Update: Rick Moran's commentary on "Former Greenpeace Canada President: AOC is a 'pompous little twit'" . . . "All of that is true. The former bartender turned congresswoman knows no more about the climate than your average 12 year old - maybe less. She is parroting talking points she gets from people who are pushing a political agenda, not science. Like many ignorant people, she has adopted the extreme rhetoric of global warming hysterics because she believes it makes her sound important and smart. She is neither.
@AOC on millennials and social media: "We’re, like, the world is going to end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change"
"We're like"?
The Gateway Pundit "Finally someone says what we’ve all been thinking…
"Because of her position in the Democratic party (she gets more press than any other Democrat) she is extraordinarily dangerous. She is pushing her party off a cliff and, like lemmings, many are following her. They believe they can ride global warming hysteria to power and riches - a misplaced hope based on their belief they can scare voters into electing them.
"Thankfully, most voters are far more skeptical than your average Democrat. But surveying the political landscape today, you have to wonder what tomorrow will bring."
The Gateway Pundit "Finally someone says what we’ve all been thinking…
"Patrick Moore, the co-founder of Greenpeace, lectured Democrat darling and chatterbox "Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on the rules of life.
Moore opened up with the best line of the week… “Pompous little twit.” Then he went on to explain the impossibility of heating homes without fossil fuels."

"I must have slept through that event, thankfully, I’m still here. Global Warming zealots have been predicting doom for years, the latest being that we now have only 12 years left.
"But, back in 1989, we were told we have only 11 years left, till the year 2000. If we didn’t act, “entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels“.