Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Backlash to Woke ‘Snow White’ Remake Intensifies After Another Cringe Interview Clip Goes Viral

Sister Toldjah; RedState

"As my RedState colleague Brandon Morse pointed out in July, the live-action remake of "Snow White," which is set to debut in January 2024, appears to be destined to fail before moviegoers get a chance to see the finished product, primarily because the movie's stars have been obnoxiously giddy about pointing out how it will be woke and nothing like the 1937 original.

"Rachel Zegler, who plays Snow White, and Gal Gadot, who plays the Evil Queen, were over the moon in a widely shared clip from the D23 Expo that surfaced last month which showed Zegler and Gadot talking about how Prince Charming's role would be significantly reduced.

“ 'She’s not going to be saved by the prince and she's not going to be dreaming about true love," Zegler noted when asked about how she would "bring a modern edge" to the story. 

" 'She’s dreaming about becoming the leader she knows she can be, and the leader that her late father told her that she could be if she was fearless, fair, brave, and true,” Zegler went on to say.

"The result of that has been a pretty significant backlash, with many people noting they're just not interested in seeing that so-called "modern twist" to the classic because, well some things are just better off left alone and unchanged, and quite frankly there was nothing wrong with the original.

"Over the weekend, more clips of Zegler from that same Expo talking about how the movie would be different from the original resurfaced, and along with that snippets of how she's disparaged the concept of Snow White before in other interviews. Essentially, what all the clips boil down to is Zegler not thinking much of Prince Charming the "stalker" and the whole Snow White story in general." . . .

Disney Doesn't Just Hate Its Product, It Hates You – RedState   "A recent interview featuring actress Rachel Zegler has been making the rounds. Zegler is set to play the classic Disney character "Snow White" in the corporation's latest soulless cash grab, and it would appear that while she's proud to play the character, it's not because of its legacy to Disney. " . . .

Monday, August 14, 2023

Five stories Joe Biden told about the family business that turned out to be untrue

 Five stories Joe Biden told about the family business that turned out to be untrue | Just The News   New evidence exposes several falsehoods -- from the ‘Russian disinformation’ laptop that wasn’t to Chinese money the First Family netted.

"In a colorful exchange last week with a journalist, Joe Biden snapped when asked about recent testimony from family friend Devon Archer that the president had met and talked on the phone with his son Hunter’s business partners. “I never talked business with anybody. I knew you'd have a lousy question,” the president fired back at Fox News’ Peter Doocy.

“ 'Why is that a lousy question?” Doocy asked.

“ 'Because it’s not true!” Biden exclaimed.

"The exchange was extraordinary, not just for its tense atmosphere, but also because the president and his surrogates have moved the goal posts after years of claiming he had never engaged with Hunter Biden’s business clients.

"The change in message reflects a harsh reality: there is now significant evidence and testimony that undercuts the seminal claims Joe Biden made about his family’s overseas business to get elected in 2020 and to deflect from a burgeoning scandal since.

"In the 2020 presidential debate, for instance, Biden said: "My son has not made money from China. The only guy who has made money from China was this guy," he said, directing his comments at Trump.

"Those who have exposed those falsehoods say Americans should expect the story to get even darker in the coming months.

"Sen. Ron Johnson, (R-Wis.), who led the first comprehensive probe of Hunter Biden’s business pursuits back in 2020, told Just the News that “The mainstream media, they're not aware of the fact or they're not reporting the fact that Joe Biden lied through his teeth, repeatedly to the American public saying, ‘I never talked to Hunter about his overseas business deals.’ I mean, we've known that was a lie for years.”

“ 'It won't surprise any of us that Joe Biden was far more involved in Hunter’s schemes, in his grifts than certainly we know at this point in time,” the senator added." . . .

And Garland was almost on the Supreme Court thanks to Obama.


Lawfare Rep Goldman Admits Biden Broad Immunity Deal Was Political Construct Intended to Protect Biden Family from Future Accountability for Prior Criminal Conduct    "Wickedness has a way of manifesting in the human body.   As the physical lifeforce within Daniel Goldman begins diminishing, the pale and sullen former Robert Mueller operative appears on CNN to discuss the Hunter Biden case and the appointment of the special counsel.

"Skilled in the dark arts of lawfare, Representative Goldman spins the investigation to its situational opposite; however, he does reveal that David Weiss was motivated by politics when he constructed the plea agreement for Hunter Biden.  According to Goldman, the plea deal was built around broad immunity for any criminal conduct so that a future DOJ -one not in alignment with the Biden crime syndicate- could not hold the Biden crime family accountable." . . .

IRS Whistleblower Shapley Explains How Garland's Latest Move in Biden Probe Contradicts His Prior Testimony – RedState

Rescuing His Grandsons From BLM Mob

 LIVING BEHIND ENEMY LINES, TALE #4; America First Re-Ignited

Sam does have some sympathy: MinneHopeless is a city full of lunatics who hate their police and love criminals. It is not clear to Sam what "resources" could possibly fix THAT.

Much more shocking than the Useful Idiot homeowners with BLM signs in their

"This is the fourth tale in a series about what it is like for sane Americans to live in cities & states run by insane politicians & voters. Sam has watched the insanity up close for decades: 

Cover your bases!
“People on the right, especially conservative politicians, keep talking about the residents of Democrat hellholes as if they were purely victims of their insane Democrat leaders, leaders who were seemingly visited upon them like a tornado or a plague of locusts. Republicans believe that if their messaging could only be presented to urban dwellers, those dwellers would start voting Republican. Nothing could be more ridiculous. Urban residents elect Democrats who then enact policies that destroy the cities in which the residents live. Democrat leaders then blame Republicans for the problems they themselves created. Rational, intelligent residents would reject such idiocy, but urban populations instead buy into this and subsequently elect more Democrats, who then deliver more of the same.

" ‘Asylum’ means ‘protection.’ Mental institutions were called asylums because they protected mentally incompetent residents from the outside world. Urban Democrat residents belong in asylums, but unfortunately there are too many of them and they all get to vote. Their derangement is increasing; no amount of urban dysfunction triggers any sort of recognition of the problem. Our only hope, going forward, is to get away from them. Since they tend not to reproduce, their own insane behaviors would ultimately limit their populations, but unfortunately with limitless illegal immigration and the Democrats' limitless power to indoctrinate newcomers, I'd say our future is pretty grim.”

Comparing the Tactics of the Dems to the Nazis is No Longer Seen as Unreasonable

  American Thinker

While the fascist far left excels at slinging bovine soil enhancement, trying to maintain their 100-year-old lies, usually with subjective and thus meaningless accusations, we’ve taken another approach. 

"A poll from the U.K. Daily Mail indicates what we’ve been proving all along, that the far left is emulating the National Socialist German Workers' Party.  The poll shows that a majority of Republicans agree with comparing the Biden regime’s political persecution of a political opponent to the political persecution of a political opponent by Nazi Germany or the USSR.

"As is the case with the double standard of Democrats and their propaganda organ, the nation’s socialist media, it’s perfectly acceptable for them to sling the Nazi slur along with the political ‘F-bomb (Fascism) all they want. With all kinds of examples of them doing so, herehereherehere, and here. And of course, you’re never to compare Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler, because it ‘belittles Hitler.

"The socialists of the nation’s left have one set of rules for themselves and another for everyone else (because they are the controlling class). They give themselves full permission to do that all day long. While it’s verboten for the pro-freedom side to even point out how the far-left’s socialist national agenda stunningly resembles another National Socialist party from the early decades of the last century.

"Well, we’re not going to play along with their one-sided rules. 

"So far, we’ve documented 24 startling and uncomfortable ways the Democrat Party Emulates the Nazi Party. We’ve done a lot so far and unfortunately; two factors see the task stretching off into the distance. " . . .

Kristallnacht: What Happened on the 'Night of Broken Glass' | HISTORY...Or is this Portland, Oregon?

Unlike Antifa in America, Germans feel shame over what Nazis did to Jews and others.

Sunday, August 13, 2023

The Remaking of America

 Victor Davis Hanson; Blade of Perseus (victorhanson.com)

We have reached the Tipping Point for the American Electorate to begin dismantling the unstable facade of progressive government. Comment to this post.

"We are in the midst of one of the most radical revolutions in American history. It is as far-reaching and dangerous as the turbulent years of the 1850s and 1860s or the 1930s. Every aspect of American life and culture is under assault, including the very processes by which we govern ourselves, and the manner in which we live.

The Revolution began under the Obama administration that sought to divide Americans into oppressed and oppressors, and then substitute race for class victimization. It was empowered by the bicoastal wealth accrued from globalization, and honed during the COVID lockdown, quarantine-fed economic downturn, and the George Floyd riots and their aftermath. The Revolution was boosted by fanatic opposition to the presidency of Donald Trump. And the result is an America that is unrecognizable from what it was a mere decade ago.

"Here are 10 upheavals that the Left has successfully wrought.

"Free expression. In large swatches of American society—particularly the corporation, the media, the government, the public schools, and the university—it is suddenly dangerous to speak freely. At a DEI workshop, politely object that “whiteness” does not account for all the challenges of “marginalized peoples,” and you will become either ostracized, reprimanded, or perhaps fired.

"Suggest to a class that man-made climate change and the state remedies for it, are still under debate—and your career and livelihood are endangered. In 2020, state that Covid lockdowns would do more eventual damage than the virus—and your career was through. Express doubt that there are more than two biological sexes, and if an athlete or high school principal you will be shunned or rendered professionally inert.

"The government, in league with social media, censors the news. “Liberal” universities often first require McCarthy-era type “diversity” statements for one to be hired. Commissars review syllabi to spot incorrect or improper speech or insufficient DEI zeal. The Left now seeks to modify the First Amendment, and its empowerment of “hate speech,” defined as most anything impeding the progressive project. The state and the universities properly issue word lists of approved vocabularies.   The old ACLU or Sen. Church Committee would now probably be deemed rightwing. The methodologies of Joseph McCarthy and J. Edgar Hoover are the preferred models, once they were rebooted to the right cause.                                  The Weaponization of Justice. Administrations and their efforts to stock the justice department with supporters come and go. But in the last decade the Left has viewed the Department of Justice as a political extension of the party—whose unchecked power must properly be directed to hurt enemies and help friends. Nomili wonder Eric Holder described himself as Obama’s “wingman” and became the first Attorney General to be held in contempt for ignoring a congressional subpoena." . . .Full article here.

The Weaponization of Justice

 Clarice Feldman - American Thinker  "If you read nothing else this week, read Victor Davis Hanson’s article in American Greatness detailing how Obama began “the most radical revolutions” in our history. As legal matters -- the lawfare waged against former President Trump and the Department of Justice’s pussyfooting around the Biden bribery took this week’s center stage, it’s useful to note his remarks on the weaponization of justice in this country."

Here’s a sample:

Administrations and their efforts to stock the justice department with supporters come and go. But in the last decade the Left has viewed the Department of Justice as a political extension of the party -- whose unchecked power must properly be directed to hurt enemies and help friends. [snip]

Never in U.S. history have the Department of Justice and sympathetic state and local prosecutors indicted a leading opposition candidate and likely nominee of one of the two major parties, and at the beginning of a presidential campaign. Donald Trump is currently charged with nearly 100 felonies by at least two prosecutors. He likely eventually will be hit with more than- 500 indictments, from four prosecutors, every one of the latter with a long record of either leftwing associations or Democratic service.

The mass murderer Charles Manson faced less legal exposure. . .

. . ."In this case, the appointment of David Weiss as special counsel was met with disbelief. Professor Jonathan Turley details why this was such an outrageous move by Attorney General Garland:  

This is, after all, the same Weiss who headed an investigation that was trashed by whistleblowers, who alleged that his investigation had been fixed from the outset.

It is the same Weiss who ran an investigation in which agents were allegedly prevented from asking about Joe Biden, obstructed in their efforts to pursue questions and compromised by tip offs to the Biden team on planned searches.

It was also the same Weiss who reportedly allowed the statute of limitations to run out on Hunter’s major tax offenses, even though he had the option to extend it.

It was the same Weiss who did not indict on major tax felonies and cut a plea deal that brushed aside a felony gun charge.

It was the same Weiss who inked a widely panned “sweetheart” deal that caused a federal judge to balk and trash a sweeping immunity grant -- language that even the prosecutor admitted he had never previously seen in a plea deal.[snip] . . .

Florida Republican files articles of impeachment against Biden

Democrats were quick to come to Joe Biden’s defense, insisting that there is no evidence that Joe Biden accepted any payments.

  HotAir   "Rep. Greg Steube (R-FL) filed articles of impeachment against Joe Biden on Friday. On the same day, he brought forward legislation requiring the head of the Secret Service to file reports about illegal use of controlled substances in the White House." . . .

. . .“It’s long past time to impeach Joe Biden,” Steube said in a statement. “He has undermined the integrity of his office, brought disrepute on the Presidency, betrayed his trust as President, and acted in a manner subversive of the rule of law and justice at the expense of America’s citizens.”

“The evidence continues to mount by the day – the Biden Crime Family has personally profited off Joe’s government positions through bribery, threats, and fraud. Joe Biden must not be allowed to continue to sit in the White House, selling out our country,” Steube said." . . .

Vivek Ramaswamy Says He's Considering Giving a Pardon to Hunter Biden, Other Biden Family Members – RedState    . . ."I’d caution Ramaswamy that going down that road would not unite the country and allow it to move forward, as he suggests. Instead, it would be seen as yet another in a long list of examples of Democrats not having to face justice for crimes Republicans are put in prison for. Hunter Biden deserves to go to prison. Other members of his family might deserve that fate as well, depending on where the evidence takes things. To give the Biden family a free pass would be catastrophic for trust in the government and the legal system.

"So while I understand Ramaswamy is a very positive-thinking guy, if he’s going to evaluate anything, it should be re-evaluating this idea because it’s a bad one."

35-Time Racing Champion Quits Over Biological Males Dominating Her Sport

 35-Time Racing Champion Quits Over Biological Males Dominating Her Sport (analyzingamerica.org)

"Legendary 35-time professional cycling champion Hannah Arensman is walking away from her sport at the young age of 25 due to the rise of transgender women dominating the sport. In some races, transgender women are winning by a whooping five minutes.

“I was born into a family of athletes,” Arensman said in a statement. “Encouraged by my parents and siblings, I competed in sports from a young age, and I followed in my sister’s footsteps, climbing the ranks to become an elite cyclocross racer. Over the past few years, I have had to race directly with male cyclists in women’s events.”

“As this has become more of a reality, it has become increasingly discouraging to train as hard as I do only to have to lose to a man with the unfair advantage of an androgenized body that intrinsically gives him an obvious advantage over me, no matter how hard I train,” she continued. “I have decided to end my cycling career.” (Trending: Trans Women Wins Major Sports Event)" . . .

Former U.S. Sen. Scott Brown had to threaten Biden, who was groping Brown’s wife

 Biden is what Biden is, of course. The really disgusting thing is that the Democrat establishment, whether political officials, Deep Staters, consultants, or media outlets, have been protecting this loathsome excuse for a human being for so long. 

Andrea Widburg - American Thinker   Currently, Joe Biden’s creepy, handsy, sniffing behavior is limited to the little children who get too close to him. And this conduct is newsworthy because it’s disgusting, especially when the head of the American state engages in it. However, it’s worth remembering that Biden has been credibly accused of sexual assault and has a decades-long reputation for grabbing grown women. Now, former Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown has reminded us that he once had to threaten to “kick the s***” out of Biden when the latter groped Brown’s wife.

The MeToo movement was an effort to destroy Trump. It failed and, indeed, backfired. It turned out that a whole lot of leftist men, the kind who endlessly touted their support for women’s rights and modern feminism, used that loud support as a cover for dirty deeds.

Joe Biden ought to have been swept up in and destroyed by the MeToo movement. After all, for decades, his very public targets have been women and children.

However, as Obama’s one-time vice president, he was untouchable when the MeToo movement appeared. By 2020, when Tara Reade’s made her highly credible claims about him sexually assaulting her (claims that had contemporaneous support from a phone call her mother made to Larry King), she was attacked, and an effort was made to destroy her. MeToo’s mantra of “believe all women” did not extend to a challenge to the Democrat presidential candidate." . . .

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Defending the Texas Border Means Defying Joe Biden

The safety and sovereignty of Texas citizens should not be resigned to waiting for a complicated judicial process or a change in presidential administrations.

American Greatness  "As the State of Texas attempts to secure its border and stop the invasion of illegal aliens that are flooding our state, the majority of the pushback isn’t coming from the narcoterrorist cartels who have complete operational control of the border region—it’s coming from Joe Biden.
"Since Gov. Greg Abbott tapped former Border Patrol agent Mike Banks to lead Operation Lone Star, Texas Department of Public Safety officers, members of the Texas National Guard, and other members of the state’s response team have been working to secure the Texas Border and prevent illegal entry only to see their work undermined by U.S. Border Patrol officers who admit illegal aliens into Texas on Joe Biden’s orders.
"Over the past several months, Texas Border enforcement has become a cat-and-mouse game between Texas and the federal government.
"It’s all part of what the Center for Immigration Studies’ Todd Bensman calls a “Cold Border War.”
" 'It’s become a war: Texas actually enforcing the law, and the Biden administration fighting it at every step,” wrote Bensman in the New York Post.
"To his credit, Abbott should be commended for doing more than any other governor, but he’s also had to deal with a far more serious crisis than any other governor.
"Since Joe Biden took office and reversed much of the Trump administration’s actions to deter illegal crossings, Title 42, Remain in Mexico, etc., the result has been what can only be described as an invasion." . . .


Biden’s Secretary of State chastises Russian government for locking up opposition leader

 Eric Utter - American Thinker

Blinken’s missive is akin to Hitler chastising the U.S. for mistreating Jews. It’s as if a Klansman reminded Clarence Thomas to treat black folks with the fairness and dignity they deserve. It would be like Teddy Kennedy cautioning Ronald Reagan to “drive sober.” 

"American Secretary of State Antony Blinken recently issued a tweet condemning Russia’s prosecution of opposition leader Aleksey Navalny. On August 4th, a Russian court convicted Navalny on charges of “extremism” and sentenced him to 19 years in prison. This was one day after former (and possibly future) President Donald Trump was arraigned in federal court on transparently bogus charges related to his questioning the legitimacy of the 2020 presidential election and his role in the Capitol riot of Jan. 6, 2021.

"Incredibly, Blinken tweeted:

The United States strongly condemns Russia’s conviction of opposition leader Aleksey Navalny on politically motivated charges. The Kremlin cannot silence the truth. Navalny should be released.

"He must have giggled to himself after posting this. He should have added “#hypocrisy #chutzpah.”

"The Biden administration in its entirety, including the DOJ, CIA, FBI, and various other now rogue and weaponized federal agencies, has been diligently trying to convict and imprison Trump since the day Biden took office." . . .