Sunday, July 26, 2020

Rep. Gohmert says ban the Democrat Party; We'll see how Nancy Pelosi handles it

I can't see her denying the history of this; I see her doing a diversion. TD 
Gohmert has mastered Alinsky's Rule 4: "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."   Andrea Widburg
Rep. Gohmert goes full Alinsky to make Democrats play by their own rules  . . . "Rep. Louis Gohmert from Texas has been paying attention, and he's gotten the message.  The new rule is that slavery, which ended in America over 150 years ago, is so wrong that anything associated with slavery must be banned.  Gohmert introduced a "privileged resolution calling on Congress to ban any political party or organization that has held a public position supportive of slavery."  As his official statement makes clear, the only thing still operative in America that meets this metric is the Democrat party:
 "What is this obscenity that lives on despite the statue purge?  It's the Democrat party itself.  Gohmert details the horrific sins that the Democrat party committed against African-Americans, beginning with its 1840 platform and continuing to the Democrats' 75-day-long filibuster of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the way the party lionized Robert Byrd, a onetime KKK recruiter.  The resolution also references:
  • the 1856 Democrat party platform saying that there is nothing in the Constitution to prevent either existing or new slave states;
  • the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850;
  • the 0% support Democrats gave to the 14th Amendment, giving slaves citizenship, and the 15th Amendment, giving them the right to vote;
  • the 1902 Virginia Constitution that disenfranchised 90% of black men and nearly half of all white men, effectively suppressing Republican voters;
  • the 1912 decision Democrat President Woodrow Wilson made to segregate U.S. government employees; and
  • the 1924 Democrat National Convention in New York City's Madison Square Garden, which cheerfully hosted a massive KKK presence." . . .
Rep. Louie Gohmert:: Democrats Must Change Name or be Barred from House Due to Racist PastYoutube  "Rep. Louie Gohmert (TX-01) delivered remarks on the House Floor regarding his privileged resolution which calls on Congress to ban any political organization or party that has ever held a public position supporting slavery or the Confederate States of America."

Louie Gohmert Urges House to Ban Democrat Party for Supporting Slavery
. . . "Gohmert’s resolution provides a long list of instances in which the Democratic Party supported slavery, the Confederacy, and racist policies, including:" .  . .
. . .  “As the country watches violent leftists burn our cities, tear down our statues and call upon every school, military base and city street to be renamed, it is important to note that past atrocities these radicals claim to be so violently offensive were largely committed by members in good standing of the Democratic Party,” Gohmert continued, “Whether it be supporting the most vile forms of racism or actively working against Civil Rights legislation, Democrats in this country perpetuated these abhorrent forms of discrimination and violence practically since their party’s inception.”
“To avoid triggering innocent bystanders by the racist past of the Democratic Party, I would suggest they change their name. That is the standard to which they are holding everyone else, so the name change needs to occur,” Gohmert concluded."
Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) introduced a privileged resolution on Thursday that calls upon Congress to ban the Democrat Party for historically supporting slavery and the Confederate States of America.
‘Loathsome And Bigoted Past’: Louie Gohmert Introduces Resolution To Ban The Democratic Party

The Pelosi/Schiff party will control the future of this resolution.  . . . "GOP Reps. Andy Harris of Maryland, Andy Biggs of Arizona, Randy Weber of Texas, and Jody Hice of Georgia co-sponsored the resolution, a likely response to the Democratic-controlled House voting Wednesday to remove statues of slavery proponents and former Confederates like Robert E. Lee. (RELATED: Pelosi’s Dad Once Praised ‘The Lives’ Of Robert E. Lee And Stonewall Jackson At Statue Dedication)"

Democrats who’ve spent the past month salivating as mobs attacked symbols of American history might want to think about the rocks heading for their own glass house.
“If we are to hold Christopher Columbus accountable for over 500 years after the fact, it’s our duty and our moral obligation to hold the Democratic Party accountable,‘’ state Republican Party Chairman  J.R. Romano said during a Zoom call Monday morning, according to the Hartford Courant." . . .

PROOF that the Democrat Party is the Party of Racism, Lynch Mobs, Segregation, the KKK, and Slavery

Is Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez telling the truth about that nasty encounter with Rep. Ted Yoho?

Monica Showalter  "Is Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez telling the truth about that unpleasant encounter with Rep. Ted Yoho? 
"The conservative congressman from Gainesville, Florida, according to Ocasio-Cortez, accosted her on the Capitol steps when she was just "minding her own business" as she described it, and then wound up an unhappy discussion about whether the vast looting orgy going on in New York and beyond was just a matter of shoplifters looking for bread as Ocasio-Cortez said. Ocasio-Cortez then claimed that Yoho ended his discussion about her policy with 'F***ing b***h!'
. . .   "But Yolo says never happened. He claimed he was saying 'frickin' bee ess!' to her policy which is strong but not personal. He also made an apology of sorts, while still denying the name-calling.
. . .  "Now he's saying it really didn't happen at all. Here's his Fox News interview with Martha McCallum:
“Everything was directed at policy,” Yoho said. “When she told me that, yes, she thought it was right for people to go ahead and shoplift if you’re hungry, I said ‘Seriously, with as many social programs and faith-based programs and all these other and food kitchens around, the best that you can do is to offer people in your district to go ahead and shoplift while you’re calling at the same time to defund the police?’”
“I said those are just absolutely the most frickin’ crazy policy ideas I’ve ever h[eard],” Yoho continued. “And I says, ‘Your policy ideas are disgusting,’ and I turned around and walked away. And that was really about as long as that interaction lasted.”
When asked if he called her a “f***ing b***h,” Yoho said that he did not, saying, “I walked down the steps, I said, ‘This is just such frickin’ BS.’”
"Daily Wire has more here." .  . .

Four Months of Unprecedented Government Malfeasance

"But civilization is everywhere and at all times vulnerable to the darkest human impulses. Government exists to rein in those impulses so that individual initiative can flourish. America’s Founders, schooled in a profound philosophical and literary tradition dating back to classical antiquity, understood the fragility of civil peace and the danger of the lustful, vengeful mob."
ImprimusHeather Mac Donald, Manhattan Institute  . . . "On March 30, the infamous Imperial College London model predicted 2.2 million deaths in the U.S. by September 1, absent government action. That prediction was absurd on its face, given the dispersal of the U.S. population and the fact that China’s coronavirus death toll had already levelled off at a few thousand. The authors of that study soon revised it radically downwards.
"Too late. It had already become the basis for the exercise of unprecedented government power. California was the first state to lock down its economy and confine its citizens to their homes; eventually almost every other state would follow suit, under enormous media pressure to do so.
"Never before had public officials required millions of lawful businesses to shut their doors, throwing tens of millions of people out of work. They did so at the command of one particular group of experts—those in the medical and public health fields—who viewed their mandate as eliminating one particular health risk with every means put at their disposal.
"If the politicians who followed their advice weighed a greater set of considerations, balancing the potential harm from the virus against the harm from the shutdowns, they showed no sign of it. Instead, governors and mayors started rolling out one emergency decree after another to terminate economic activity, seemingly heedless of the consequences.
"The lockdown mandates employed mind-numbingly arbitrary distinctions. Wine stores and pot dispensaries were deemed “essential” and thus allowed to stay open; medical offices were required to close. Large grocery stores got the green light; small retail establishments with only a few customers each day were out of luck. Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer notoriously used her red pen within megastores to bar the sale of seeds, gardening supplies, and paint." . . .

Heather Mac Donald is the Thomas W. Smith Fellow at the Manhattan Institute and a contributing editor of City Journal. She earned a B.A. from Yale University, an M.A. in English from Cambridge University, and a J.D. from Stanford Law School. She writes for several newspapers and periodicals, including The Wall Street JournalThe New York TimesThe New Criterion, and Public Interest, and is the author of four books, including The War on Cops: How The New Attack on Law and Order Makes Everyone Less Safe and The Diversity Delusion: How Race and Gender Pandering Corrupt the University and Undermine Our Culture.

Records show the night Cathy Areu claims Fox News’ Tucker Carlson tried to ‘coax’ her to his hotel, his wife and kids were in the room

Wayne Dupree  
So, Tucker allegedly wanted to have a "secret affair" with his entire family in the room? 

"Cathy Areu’s “sexual harassment” story against Fox News’ Tucker Carlson is falling apart.
I mean, it’s really, really falling apart.
"On the night when Cathy claims Tucker tried to “coax” her to his New York City hotel room, allegedly telling her he was “all alone,” records actually show that his wife and kids were in the hotel, and staying in his room.
"I don’t know about you, but I highly doubt that Tucker was trying to have a sneaky “affair” with his entire family in the room." . . .
, , , "Cathy Areu’s “sexual harassment” story against Fox News’ Tucker Carlson is falling apart.
"I mean, it’s really, really falling apart.
"It started when an unearthed tweet from last year resurfaced. Cathy Areu announced to the world that Tucker Carlson had always been “polite” to her in that tweet. Kind of a strange thing to say about someone who is “sexually harassing” you, right?
"One, in particular, is very damning.
"On the night when Cathy claims Tucker tried to “coax” her to his New York City hotel room, allegedly telling her he was “all alone,” records actually show that his wife and kids were in the hotel, and staying in his room.
"I don’t know about you, but I highly doubt that Tucker was trying to have a sneaky “affair” with his entire family in the room." . . .
From Mediaite:
Inconsistencies are emerging in claims made by Cathy Areu, a once-periodic Fox News guest, that she was harassed by some of the network’s biggest names — including prime time anchor Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity. New emails obtained by Mediaite shed further light on the case.In a lawsuit filed on Monday in the Southern District of New York, Areu claims she was harassed by Carlson, Hannity and other employees of the network, and that she was largely barred from appearing after she declined their advances. In an initial response the company said the claims were “completely false.”Over the last several days, records of Areu’s appearances on the network and other publicly available information has undermined some of her claims. New emails between Areu and the network’s employees seem to add to those concerns.Even more significantly, eyewitness accounts indicate Carlson’s wife was with him on a key evening when Areu said Carlson promised her he would be alone.That claim leads to another issue. “Following the show,” Areu asserts in her lawsuit, “Mr. Carlson, hardly making any effort to hide his intentions, began telling Ms. Areu that he would be alone in New York City that night, and specifically said that he would be staying alone in his hotel room without any wife or kids.”A source familiar with the event told Mediaite that Carlson’s wife did attend the Tucker Carlson Tonight Christmas party. Fox News also told Mediaite that Carlson hosted the entire party for his show’s staff alongside his wife, who stayed in the hotel with him that evening.“She didn’t go to the party so she can’t say who was there, but certainly stands by what he told her,” Areu’s attorney said.Areu’s claim that she was harassed by Carlson also relies on insight into the Fox News host’s frame of mind: “Without question, Mr. Carlson was probing to see whether Ms. Areu was interested in a sexual relationship,” the suit said. Areu’s public comments about Carlson since the alleged incident have also been warm. In one 2019 post on Twitter, Areu wrote that Carlson “has always been polite to me.”“Ms. Areu awkwardly sidestepped Mr. Carlson’s advances and declined to spend the night at his hotel,” the lawsuit continued. “Mr. Carlson promptly retaliated against Ms. Areu, who was featured on his show only three times in 2019 and has not appeared once in 2020.”
"In addition, her claims against Sean Hannity are also falling to bits.
"Remember that claim that Sean “slammed” $100 bucks on the table and ordered “men” to buy her drinks?
"Well, emails show that was not the case at all. Hannity offered to buy a drink for Cathy and a friend that she brought to Fox News studios. Later, she even emailed a picture of the martini she bought and thanked Sean for his kindness.
"This woman is pure evil, and she’s the reason that real victims of assault and harassment are no longer taken seriously.
"I wish people like this would face charges for lying (false reporting). Until that happens, these phony accusations will keep happening."

This piece originally appeared in and is used by permission.

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Justice Department Announces Charges Against Rioters at Portland Courthouse


The Portland federal courthouse
"Leftists in Portland are routinely committing violence in the downtown area. This week, the rioters have set their sights on the Hatfield Federal Courthouse, which is a mistake since vandalizing federal property isn't handled by the pusillanimous officials of Portland but by folks at the U.S. Department of Justice. 
"U.S. Attorney Billy Williams announced on Friday that 18 individuals arrested during attacks on the Hatfield Federal Courthouse this past week are now facing federal charges. Court documents say protests in downtown Portland have been followed by criminal activity that includes assaults on law enforcement officers, arson, looting, destruction of property, and vandalism. The federal courthouse has become a target of leftist vandals and has sustained extensive damage. " . . .
. . . "Do liberals ever find it odd that their networks suddenly stop coverage of live press briefings? To be fair, Fox News also cut away while the video played. But unlike the other networks, Fox hasn't been denying the existence of widespread violence across the nation over the past several weeks. " . . .

Here's the video of the riots in Portland that the media does not want you to see. This is what Joe Biden referred to as "peaceful" and blamed law enforcement for the violence.

Media Fails to Accurately Report What’s Happening in Portland So Press Sec Makes Them Watch Video In Silence

The 'Unhypenated American' is gone

"The Tea Party movement was Lloyd's moment.  He soon established himself as one of the most energetic and dynamic of all Tea Party activists, appearing at rallies and gatherings across the country.  He performed his "Tea Party Anthem" for hundreds of audiences. " 
J.R. Dunn  "AT readers will be shocked to learn of the passing of Lloyd Marcus, Tea Party icon, prolific AT contributor, and conservative activist extraordinaire.  Lloyd proudly called himself "the unhyphenated American."
"Lloyd suffered an apparent heart attack early Friday, dying before medical assistance could arrive.  His beloved wife Mary was at his side at the time.
"Lloyd worked his way out of a ghetto background under the guidance of his father, the late Rev. Lloyd E. Marcus, a career firefighter and civil rights pioneer.  Showing a talent for art at an early age, Lloyd gained a scholarship to the Maryland Institute College of Art, though he left before graduating.  After a two-year stint in the Army, Lloyd returned to Baltimore to renew his artistic career.  Working as a graphic designer for a Baltimore TV station, he established a close relationship with a young talk show host named Oprah Winfrey, with whom he worked closely as her career began to take off.
"Early in the 1990s, Lloyd quit television and spent a decade working as musician, singer-songwriter, and music producer.  He was also active in the local community, and after he organized a National Night Out to combat local crime, the Deltona, Florida mayor, John Masiarczyk, asked him to lend his talents to the new Deltona Arts and Historical Center.  Lloyd worked with the center for several years, finally rising to the office of president." . . .
"But it was as an outspoken black conservative that Lloyd made his mark.  Steadied by his heartfelt Christian convictions, Lloyd found the hard and lonely path of the black Republican to be no overwhelming challenge.  Though dismissed and insulted as an "Uncle Tom," Lloyd never once revealed a sliver of doubt about his convictions.
"The Tea Party movement was Lloyd's moment.  He soon established himself as one of the most energetic and dynamic of all Tea Party activists, appearing at rallies and gatherings across the country.  He performed his "Tea Party Anthem" for hundreds of audiences.  

Mr. Marcus's website with this recent commentary:  Let’s Take Back Our Kids, Already!
"I realize that it is tacky to be an I-told-you-so. But we conservative activists have been fighting on the front lines of the culture war for many years, warning the masses.  Wake up, America…leftists are turning our kids into sleeper cells.  At the proper time, leftists will unleash our kids to launch a violent no-holds-barred war against their parents, God, and country!
"Black disciples of socialism disguised as civil rights activists have also been allowed to sow their seeds of anti-American hate in public education for decades.  In the 1970s, I was a student at the prestigious Maryland Institute College of Art via scholarships.  The Black Panthers showed up, angrily demanding a platform on campus to protest.  College management humbly complied.  As a black student, I never understood what I was supposed to be angry at the college about or how the college was abusing me." . . .

The Biden Campaign: Disease, Depression, & Racial Discord

You know Pelosi and her people love this!

Jonathan Cohen "As the presidential election draws closer, the Biden campaign’s strategy has increasingly focused on blaming Trump for disease, depression, and racial unrest. Presidents, like coaches of sports teams, get too much credit during good times and too much blame when troubles occur. The last six months have brought a motherlode of bad luck on Trump's campaign; the worst pandemic in a century; a massive lockdown of the economy; public health measures resulting in 40 million people out of work and living in extreme social isolation; weeks of rioting with widespread looting, unopposed attacks on police and the burning down of many businesses. While Trump is responsible for none of it, the Biden campaign strategy has become the party of disease, depression, and racial violence in order to aggravate all three crises." . . .

. . . 
"The real danger for the Democrats is that this could backfire. If the violence continues abetted by the Democratic officials demonizing police, imposing selective shutdowns of businesses, churches, and gatherings of more than ten people while enthusiastically promoting anti-police rioting that violates social distancing guidelines, prosecuting people for defending their homes and businesses against rioters while letting tens of thousands of violent criminals out of jail, then the public may grow weary of the chaos and shift the blame from Trump to the Democrats.
"Law and order is not a Trump electoral strategy. Basic safety is something that people desperately want and the radical Democratic mayors, governors, and city councilors are actively promoting crime and violence by their anti-police policies. CNN and MSNBC do their best to hide the deterioration of social order in our cities but people know what is happening and as they realize that it is their local official’s fecklessness that is making them unsafe, they may turn against the Democrats.

Prominent Black Trump Supporter Murdered in Milwaukee

If Democrats get control of the government, this man's murderer will be moved into your neighborhood. Being eighty, hopefully, I will not have to live through this. TD

Newstalk 1130  "A black Trump supporter who was well known in his community for standing on street corners with "Vote Trump" signs as well as signs plastered with Bible verses was killed in broad daylight in Milwaukee's Riverwest neighborhood Thursday afternoon.
"Bernell Tremmell, 60, was shot in front of his business, Expression Publications, at 911 E. Wright. The building is covered in handmade signs, the most prominent of which read "Vote Donald Trump 2020," and "Re-Elect Trump 2020." Law enforcement sources tell "The Dan O'Donnell Show" that it is impossible to know the motive for the shooting since the suspect is not yet in custody, but detectives are investigating the possibility that Tremmell was killed over his political beliefs." . . .

Friday, July 24, 2020

After Backing Massive Police Funding Cuts, De Blasio Blames In Part Lack Of Police For Jump In Crime

Comment to the post below:
After just saying, "For seven years, we have made this city safer".HIS failed, DUMB-o-cRAT policies are to blame..let's free prisoners..catch and release criminals, and give RIOTERS space...

Reparations: what would ever be enough?
*There are sections of Baltimore that you simply dare not enter after dark. Fifty years ago when I was a kid, Baltimore was rough, but nowhere near as violent and out-of-control as it is today. Hellholes of black on black crime such as Chicago, Detroit, Washington DC, and Baltimore have been run by Democrats for decades. Reparations are not the solution.
Black Lives Matter Sues to Stop Trump Helping Fight Crime in Chicago  "Black Lives Matter has filed a lawsuit to prevent the Trump administration from sending federal assistance to law enforcement to help battle the spiraling crime wave in Democrat-led Chicago.
"BLM officials filed the suit in federal court on Thursday that seeks to prevent President Donald Trump from sending 200 federal law enforcement officials to help Democratic Mayor Lori Lightfoot tackle the soaring crime in the city.
"The local chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America joins Black Lives Matter’s Chicago branch as a plaintiff for the lawsuit, in which, federal law enforcement officials are named as defendants in a civil rights claim.
"President Trump announced Wednesday that he would be sending federal law enforcement officials to several cities, including Chicago, as part of Operation Legend to fight the violent crime that has been surging since the recent Black Lives Matter protests.
"The primary victims of that crime wave have been African American, the president and his administration have noted." . . .
Might one suspect a troll to hurt Trump's approval with African-Americans?

GoFundMe for Black Woman Who Painted Over BLM Mural Exceeds $6k . . . "Beatty is the young woman who went viral Saturday by painting black over the BLM mural in front of Trump Tower in NYC.
"While smearing black paint, Beatty shouted “Refund the police! Refund the police! Jesus Matters! Jesus Matters!” . . .

*Reparations: Democrats Scam and Insult Blacks Again  "A congressional hearing was held on a bill to study reparations for blacks as payback for slavery. Reparations is simply another worm Democrat presidential candidates will put on the hook of their fishing rods to catch black votes.
"I am a black man who is proud, grateful and understands how blessed I am to be born an American. My response to the Democrats’ reparations scam is, “Please stop!”. Please stop telling black Americans that we are crippled, inferior and are helpless children who can only succeed via government handouts, lowered standards, and special concessions. Just stop it!
"The Civil War effectively ended slavery in 1863. After 8 years of Americans making a black man the leader of the free world, Democrats are absurdly claiming blacks are suffering the negative repercussions of slavery and deserve a check. These people (Democrats) are evil, divisive, race-baiting and race-exploiting con artists.
"In Maryland in the early 1950s, my late dad was among a handful of blacks who broke the color barrier to become Baltimore City firefighters. Despite humiliating racism within the fire department, Dad won “Firefighter of the Year” two times. Dad didn’t desire reparations or insulting lowered standards. All Dad and his fellow young black trailblazers desired was an opportunity to compete." . . .  Written by Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American 

Much more at the Tunnel Wall

AOC Attacks Home Owners, Squad Pushes Bill To Strip Property From Owners To Make Things ‘Fair’

News Thud

. . . "Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota at the same time introduced a bill that would strip property rights from Americans; it’s called the Rent and Mortgage Cancellation Act, which is a socialist dream.
"The bill would cancel all rent and mortgage payments regardless of income or employment throughout the duration of the pandemic.
The bill would constitute a full payment forgiveness, with no accumulation of debt for renters or homeowners and no negative impact on their credit rating or rental history,” a news release from Omar’s office says.
"A fund would be created “to fully finance the purchase of private rental properties by non-profits, public housing authorities, cooperatives, community land trusts, and states or local governments — in order to increase the availability of affordable housing during this downturn.” 
"This means private property owners would be undermined and the power of government entities would be greatly increased.
"This is just another fine example of the Democrats trying to use the pandemic to pass as many socialist policies as possible."   The Hill | Western Journalism 

Rep. Louie Gohmert: ‘It’s Time to #CancelDemocrats’

Congressman introduces resolution demanding name change for party tied to Confederacy and Klan.
I can see all Republicans but maybe Mitt Romney going for this.
Further, as Bruce Bartlett points out in his book, Wrong on Race: The Democratic Party’s Buried Past, for a century after Reconstruction, “The Jim Crow laws were enacted by Democrat legislatures and signed into law by Democrat governors. It could not have been otherwise, since there were virtually no Republicans in positions of authority in state governments in the South after the end of Reconstruction in 1877.”
Jeffrey Lord  "Many on the left and their willing accomplices in the media would tell you otherwise, yet a cursory examination of our nation’s factual history and records proves the riots and chaos that have swept across our country in recent months stand as a devastating reminder of the racist policies and values held by the Democratic Party throughout much of its history.
"Because of this, I introduced a privileged resolution in the House calling upon Congress to acknowledge the indecorous history of the Democratic Party. I asked that the Speaker of the House be instructed to ban any political organization or political party that ever publicly supported slavery or the Confederate States of America.
"Since George Floyd’s tragic killing on May 25, the left which includes their “mainstream” Democrats, have resurrected their push to rid our nation of any entities, symbols, or reminders of the repugnant aspects of America’s past. Statues of American leaders have been torn down, defaced, and destroyed regardless of whether they were a party to improprieties or fought against them. The liberal mob is out in full force demanding that schools, sports teams, music artists, military installations, and even food products change their names if they have the slightest reference to any persons or events deemed unacceptable and offensive to the groupthink of the Marxist left." . . .  More here ...