Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Is Obama plotting yet again to harm embattled Israel?

Victor Sharpe    " . . .“Israel’s top political leaders and military commanders were stunned and shocked last weekend when they found out that US President Barack Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin have agreed to support the return of the Golan to Syria.”
If this is true, Barack Hussein Obama is plotting yet again a way to torment the Jewish state with yet another vile edict, one which clearly has nothing to do with enlightened statecraft but much more to do with evil witchcraft.
"The occupant in the Oval Office cannot salivate enough at the prospect of harming Israel’s security and survivability. No doubt he is fulfilling a malevolent pact he has made with a cabal of Islamists and extreme leftists; both of which ideologies have satanic hatred for Israel." 
. . . "Any thought of being brutally forced by Obama and Putin to abandon biblical Bashan (the Golan) with its immense strategic value to such Islamist foes as exist in Syria would be a betrayal of a loyal ally of the United States and of those first Jewish ancestors on the Golan who long ago "built sheepfolds for their cattle and cities for their little ones.' "

Peace and stability have prevailed along the Israeli-Syrian border since 1974  . . . "Strategic parity is created by the presence of the Israeli army only 60 km from Damascus, a constant deterrent to any Syrian aggression. The peace and serenity of the Israeli-Syrian border since 1974 testify to this." . . .

The left calls the Golan "occupied territory", but Israel has brought peace there. When held by Syria it was an ideal artillery post to kill Israelis and destroy their homes and they did often. 

Below is a view from an Israeli village of the heights Obama reportedly wants to give back to Syria.
Leak Source

When Big Bad Brother Becomes the ‘Heckler’

Jan LaRue  . . . "But where do we go for protection when government goes from protector to “heckler?”

"The powers that be are aligned against those who question official climate change orthodoxy.
"Speaking of hot house gases, watch Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.), who is Jewish, lecture a Catholic priest for “disagreeing” with the Pope’s tweets, which Boxer affirms as climate change catechism. This follows Boxer telling a philosopher that his opinion is a toxic emission since he’s not a “scientist” of the Pope’s caliber. Galileo, call your office.
"President Obama decreed in his State of the Union address last January that man-made climate change, not terrorism nor ISIS, is the biggest threat to the future of the planet.
"Who can forget the images of terrified Parisians, Californians, and Belgians fleeing the fury of displaced polar bears?" . . .

Liberal Grievance Mongers Demand Tech Firms Shun Republican Convention


"Liberal activist groups are flexing their muscles by demanding that big tech firms pull out of July’s Republican National Convention. The perpetually aggrieved whiners are denouncing the event as a forum for racism and hate speech and have undertaken a campaign to pressure companies including Microsoft and Google to stay the hell away from Cleveland if they know what’s good for them. It’s yet another effort by America’s rancid bund of political correctness Nazis to stomp their rainbow colored jackboots up and down on anything that offends their overly delicate sensibilities.

PolitiFact rates Bernie's voter turnout claims 'Mostly False'

Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel

Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and his wife Jane, gesture at supporters as they take a walk in New York's Times Square, Tuesday, April 19.
"It is one of Bernie Sanders' most repeated lines on the trail: "We win when voter turnout is high, we lose when it is low," he often says, particularly in the run-up to caucuses and primaries, such as the one in delegate-rich New York on Tuesday.

"But that claim is "Mostly False," according to a fact check and analysis by PolitiFact published Tuesday, finding that while the Vermont senator has won several states thanks to large turnout, his overall argument is "pretty thin.' " . . .

John Kasich goes full Democrat, tells Christians to ‘get over it’ on religious liberty

Joe Newby   "For the second time, the George Soros*-funded John Kasich told Christians to “get over it” on religious liberty laws and laws that require people to use the bathroom designated for the gender with which they were born.
“What I’d like to say is, just relax,” he said during an appearance at CNN. “If you don’t like what somebody’s doing, pray for them, and if you feel as though somebody is doing something wrong against you, can you just for a second get over it? You know?”
“ 'You know?”  Is that how our potential presidents respond to issues now?  . . . 
"It’s not the first time he’s told Christians concerned about religious freedom to take a hike.  And chances are it’s not going to be the last."

Riding the rails

This report on Breitbart also claims Kasich has Soros help. I can visualize Soros wanting to keep Kasich in the race if he sees Trump being the weakest candidate against Hillary.
" . . .In addition, Soros has been financially linked to the National Immigration Forum—the group behind the “Evangelical Immigration Table (EIT). As Breitbart reported in 2013, the Evangelical Immigration Table “is actually a front group for players on the institutional left including billionaire George Soros… EIT is running a $250,000 advertising campaign in favor of the Senate’s “Gang of Eight” immigration bill.' ” . . .
*Politifact claims, No, George Soros is not bankrolling John Kasich's campaign Contrary to what the above article states, Politifact says Kasich is not funded by George Soros.
Perhaps the rumor started from the following:
This quote is from FactCheck.org: Stanley Druckenmiller, a former hedge fund manager who was the chief strategist of Soros Fund Management from 1988 until 2000, has given $450,000 to the super PAC, including two $150,000 donations in February. The PAC has also received $200,000 from Scott Bessent, who was the chief investment officer of the same Soros company from 2011 until 2015, when he left to start his own hedge fund firm, in part, with a $2 billion investment from Soros. Combined, the two men account for 6.5 percent of the PAC’s funding.
Druckenmiller has long funded Republican candidates and committees while occasionally donating to Democrats, according to his contribution records. In 2015, he contributed to super PACs supporting New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, both of whom dropped out of the race for the Republican nomination. In February, Bloomberg reported that Druckenmiller confirmed that he would support Kasich, who he said “has been my favorite all along.”
Bessent, on the other hand, has more evenly divided his contributions between Republicans and Democrats, according to federal records. 

What has Soros funded? Here is one thing:
According to OpenSecrets.org, which tracks campaign contributions, Soros has given $7 million this cycle to Priorities USA Action, a super PAC that supports Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. He also gave $25,000 to the pro-ClintonReady PAC, and $1 million to American Bridge 21st Century, which funds opposition research against Republican candidates and causes.

Monday, April 18, 2016

And then, of course, there is Kasich

"The longer Kasich stays in the race, the greater likelihood of a Trump nomination."

What Does John Kasich Think He’s Doing?  . . . "To win on a subsequent ballot, when the nomination is up for grabs, Kasich would have to do something over the next two months that he seems constitutionally incapable of doing: show the slightest bit of selflessness and concern for the cause and the country and put those feelings ahead of his own narcissism, vanity, condescension, and sneering disdain for the party he seeks to lead." . . .
. . .
"Nor does Kasich split the anti-Trump vote passively. His campaign and associated Super PACs assist the real estate developer by spending time and money criticizing Cruz. Indeed it’s become hard to distinguish Trump attacks from Kasich attacks. One Kasich-aligned Super PAC called Cruz “Lyin’ Ted” — a Trump coinage. Another hit Cruz for his jab at “New York values.” Next they’ll be saying nasty things about Heidi." . . .

John Kasich Runs into the PC Police  "Last Friday, John Kasich stepped on a politically correct land mine when he advised a female college student to reduce the threat of sexual assault by avoiding parties “where there’s a lot of alcohol.” 

"At a town-hall meeting in Watertown, N.Y., a first-year student at a local college asked, “What are you going to do in office as president to help me feel safer and more secure regarding sexual violence, harassment, and rape?” Kasich didn’t reply that her concerns might be best handled at a level of government short of the Oval Office. Instead, he detailed how as governor he had helped make Ohio campuses safer by supporting confidential reporting of crimes and programs to support victims. But then he added: “I’ll also give you one bit of advice: Don’t go to parties where there’s a lot of alcohol, okay? Don’t do that.” The audience applauded. But  . . ."

The entertainment industry stands up for men in your daughter's restroom

Can this administration penalize us homeowners for having locks on our bathroom doors? Are locks bigoted?  TD

"Vaudeville isn't dead - it just went to the bathroom."
obama, obama jokes, political, humor, cartoon, conservative, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, cirque du soleil, north carolina

. . . Helmberger said people like Springsteen should worry more about people in the restrooms to which the transgendered community wants admittance.
“It goes to something that is a fundamental, basic right and expectation, the right and expectation of privacy,” Helmberger said, “in intimate facilities like restrooms and locker rooms especially when you are talking about men invading the privacy of women and young girls.”. . .

. . . "Springsteen was referring to a bill backed by Republicans in the Michigan legislature that would prohibit schools from allowing children to share a bathroom or locker room with their classmates of the opposite sex.
“ 'Under the bill proposal, students who do not identify with their birth gender would be accommodated if the student has written consent from a parent or guardian,” Michigan State senator Tom Casperson wrote. “The proposed legislation would not permit these students to use restrooms or locker rooms of the opposite sex if those facilities are in use or could be in use. Instead, the student would be able to use a single-occupancy restroom, staff facility or some other reasonable accommodation.”
"The bill’s backers are responding to the Michigan state Department of Education’s, “Safe and Supportive Learning Environments for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning (LGBTQ) Students,” guidelines which Casperson says would create “numerous problems, from the elimination of parental authority and notification to threatening student safety and beyond.”  . . .

HERE ARE SOME UPCOMING STATES BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN WILL BOYCOTT   "Talented apolitical musician Bruce Springsteen, who in no way peaked 40 years ago, made headlines by announcing that he would boycott North Carolina because it won't let men use the Ladies Room. But here is a special exciting sneak preview of upcoming dates and states that Springsteen will also be boycotting.
  • "May 2016 - Bruce Springsteen announces a boycott of Wyoming for not offering gluten-free bread
  • "June 2016 - Springsteen boycotts the entire state of New Mexico for cultural appropriation
  • "July 2016 - A Springsteen boycott of Texas for not switching to electric cars goes mostly unnoticed outside Austin
  • "August 2016 - It's not clear why Bruce Springsteen is boycotting Idaho. His attempts to clarify with indistinguishable mumbling don't actually clarify anything leading to suspicions that he just wasn't invited.
  • "September 2016 - Springsteen's boycott of Alaska for having snow the "color of white supremacy" tests the allegiance of even his devoted Alaskan fans. All eight of them.
  • "November 2016 - Bruce Springsteen cancels an upcoming tour of Alabama because "he heard bad things about that place".
  • "December 2016 - Bruce Springsteen announces that the tour of China will go on as planned culminating in a spectacular performance for Communist Party leaders in Tiananmen Square."
Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is a New York writer focusing on radical Islam.
Does Mr. Greenfield's above article need explaining to anybody out there?

Full Transcript of Today’s Supreme Court Oral Arguments – Obama’s Executive Amnesty “DAPA”…

The Last Refuge
D.A.P.A or Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents program – is the executive action Obama attempted in November of 2014 which was shut down by Federal Judge Andrew Hanen in February ’15 with the issuance of an emergency injunction.
  • The DOJ appealed the Hanen injunction, on merit, to the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals and lost.
  • The DOJ then appealed the Hanen injunction, on standing, to the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals, and lost again. (Full Backstory<– Absolutely critical read to understand the scope of what was argued today – includes prior court rulings.

All that remained of Jihadi John was 'a greasy spot on the ground' after he was killed in a drone strike, U.S. Colonel says

UK Daily Mail   Such a terrible loss for humanity

Col Warren said that Jihadi John was a 'nobody' in terms of rank within IS, but he became a 'terrorist celebrity'

"Jihadi John was killed in a drone strike so powerful that it left his remains like a 'greasy spot on the ground', according to US Colonel Steve Warren.

"Col Warren is the first military or intelligence chief to reveal details about the death last November of the Londoner, whom he described as a 'terrorist celebrity'.

"The executioner became one of the world's most wanted men after beheading Western hostages including Britons Alan Henning, 47, and David Haines, 44.

"He was killed near the famous clock tower in the main square of Raqqa, the city that has become the de facto capital of IS in Syria." . . .
. . . 

"The death of the terrorist was steeped in irony, given that it came in the same place where the group publicly beheaded its victims and crucified their remains.

"Col Warren said Jihadi John – real name Mohammed Emwazi – was killed close to midnight on a night in November. 

"He had been walking along the square in Raqqa while talking on a mobile phone, but as he moved towards a parked car, he was hit by a drone missile.

"Col Warren said: 'I watched the video when we killed Jihadi John. 

"'We found him when he was alone on the street, when he was talking on the cell phone. And when it was all over, he was a greasy spot on the ground.'

"Asked why it had taken so long to kill the 27-year-old, Col Warren added: 'We have to positively identify the location of these guys, so we want to make sure that we can take the strike with the minimal amount of civilian casualties. This has been the most precise air campaign in the history of warfare.' " . . .

Hillary Clinton Tells Black Radio Host That She Carries Hot Sauce In Her Purse

First, recall in his 1996 Essay;Blizzard of Lies, the late William Safire said of Hillary Clinton:
"Americans of all political persuasions are coming to the sad realization that our First Lady -- a woman of undoubted talents who was a role model for many in her generation -- is a congenital liar."
and:  . . . "She had good reasons to lie; she is in the longtime habit of lying; and she has never been called to account for lying herself or in suborning lying in her aides and friends."
Then there is what is called a pathological liar:
A pathological liar lies compulsively and impulsively, almost without thinking about [the] consequences of [her] actions. [She] lies regularly on a spontaneous basis even if [she] gains no benefit from it, or even if [she] traps [her]self into it. A pathological Liar cannot control [her impulse to lie and it is usually a self defeating trait. (Edits mine, TD)

Now after defining our terms and providing context, let's go to this story on Hillary:

Weasel Zippers

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"Trying to go as much Rachel Dolezal as she can. What other stereotypes can she hit?
Hillary Clinton told a black radio host that she always carries hot sauce with her.
During an interview with “The Breakfast Club” Monday morning, Angela Yee asked the Democratic candidate what she always has in her purse.
“Hot sauce,” Clinton answered. “Yeah.”
“Now listen, I want you to know that people are going to see this and say, ‘She’s pandering to black people,’” Charlamagne Tha God told Clinton.
“Okay,” Clinton said. “Is it working? No, but seriously. I’ve been eating a lot of hot sauce. Raw peppers and hot sauce. I think it keeps my immune system strong. Hot sauce is good for you.”
In Beyonce’s song “Formation” that she performed at the Super Bowl, she sings, “I got hot sauce in my bag, swag.”

A serious, thoughtful look at the Sanders-Clinton debate

"This week’s “Saturday Night Live” was hosted by “Seinfeld” star Julia Louis-Dreyfus.   . . . 
"Larry David, a “Seinfeld” producer, played [Sanders], while Kate McKinnon* played Hillary Clinton, and the two debated some before taking questions from the audience.
"One of the audience members was Louis-Dreyfus playing her “Seinfeld” character Elaine Benes.
"David as Sanders evaded the question asking how he would break up big banks by saying, “Once I’m elected president, I’ll have a nice scvhitz in the White House gym, I’ll sit them down and yadda yadda yadda, they’ll be broken up.”
“ 'Elaine” then asked “Sanders” if he thought the super rich should pay more in taxes, even those who were actors on very successful sitcoms." . . .

What if Mr. Trump misunderstands an agreement with another nation?

If a President Trump cannot master the complexities of a state's voting rules, how can we be sure he might not improperly grasp an issue essential to America's relations with other countries? 
If President Trump sends troops into combat, will we be confident of there being sound reasoning behind it?  The Tunnel Dweller.

Trump May Soon Discover Independent Campaign Is His Only Option Left  "What’s up with all of this after-the-fact complaining we’ve heard from Donald Trump in the wake of his recent losses to Senator Cruz? Yesterday, Mr. Cruz romped in Wyoming. Mr. Trump charged that the Texan had bought the delegates. A week earlier after Mr. Cruz swept Colorado, a Trump lieutenant accused the Cruz campaign of “Gestapo tactics.' ”

Trumpageddon  "What’s up with all of this after-the-fact complaining we’ve heard from Donald Trump in the wake of his recent losses to Senator Cruz? Yesterday, Mr. Cruz romped in Wyoming. Mr. Trump charged that the Texan had bought the delegates. A week earlier after Mr. Cruz swept Colorado, a Trump lieutenant accused the Cruz campaign of “Gestapo tactics.' ” . . .

"Donald Trump’s poll numbers went up after he complained how Colorado was unfairly stolen from him by the GOP. That’s a salesman. Who else can borrow a million dollars from dad, become a billionaire, marry three models and complain that life is unfair, and have the public agree with him."  Comedian Argus Hamilton