Monday, January 11, 2021

Rush Limbaugh Radio Gold (Day After Capital Hill Incident)

 Religio-Political Talk  

…."Then Rush gets into the events of the day more specifically.

“Yesterday, hundreds of thousands of people — Americans who have gotten tired of being ignored, and lied about, and smeared as racists by these very Democrats in the media and the popular culture. Americans who have gotten fed up with having elections stolen from them by the Democrats, including the White House. Now they think two more Senate seats have been stolen, and they thought they were going to be stolen even before the election. And these people went to Washington. They weren’t protestors paid by George Soros or the Democrat party. The overwhelming majority of these Americans were well-behaved and respectful.”

"He’s right. And he continued to be right all the way through this clip. THAT’S WHY they’re attacking him. Not because they’re outraged. Because he’s right and they know it."

Rush Limbaugh, January 7, 2021

There is much more to all this than President Trump

Democrats close in for the kill – not just Trump, but all Republicans "In 2020, Democrat riots caused billions of dollars in property damage, destroyed historic sites, and assaulted and murdered dozens of people. Meanwhile, on January 6, President Trump asked patriots to walk peacefully to the Capitol to cheer politicians who, copying Democrats, objected to Electoral College votes. Some hotheads (encouraged by Antifa plants?) entered the Capitol, as Democrat protesters have done many times before. This time, though, Democrats demanded that Trump leave office immediately under the 25th Amendment or be impeached and that all Trump-supporting politicians across America be expelled from office.

"When George Floyd, an ex-con convicted of a brutal crime, died from a drug overdose while Minneapolis police restrained him in accordance with their department’s training materials, Democrats across America went wild. Minneapolis alone suffered half a billion dollars in damages, mostly to small business owners, many of whom were black. " . .  .

The right needs to remember that this is bigger than Trump

. . . "What matters is that we on the right all face a herculean struggle between capitalism and socialism, and between strict construction of the Constitution and judicial activism, and a host of other threats to the Republic. " . . .

Waving Goodbye to the America We All Knew and Loved  ..."All that seems to be changing.  As we move into 2021, to borrow from Shakespeare, something is rotten.  It is difficult to pinpoint the origin or the exact nature of America's disintegration.  It developed a head of steam when a man who hates this country, Barack Obama, was elected president.  For eight years, we watched his concentrated assault on our values. Obama and his fellow Democrats have introduced some new concepts into our vernacular: democratic socialism, identity politics, social justice, diversity, inclusion, political correctness, Critical Race Theory, cancel culture.  They were intended for the express purpose of destroying everything that is laudable about America." . . .

Sunday, January 10, 2021

If Social Media Truthfully Cared About Inciting Violence And Spewing Hatred, They Would Cancel Al Sharpton’s Account

The Lid

Their Rationale For Booting Conservatives Is As Full Of Crap As A Porta-Potty On The Last Day Of A State Fair

"In the fallout of the horrible storming of the U.S. Capitol Wednesday, Twitter started deleting the accounts of conservatives, followed by other social media, and now other Silicon Valley liberals are trying to kill Parler, a Twitter-like social media which doesn’t censor conservatives. Their excuse for banning the conservatives is the claim they spew hate and incite violence. That claim is as full of crap as a porta-potty on the last day of a state fair.  If they wanted to cleanse their sites of hatred and people who incite violence, they would ban Al Sharpton from their platform.

"For most of his life, Sharpton has been spewing hatred. And at times, he’s incited violence. During the Crown Heights riot, he told people to “kill the Jews.” In Harlem, he incited the firebombing at Freddy’s Fashion Mart, which killed seven innocents. Even in recent years, instead of calming tensions as someone who calls himself a reverend should, he incites hatred and violence.  Despite it all, the liberals love him, and social media such as Twitter are comfortable having him use their platform.

"Sharpton’s hate record didn’t start with making the Eric Garner kill a black/white issue despite the fact the senior cop on the scene was both black and female. Nor did it start when Sharpton took the killing of a kid who tried to grab a policeman’s gun and then menacingly charged the cop in Ferguson, Missouri, into a white/black issue. It didn’t even start with Sharpton promoting the “hands up don’t shoot” fraud to incite more violence, even after it was proven to be a myth.

"After days of anti-Jewish rioting in Crown Heights, at the funeral of Gavin Cato in 1991 where Al Sharpton gave a powerful eulogy inspiring hatred and Antisemitism: . . ." More...

Kelley Paul Rips Jack Dorsey: Where Were You When Tweeters Encouraged Violence Against My Husband?   "Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) is no stranger to political harassment that sometimes escalates to violence.

"He, along with House Republican Whip Steve Scalise (LA) and other House and Senate Republicans and aides, was targeted for assassination by a deranged supporter of failed

"Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders during a baseball practice game in the summer of 2017. There were multiple injuries during the attack. Scalise was hit in the attack and was seriously injured, but thankfully he survived.

"In August 2020, Paul and his wife and author Kelley Paul were attacked by a mob of radical, out of control Black Lives Matter leftists as the couple were leaving the White House.

"It was perhaps all of that and more Kelley Paul had in mind when she proceeded to rip Twitter’s Jack Dorsey a new one over the weekend in a tweet responding to Twitter’s crackdown on Republicans including President Trump who they claim are complicit in trying to incite political violence:"...

The Democrat blacklist of Republicans

We saw during the Obama government shutdown the depths of vindictiveness he and his people have sunk to when they sealed off open-air memorials, even to aged WW2 veterans hoping for one last look at monuments of their history. I see absolute evil in the faces of entertainers, athletes, leaders of this nation (elected or rejected by voters), and ex-presidents. All these have shown their willingness to demolish the wise foundations laid by our ForeFathers and replace it all with whatever will give power to the silliest of the mal-educated.

Liberals want to open the gates to this nation for voters who know nothing of our history and care less; voters who choose bitter, angry bobbysoxers and those who harbor grudges toward all Americans unlike them. To oppose their malevolent rioting is to be called "racist" by them. TD

Trump administration ‘blacklist’ pushed by ex-Obama spokesman is panned "A former spokesman for Barack Obama’s presidential campaign has been touting an apparent attempt to blacklist allies and staffers of President Trump and his administration, drawing criticism as President-elect Joe Biden has called for unity and healing." . . .

Harvard Students Circulate Petition Blacklisting Trump Supporters from the University

"Aggressively unpleasant teenagers who want adult day care and stifled thought. Who the hell wants to spend time on a campus, anyway?"

Marsha Blackburn: Blacklist Targeting Trump Supporters ‘Epitome of Cancel Culture’

From Russia Today: The congresswoman soon prompted a response from Obama

administration alum Michael Simon, a member of the Accountability Project team, who vowed to compile the names of “every administration staffer, campaign staffer, bundler, lawyer who represented them – everyone.”

Evil takes control! AMAZON Joins Tech Tyrants In Blacklisting Conservatives — Pulling Plug On Parler’s Servers    "Does anyone REALLY doubt we are seeing an orchestrated seizure of all available information in an attempt to silence political speech?". . . 

. . . Nobody cared about Parler, the relative newcomer on the block, until Conservatives who had been blacklisted from the bigger players — Facebook and Twitter, for instance — switched over to a platform that wasn’t busy censoring and fact-checking political speech.  "When conservative Twitter accounts started going dark, there was a mass exodus to places like Parler, which was, briefly, the #1 downloaded app" . . .

HEY CNN: Famous Leftist Intellectual Explains How Today’s Left Is Pushing Totalitarian Speech Codes

HEY CNN: Famous Leftist Intellectual Explains How Today’s Left Is Pushing Totalitarian Speech Codes

 The Lid   . . . “ 'I do not think that the state ought to have the right to determine historical truth and to punish people who deviate from it. I’m not willing to give the state that right”

"After a brief interruption from a questioner, he continues.

“ '…but I’m saying if you believe in freedom of speech, you believe in freedom of speech for views you don’t like. I mean, Goebbels was in favor of freedom of speech for views he liked, right? So was Stalin. If you’re in favor of freedom of speech, that means you are in favor of freedom of speech precisely for views you despise. Otherwise you’re not in favor of freedom of speech." . . .

Noam Chomsky - Freedom of Speech II

Trump-hating Lincoln Project announces it's assembling a blacklist

  Monica Showalter

Isn't the victory of Joe Biden enough for them? Not in the least. They're like a monster that just needs to keep feeding and growing, in order to keep the money and contracts rolling in. More about that in a minute.

" Remember the Trump-hating Lincoln Project? That was the big-dollar NeverTrump group that included among its luminaries George Conway, the unhinged Trump-hating husband of the unfortunate Kellyanne Conway. They included many Dubya Bush administration operatives who'd been left out of the Trump administration and wanted revenge. Their loathing of Trump only got greater after that, and they threw their support to Joe Biden, raising $78 million and creating extremely nasty presidential campaign ads to take down Trump. They worked closely with Democrats and took their money, promising to help peel away Republicans to help Joe Biden. When that didn't happen and Trump increased his share of the Republican vote, leftists, such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, questioned giving money to the group as a ripoff." . . .

Andrew Feinberg 
Whoa. ⁦⁩ chief content officer warns against hiring ⁦⁩ ⁦or other prominent Trump flacks: “Hire any of Trump’s fellow fabulists above, and Forbes will assume that everything your company or firm talks about is a lie.”

. . . 

Brit Hume
This will not end well.
Quote Tweet
stuart stevens
At @ProjectLincoln we are constructing a database of Trump officials & staff that will detail their roles in the Trump administration & track where they are now. No personal info, only professional. But they will be held accountable & not allowed to pretend they were not involved

Totalitarian Left Promises Purges And Punishment For All Trump Voters  "If 2020 didn’t already feel enough of a Kafkaesque nightmare, the latest bit of depravity from the “hate has no home here” totalitarian left is a ghoulish scheme announced by three former Barack Obama and Pete Buttigieg staffers on Twitter last week called “The Trump Accountability Project.” Aspiring apparatchiks Emily Abrams, Michael Simon, and Hari Sevugan lauded the website whose stated mission is to “never forget those who furthered the Trump agenda.” . . .

"Hate has no home here!" shouts Antifa kid, left, at Republican, right

Updated Jan 11: Sunday Schadenfreude: Vogue mag treats Kamala ["I'm speaking"] Harris with all the seriousness she deserves

Update: Report: Kamala Harris’ Team Rips Vogue Editors for Cover  Photo ..."Independent journalist Yashar Ali first reported the debacle over the cover photo, both of which were taken by 26-year-old photographer Tyler Mitchell who famously shot Beyoncé for the magazine’s September 2018 issue."...

Monica Showalter   "When two scorpions in a bottle get into a fight, there's plenty of potential for the whole thing to get funny

"So enter Vogue Magazine, and Kamala Harris, with Kamala played for the fool.

"The solidly pro-Democrat media tool took a cover photoshoot of Harris, and in line with standard collaborative media-political practices, agreed upon a photo for the cover issue, something about Kamala in a powder blue suit.

"But Vogue couldn't help itself. After making its agreement with Harris, it ran instead this cover, with Harris looking like a clown in a suit, complete with junky tennis shoes." . . .. . . 

The Harris camp, as reported by Ali, is naturally, pretty furious. How could Vogue, which is probably the ultimate media toady, do this to Harris, making her look like a rube in stupid tennis shoes, when she only likes to be portrayed in a certain way? .

. . . "Nobody made Harris pose for that picture the way she did, standing there against pink bedsheets, recalling her political origins as Willie Brown's mistress, and wearing her signature dark pantsuit and pearls, along with inappropriate tennis shoes. She's the one who did it, and probably signed the releases, so tough toenails for her. She actually did dress like that in her few appearances on the campaign trail, so it is what she looked like. But she didn't want to be portrayed that way, she thought it made her look unserious, which of course, it did. She wanted to be portrayed as glamorous, an actress, a power-suit woman with a pretty face - as if the very act of posing for Vogue didn't automatically make her a lightweight. Truly powerful people don't waste time on Vogue photoshoots." . . .

Comma did not escape the notice of Babylon Bee parody:

Kamala Harris Recalls How As A Little Girl She Helped Slaves Escape On The Undewgwound Wailwoad  "U.S.—Kamala Harris chuckles as she tells the story. Not the chuckle of an insincere politician making up a story to appeal to her base, but the chuckle of a warm, loving woman. The kind of chuckle you would chuckle while hanging out with your family or locking up non-violent drug offenders for decades. 

"She recalled in her interview with The Babylon Bee how as a little girl she helped slaves escape to the North on the "undewgwound railroad." (Did we mention how warm and sincere she was? It was like talking to your best bud).

" 'My parents were pushing me in a stroller," she says, cackling -- no, chuckling -- "and I must have gotten loose somehow." (At the time, there weren't any safety regulations on strollers, so this is not her parents' fault, just to be clear). "Anyway, I wandered away down to the Deep South and began helping slaves get to the free states. When my parents found me years later, they were understandably upset. They said, 'Kamala! What are you doing?!'"

"She chuckled again.

""I replied, 'I'm hewping swaves escape on da undewground wailwoad, mommy!'" Harris then revealed that one of the slaves she helped escape grew up to be none other than Albert Einstein.

"Harris, with her likable laugh and authentic demeanor, went on to tell the story of how she helped "Abwaham Winkon" draft the "Emancipation Pwocwamation" and how she refused to give up her seat on a bus, launching the "Civil wights" movement."