Ex-trans man now identifies as 'agender ALIEN'...
John Wayne, Frank Capra, and C.S. Lewis—Haters All! . . . "Here’s what Hudson said about the Duke: “John Wayne was then the Hollywood legend, and I was on screen with him. The guy is an angel. He saved my life back then when no other filmmaker wanted to know me.” And Wayne, an avid chess player who would bring a board to the set for play between takes, said of Hudson: “Who the hell cares if he’s queer? The man plays great chess.' ” . . .
North Carolina Democrats want to change school grading scale so 40 percent is passing . . . "Yes, all of the bill’s sponsors are Democrats. I checked for you." . . .
. . . "The Democrats’ solution? Change the definition of success so students who are learning less are labeled as learning more. Dumb it down, if you will."...(Herman Cain)
From the Babylon Bee: Western Civilization Calls It Quits After Historic Run
"A 33-year-old, who was born as a woman before transitioning into a man, ha
s revealed that they think they belong to any gender, and is an alien.

"Jareth Nebula, from Edmonds, Washington, transitioned from female to male and changed their name at the age of 29.
"The barber's shop receptionist, who also works as a model, has even gone as far as having their nipples removed in order to 'feel less human'. " . . . (Emphases mine, TD) Did you notice the plural pronouns? You must refer to this person with the proper pronoun or face condemnation from this society. What kind of oppression is this?
North Carolina Democrats want to change school grading scale so 40 percent is passing . . . "Yes, all of the bill’s sponsors are Democrats. I checked for you." . . .
. . . "The Democrats’ solution? Change the definition of success so students who are learning less are labeled as learning more. Dumb it down, if you will."...(Herman Cain)
From the Babylon Bee: Western Civilization Calls It Quits After Historic Run
Perhaps not as labeled, but it does illustrate the state of mind of many.TD
Socialism destroys prom: School officials ban kids from riding in limos because everyone can’t afford it "Socialism invariably destroys everything it touches, including even proms.
"Back in the day, some kids used to enjoy saving up enough money through the semester so they could rent a lavish limo for their year-end senior prom. But thanks to the socialist mindset of one New Jersey school’s officials, this tradition is no more." . . .
UMich prof adds one more anti-male complaint to already long list . . . "According to The South End, a Wayne State student newspaper, the university held a “Black Girls Code” event designed for young women in the summer of 2018. The program “introduces computer coding lessons to young girls from underrepresented communities (and is) devoted to showing the world that black girls can code and do so much more.' ”
And the hate crime hoaxes just keep on coming "First, the situation and the article, from Breitbart.com: Prosecutors Charge LGBT Activist with Burning Down Own Home with Pets Inside. . .
Michigan prosecutors say Nikki Joly, a longtime LGBT activist, set fire to her home and killed her pets due to resentment from subsiding controversy over the enactment of nondiscrimination legislation he advocated for.
. . . "Being a victim in 2019 carries with it not only a sense of martyrdom but that of massive entitlement and, truth be told, its very own awarded Badge of Courage by Leftists, Demorats and the American Media Maggots.
In the land of Leftists, now, you are nothing unless you are a significant victim of ____________. And you get to choose the grievance du jour, now “traditionally” involving an -obe, -ist or -ism at the end of the word." . . . Want proof? Here: