The Democrats have long been associated with the Women’s March, which has been hijacked by Linda Sarsour and Tamika Mallory, both of whom defend their relationship with Louis Farrakhan, the leader of the Nation of Islam, whose anti-white anti-Semitic rhetoric is well documented. Most of the Jewish women resigned and left. The March refused to condemn anti-SemitismMyrna Lieberman "The Jewish New Year (Rosh Hashanah) is coming upon us and we listen to the shofar (Ram’s horn or trumpet). In the Jewish tradition, if we do not listen to the shofar, the holiday has not been observed. The sounds of the shofar can be a battle cry, or a mournful cry. It is the sound of the presence of G-d, a call out to G-d when we need his intervention.
"There are three basic trumpet calls, one is called T’ruah. It consists of rapid short bursts to arouse from our slumbering souls that have grown complacent; to alert the Jewish people for the need to come together for battle or the need to assemble
because of an urgent situation.

"This holiday is the anniversary of the creation of mankind and the renewal of our relationship with
"G-d. As Judge, G-d will allocate what will happen to us in the coming year. Perhaps this is the ideal time for the Jewish people face an ugly fact:
"The Democrat party, to whom Jews have been loyal since their arrival to America, is infested with Jew hatred and their support of Israel has eroded. The Jewish members of Congress are silent. They have failed to learn the lesson of the Holocaust which is this: It is the responsibility of every individual to not be silent in the face of hate but to confront it. In the past, Jews in Europe didn’t want to believe what they heard or saw until it was too late.
"I believe it is the same situation when it comes to the Democrat party.
"The election of Representative Ilhan Omar of Minnesota to Congress is a good example of Jews not wanting to ask the hard questions of a political candidate. After winning election, Omar changed her position. The Democrat party never called her out.
"Omar tweeted an anti-Semitic trope which accused Jews of buying influence and forcing America to support Israel -- “It’s all about the Benjamins” -- and accusing Jews of dual loyalty.
"On March 7, 2019, The House Democrats had an opportunity to pass a resolution condemning Jew hatred and naming Omar. Instead, they chose to water it down to a resolution against all hate, and didn’t name her.
"On August 19, 2019 Democrat Representatives Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan held a press conference bashing Prime Minister Netanyahu and President Trump for denying them access to Israel and called on the United States to cut foreign aid to Israel.
"Both Congresswomen, failed to disclose that their trip was sponsored by Miftah, a pro terror, anti-Semitic Palestinian organization whose founder and chairwoman is Hanan Ashrawi. " . . .
Tonight, Jews will celebrate the advent of 5,780 years of our existence. On reflection it seems almost impossible that after millennia of persecution and genocide we have survived. Great and powerful empires -- Hellenist, Roman, Hittite, Mesopotamian -- have disappeared and we are still here.
. . .
"On this holiday, as on every Jewish holiday, I reflect with awe and pride on our remarkable legacy of survival and resilience. I give thanks to the United States, the happiest corner of the Diaspora where we remain free to worship and assemble and dissent under the protection of government and laws and our President Donald Trump." . . .