"On August 28, 2013, U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Michael H. Ollis, 24, during a Taliban attack on a NATO base in Ghazni, eastern Afghanistan. Taliban insurgents blasted their way into the compound. As one detonated his suicide vest, Sergeant Ollis stepped in front of Polish officer, Lt. Karol Cierpica, saving his life and shielding him from the blast.
"Lt. Cierpica became a father earlier this month of a baby boy that he named “Michal”(Polish for ‘Michael’) in honor of his protector, Sgt. Ollis.
"Robert Ollis, the father of Sgt. Ollis, said he and his wife Linda were ‘delighted with the news’. According to Staten Island Live,
Robert Ollis and his wife, Linda, called the tribute to their son “unexpected” and “wonderful.” ...
More here.