Perhaps CNN could hold a town hall meeting to discuss whether Trump or global warming is the bigger existential threat to the planet. Bandy Lee and Joy Behar could lead the discussion. Brian C. JoondephThe Upcoming Democrat Climate Change Extravaganza that No One Will Watch
"Fair warning, industrious reader: You may want to request off from work now. CNN has carved out nearly eight full hours for a climate change town hall featuring a smattering of the gajillion still declared Democratic presidential candidates.

"The event is called a "town hall," but it's not clear what town it refers to other than every habitable part of the planet. It's also, by definition, supposed to take place in a "hall," despite the venue likely being a televised proscenium-lighted up with enough pin spots to illuminate a hamlet year-round.
"Let's see who the participants are. The Latino former Cabinet official who can'tspeak Spanish; the "math" guy who can only talk in industry-manual argot about automation; Senator Kamala Harris, whose poll numbers have slid precipitously downward since everyone found out she's a trimmer with no beliefs; the Irishmanwho sees racism everywhere despite affecting his own Hispanic heritage; that lady who regularly clouts her own staff; Joe Biden, who probably thinks the climate crisis was licked when he and Martin Luther King, Jr. and Martin Van Buren marched arm in arm against the Blood Tubs.
"The Marxist twins — Grandpa Menshevik and schoolmarmish Warren — will also be on hand to remind us that for every Celsius degree the planet warms, a thousand rentiers must be euthanized.
"That CNN is even hosting what is essentially a Democrat rally focused entirely on the Earth's changing clime is thanks to Washington governor Jay Inslee, whose entire presidential campaign was dedicated to raising awareness of what, we're told, is an existential threat to all human life. Governor Inslee, for all his effort, can now celebrate the CNN spotlight by watching from his La-Z-Boy in his living room. Maybe Al Gore has some extra space on his sofa for Inslee to park his behind at Gore's electricity-guzzling mansion." . . .
CNN falsely pushes claims that ‘climate crisis is making hurricanes more dangerous’
"CNN’s fall from a purveyor of news to pure propaganda organ of the Left was vividly displayed yesterday. " . . .
"CNN’s fall from a purveyor of news to pure propaganda organ of the Left was vividly displayed yesterday. " . . .