Thursday, October 26, 2017

These are the people running this nation

Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy

Political Cartoons by Chip Bok

Why Trump Is Right about North Korea

The National Interest

"In terms of defending the homeland from Kim Jong-un, President Trump’s risk calculus is spot-on."
"The portrayals of both North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and U.S. president Donald Trump as bombastic egoists reacting emotionally seem to have become hackneyed as tensions continue to rise on the Korean Peninsula. But reducingthe sophomoric rhetoric between the two men to mere chauvinistic posturing fails to reveal the genius underlying the Trump administration’s pressure campaign.
"President Trump’s tweets, while drawing the ire of both sides of the aisle, shatter the North Korean image of Kim Jong-un and force him to react from a position of weakness on terms dictated by the United States. To understand why Trump’s rhetoric is so effective, one must consider the president’s target audience.
"Kim Jong-un spent his early life in Switzerland, and was thrust into the spotlight prematurely due both to his father’s death and to the various inadequacies and indiscretions rendering his two elder brothers unfit to lead. To compensate for the twentysomething’s inexperience and lack of notoriety, North Korean officials began a relentless campaign to create the supreme myth of their new supreme leader. In an effort to reverse the growing resentment towards senior leaders brought on by his father’s reclusiveness and the memory of the terrible famine of the 1990s, through which the current generation came of age, Kim Jong-un was modeled as the reincarnation of his grandfather, Kim Il-sung.
"Prior to taking power, the younger Kim attended the Kim Il-sung Military Academy to establish his military bona fides before being commissioned a four-star general  . . ."  Michael McLaughlin

Donald Trump Jr. Suggests The DOJ Is Vindictively Going After Hillary Clinton

Interesting conversations to come around the Trump Thanksgiving table.


"President Donald Trump‘s older son today sent a tweet suggesting that the Department of Justice was being used to go after his father’s one-time political rival Hillary Clinton.
"While linking to a Fox News story titled, “DOJ lists gag order, allows FBI informant to testify on Russian Uranium Deal in front of Congress,” Donald Trump Jr. added his own brief bit of commentary. He simply wrote:
Happy birthday Hillary. 🎂
"The story Trump Jr. linked to concerns the broader scandal currently engulfing the Clintons, their foundation, and key figures in the Barack Obama administration after recent revelations that Obama’s Department of Justice and FBI kept mum for years as Russian criminals routed millions to the Clinton Foundation while seeking and receiving a favorable decision for Moscow on an energy project.
"The scandal has created an appearance of impropriety for the Obama-era officials involved.
"David Klion, a former editor for Al Jazeera America, perhaps summed up the mood of liberal Americans likely to be frustrated by Trump Junior’s mean-spirited tweet." . . .
The apple didn't fall too far from the tree I guess

Is a media reckoning looming for Hillary?

Thomas Lifson  

"Conservatives who despise the MSM often forget that journalists are human beings, too, and one thing that journalists hate is being played for patsies. People go into journalism in part to demonstrate their penetrating acumen, able to explain to others what really is happening. Being played in public threatens their self-concept.

"The mainstream media may be populated by progressives, but there are residual pockets of professional integrity left.  There are signs that blinders may be slipping from the eyes of some at the pinnacle of MSM prestige, now that they know that they have been manipulated and deceived.
"For example, Callum Borchers, a reporter not an opinion journalist for the Washington Post, called out the Hillary campaign for double dealing after Buzzfeed first published the Steele Dossier that we now know Hillary’s people paid for." . . .

Tell me again, why does Hollywood pat itself on the back?

Hollywood's image of itself as morally enlightened has been destroyed
. . . "The popularity of Communism in Hollywood, and Jane Fonda’s visit to Hanoi during the Vietnam War, didn’t much alter Hollywood’s view of itself either. If you asked movie people to describe their politics, they’d say it boils down to supporting the underdog, and maybe opposing war. Who was a bigger underdog than the ragtag North Vietnamese forces against a massive industrialized army? Jane Fonda won an Oscar before she went to Hanoi to cheer for our enemy, and she won another one just seven years later. As for the Reds and fellow travelers who attained many positions of power and influence in the movie business, to Hollywood the only real scandal there was the McCarthyite reaction that sidelined some highly talented people. The blacklisted Hollywood Ten became underdogs, victims of oppression and hence icons within the business. At no point did Hollywood as a whole question its own patriotism." . . . 
Full article at National Review

Political Cartoons by Tom Stiglich

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Congress Probes Whether Obama DOJ Used The ‘Trump Dossier’ Before Surveillance Court

Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

Daily Caller   "Both the House and the Senate are investigating whether the former President Barack Obama’s administration used intelligence in a salacious “Trump Dossier” as “evidence” before a secret federal surveillance court to obtain permission to spy on Donald Trump campaign aides and later his transition team.

"Leaders in Congress are trying to find out if the Obama Justice Department and the FBI introduced the totally unsubstantiated material alleging unsavory connections between Trump and Russia before the Federal Intelligence Surveillance Court, congressional aides told The Daily Caller News Foundation.

"The FBI used the dossier to secure permission to monitor the communications of Trump associate Carter Page, based on U.S. officials briefed on the Russia investigation, CNN reported in April." . . .

Democrats’ Russia Narrative Spiraling Out Of Control 
. . . "To date, the public still has seen no evidence that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia, even though prominent Democrats have used the unproven accusations to attack Trump and call for his impeachment. Democrats may now have to answer their uncomfortable questions of their own about Russian influence operations." . . .

Former NPR CEO: I Changed My Mind About Supporting Gun Control After Writing Book on Conservative America

Free Beacon
. . . "the media should acknowledge its own failings in reflecting only their part of America. You can’t cover America from the Acela corridor, and the media need to get out and be part of the conversations that take place in churches and community centers and town halls.' "

"The former CEO of National Public Radio came back from a reporting trip on conservative America having changed his mind about the efficacy of gun control measures, he said on Tuesday.
"Ken Stern appeared on "Morning Joe" to discuss his new book, Republican Like Me: How I Left the Liberal Bubble and Learned to Love the Right. Stern, a Democrat, wrote he realized he was cordoned off in a liberal bubble and set off into conservative enclaves of America to expose himself to new ideas.
"Co-host Willie Geist asked him if he altered his views on any key issues as a result of the book. Stern said he had changed them on guns, and it began with a notion he hadn't thought of before: that gun homicides have declined significantly over the past 25 years.
" 'The most extraordinary trend in modern American criminal history," Stern said. "At the same time, the number of guns have gone up. Those two things aren't correlated, but it's clear we know how to drive down gun murders without gun control, and the question is why are we talking about gun control when there's other things that we've been doing for 25 years that actually have reduced murders in this country by an extraordinary amount.' " . . .

Discussions on the Trump Dossier

A YEAR of Clinton lies about the 'golden showers' dossier exposed as Hillary's lawyer is under fire for falsely denying paying for it

Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel
There's a theme here.

"A Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer who launched what would become known as the anti-Trump 'dirty dossier' denied involvement in the project for a year as reporters pressed him for information.
"Marc Elias brokered a deal between the Clinton camp, the Democratic National Committee and opposition research firm Fusion GPS to dig up dirt on the president while he was running for office.
"But a pair of New York Times reporters said Tuesday night on Twitter that Elias and others involved had lied about their ties to the arrangement.
'Folks involved in funding this lied about it, and with sanctimony, for a year,' Times reporter Maggie Haberman tweeted after The Washington Post linked the dossier to Elias and his law firm Perkins Coie.
"Kennth Vogel, another Times journalist, tweeted: 'When I tried to report this story, Clinton campaign lawyer @marceelias pushed back vigorously, saying "You (or your sources) are wrong".' " . . .

Clinton 'may have known' about funding the Steele dossier says her former spokesman

More at Legal Insurrection  . . . "This document, it is now being reported, was funded by the Clinton campaign and by the DNC, then led by disgraced former DNC chair Debbie Wassermann-Schultz."

COLLUSION, CLINTON STYLE  . . . "the Trump Dossier is the Rosetta Stone of the campaign collusion hysteria. This is real news, but it seems to me to reflect the world of fake news we have been living in since election day."

Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson

THE FUSION CONTUSION  . . . " Fox News reporter Catherine Herridge asked Senator Tom Cotton about the Trump Dossier yesterday at a Hudson Institute Forum. Senator Cotton is a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee. In his response he briefly recounted public events and drew inferences . . . . Chuck Ross posted the video excerpt and wrote up the exchange for the Daily Caller here.

"Folks involved in funding this lied about it, and with sanctimony, for a year"  . . . "Right now, the MSM is ignoring the story as much as possible, but the cofferdam has too many leaks.  The presence of aggrieved, name-brand reporters at the NYT and WaPo is important, because their work cannot be dismissed as Fox News or Breitbart. The two papers operate as pilot fish for the rest of the media.
"But even more importantly, there will be subpoenas, hearings, and eventually testimony.
"Real events will happen.
"And we have a President of the United States who will keep talking and tweeting about it.
"Senator Grassley is calling for a special counsel on Uranium One.
"Best of all, the storyline is clear. The Clintons took in $140 million and national security was jeopardized. And she’s been lying to us to our faces."

Political Cartoons by Mike Lester

Carson: Critics of Trump's call to Army widow are 'just looking for something to complain about' (Updated)

"When we're always looking to be critical of everything, how could we ever be in a condition to protect ourselves in an increasingly dangerous world," the former pediatric neurosurgeon said, citing North Korea's potential acquisition of nuclear weapons."
Political Cartoons by Tom Stiglich
The Hill via MSN  "Housing Secretary Ben Carson on Wednesday defended President Trump's controversial call to the widow of fallen U.S. soldier, saying the president's critics are "just looking for something to complain about." 

"Carson said Trump meant to comfort Myeshia Johnson, widow of slain Army Sgt. La David Johnson, and that Trump would have been criticized no matter what he said during the call.

" 'No matter what he says or does, they criticize him," Carson said, when asked at an interview with The Hill about how fairly Trump had been treated by the media.
" 'You wouldn't call someone to insult them. You call someone to try to comfort them."Carson suggested that Trump would have been called a "racist" if he called Johnson's death in Niger a "dark day" because the slain soldier is black." . . .

Political Cartoons by Henry Payne
“The level of hatred on the left has left them somewhat deranged and unable to show any decency in situations like this… Look the American political system allows a wide range of people to win elections. That doesn’t mean they’re wise. It doesn’t mean they’re knowledgeable. It doesn’t mean they have any sense of decency. It means they won an election. I think what you saw in a very simple contrast a man who has served his country for over 40 years, risked his life, lost his son, dedicated himself to honoring America and frankly a politician who doesn’t know anything, has no shame, has no sense of understanding and can’t figure out the time has come to keep her mouth shut.”
Democrat Rock Star - A.F. Branco cartoon

'Protester' Who Threw Russian Flags at Trump Is Longtime Dem Political Operative Ryan Clayton

PJ Media

Ryan Clayton from Americans Take Action, a group that wants President Donald Trump impeached, is detained by security officers after throwing Russian flags with the word "Trump" printed on them toward Trump as arrived at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, Tuesday, Oct. 24, 2017,
Ryan Clayton from Americans Take Action, is detained by security officers after throwing Russian flags with the word "Trump" printed on them toward Trump as arrived at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, Tuesday, Oct. 24, 2017, for a lunch with Republican senators.

. . . Clayton, who was arrested at the scene, is a member of the Robert Creamer group"Americans Take Action," according to Project Veritas' James O'Keefe.
"Tuesday's incident wasn't the first time Clayton had used tiny Russian flags as a political prop. Last February, the operative handed out the flags to conservatives attending CPAC in an effort to manufacture an unflattering photo op."
. . . 
"After the election, O'Keefe's citizen journalism group Project Veritas conducted an investigation into some of the groups planning on disrupting the Trump inauguration.  One of the stings went awry when members of the progressive group "Undercurrent" grew suspicious and turned on the young, female Project Veritas journalist midway through the investigation.
"Clayton and another operative, Lauren Windsor, harassed and intimidated the young woman as she desperately hailed a taxi, tormenting her with obscene taunts for what probably felt like an eternity. As she entered the taxi, both Windsor and Clayton sent Project Veritas Bob Creamer's regards. "You've been creamed!" they shrieked."

Project Veritas Journalist Terrorized by Left-Wing Operatives   . . . "After following the young woman into a taxi and tormenting her with obscene taunts for what probably felt like an eternity, both Windsor and Clayton sent Project Veritas Bob Creamer's regards. "You've been creamed!" they shrieked.
"Robert Creamer is the longtime Alinskyite community organizer, convicted felon, and frequent Obama White House visitor, whose nefarious campaign schemesProject Veritas exposed before the 2016 election."

. . . " 'Clayton was ejected from the restaurant, and the police were called," O'Keefe said. "I confronted him outside as he was surrounded by NYPD about the ridiculous and libelous allegations," he continued, referring to Clayton's crazed taunts accusing him of being a molester.
" 'Violence, agitation, aggression -- these people are unhinged and dangerous," O'Keefe said.
"The next day Clayton posted pictures online of himself in a neck brace -- as if he had been assaulted by someone from Project Veritas." . . .

It’s time for a special counsel on Hillary Clinton’s Russia scandal. (Uranium One or the Trump dossier?)

The Hill  "When the story broke in April 2015 that the Obama administration, with the help of Hillary Clinton’s State Department, paved the way for Russia to gain control of 20 percent of America’s uranium, it sent shock waves through the halls of power in Washington. It caused red flags to go up and raised scores of questions with enormous implications.

"Many people wondered why the United States would give Russia and Vladimir Putin a sweetheart deal like this. In the context of the 2016 presidential campaign, the central questions were about the money flowing to the Clinton Foundation, accusations of pay for play with financial benefits for the Clintons winning out over national security concerns, and why the Obama Justice Department seemed to do nothing about it.
"There was more than enough smoke for the FBI to investigate official government favors in exchange for big donations to the Clinton Foundation, but agents ran into a hyper-politicized Attorney General in Loretta Lynch, whose public integrity section said it “did not have enough evidence to move forward,” according to to Washington Post in October 2016.

"Last week, blockbuster allegations surfaced in The Hill shedding light on what was happening inside the Obama administration and FBI while Russia was seeking control of massive amounts of our uranium supply. It turns out that the Obama administration inexplicably approved the uranium deal with Russia even though the FBI was investigating a massive corruption scheme that included bribery, extortion and other felonies involving Russia’s nuclear energy industry in the United States." . . .

Debunked? Hillary Clinton tries to laugh off questions about Uranium One  "Putting on her "congenital liar" hat, to use the late William Safire's memorable phrase, Hillary Clinton sought to dismiss the new revelations from The Hill last Tuesday which showed evidence of bribery, collusion and profiteering in her approval of a deal that enabled Russia to claim 20% of America's uranium supply. RealClearPolitics cut through the babbly interview with C-SPAN to provide the money quote as well as the video:" . . .

DNC head runs for the hills on Trump Russia dossier  . . . "Both the Clinton and Obama wings of the Democrat establishment are implicated, and so are the henchmen who got the Special Counsel investigation of Trump going." . . .

With DNC's Trump dossier payoffs, what foul people the Dems have crawled into bed with . . . "It's almost a political repeat of the Harvey Weinstein scandal in that it leaves the Democrats so discredited. They crawled in bed with the gamiest political actors on earth and effectively contracted wth the Russians. Now they want to tell us how to run our lives."

Red Handed – A.F. Branco Cartoon:

Red Handed - A.F. Branco Cartoon
Tony Branco

Conservative Professor Banned By University From Speaking. Here's His Terrific Rebuttal.

Daily Wire

"If you were smart, you would lift the ban on me speaking at UM. Then, you could hire me as your new Dean of Journalism."


. . . "The decision was made by the Dean of Journalism Larry Abramson, who took the position after a career with NPR. Abramson sent a letter to the funder of the event explaining why Adams was barred:
If you jump in at 3:30 on the link at the bottom, you can hear (Dr. Adams) talking about his opposition to tolerance of transgender accommodations. He appears to be siding with Christians in the “culture war.” In this one he talks about his efforts to make sure that abortion providers give time to Christian speakers, in the interest of freedom of speech.
. . .
"In response, Adams provides a list of eight problems with the dean's claims, including what constitutes "extreme" views on transgenderism, the "unbridled religious bigotry" of Abramson's perspective on Christianity, academia's attempts to use public funds for abortions, the relevance of cultural Marxism, and the absurd fear of offending students. Here's all eight:" . . . [excerpts listed only]
. . . 
Right wing sites. The Dean claims that I “speak” exclusively on right wing sites. That is false. I have been on MSNBC, Air America, and numerous other left wing stations and sites. I have also appeared on NPR where Abramson worked for nearly thirty years. Most importantly, I have spoken at 93 different universities, the overwhelming majority of which have been dominated by left-wing academics such as Dean Abramson. In short, I have stepped out of my comfort zone and demonstrated the kind of intellectual courage the Dean lacks.
. . .

Not offending students. Finally, the Dean of Journalism states that he cannot allow for the mere risk that his students will be offended. Thus, the Dean is engaging in prior restraint of all speech that could potentially offend someone. Let that sink in as you continue to ponder this man’s competence to serve as Dean of Anything much less the Dean of Journalism.
. . . 
"Citing a quote from Abramson about supposedly defending "tolerance" in his school, Adams smacks him for the inherent illogic of his argument. "Try to make sense of the logic of this Dean telling me I am not going to be tolerated or welcomed at the J-school because I am not as tolerant and welcoming as they are at the J-school," he writes."