Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Videos of the Day: Corey Lewandowski frustrates Democrats’ attempted coup against Trump

Conservative Firing Line  "On Tuesday, the House Judiciary Committee conducted its first impeachment hearing with former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, who refused to answer many of their questions.
"According to Fox News:

After five hours of testimony before lawmakers, the top Democrat on the committee, Rep. Jerry Nadler, told Lewandowski his “behavior in this hearing room has been completely unacceptable,” and said holding him “in contempt” is “certainly under consideration.” . . .
. . . "In short, it wasn’t a good day for Nadler and his fellow Democrats…  No doubt there will be more to come.

Here’s Jerry Nadler’s interrogation:
Here’s more of the best from the hearing:
Here’s the questioning from Eric “Nuke ‘Em” Swalwell:
More videos at this site.

Lewandowski fired back later in the day:

Kavanaugh Claim Collapses in Flaccid Hearsay

Ann Coulter  . . . "If someone from Bob Jones University said that her dreams of marital purity were “ripped away” because she saw a man’s penis in college, liberals would never stop laughing. 
“ '(Kavanaugh) was ... known to attend an annual teenage bacchanal called ‘Beach Week,’ where the hookups and drinking were more important than the sand and swimming.”
"It wasn’t much of a “beach party” -- if you want to call it that. Instead of wholesome fun, the young people consumed alcoholic beverages and engaged in inappropriate flirting. "Everyone said it was inappropriate -- not just us.
"Most shocking, from a “Little House on the Prairie” perspective, was this:
“People ... would start to say ‘Debbie does …’ playing on the 1978 porn movie ‘Debbie Does Dallas.’ "But Ms. Ramirez didn’t understand the reference.”
"Remind me: Aren't these the same people demanding that we teach kindergartners about “fisting”?
"But the “Debbie Does Defamation” authors weren’t finished." . . . 

Victor Davis Hanson writes in American Greatness, 
 The Stalinist mantra “to accuse is to be believed”   . . . "In the end, Ford was perhaps fortunate that the entire circus ceased when it did. Had investigators probed any more deeply the recent accusations of her once long-term boyfriend, the strange but multifaceted role of her lifelong but apparently conniving friend Monica McClean in the Kavanaugh allegations, the passages of the therapist tapes, the exact circumstances surrounding the lie-detector test, the long odyssey of Ford’s original accusation through Feinstein’s staff to Democratic committee members and the media, and the sources of Ford’s judicial support, there might well have been more incompatibility with the ever growing number of Ford’s narratives.
"In the end, we were left only with the Stalinist mantra “to accuse is to be believed”—but, of course, not even the current accusers in the future would be exempt from the very nightmare they now would create for others."

Tony Branco

Mayor Pete Can Explain about Pro-Abortion Jesus

"But somehow the very religious Buttegieg can't make out any moral problem with aborting an unborn baby up to the moment of birth, despite how it harms God's creation and harms people — in fact, it destroys people created by God in His own image.  The Federalist's Ericka Andersen spotted Mayor Pete's hypocrisy, agonizing over air quality and sea levels but "convinced that's God's creation inside the womb is unworthy of that same care and protection.' "
Pat Cross
American Thinker "Democrat Pete Buttigieg's recent defense of unrestricted abortion, suggesting that "a lot" of the scriptures says "life begins with breath," came in for some well deserved ridicule from people who actually own Bibles.  Mayor Pete was willing to admit that others may interpret these verses differently, because his real argument was that the only person's opinion that matters "is the woman making the decision."

"This idea that "the woman" alone (or, more accurately, the mother alone) gets to decide her baby's life or death is the atheist Left's default position: because there's no God to decree what's good or evil, there's no appeal outside the individual's arbitrary will.  (And because an unborn baby is too small to assert his will, who cares about him?)
"Liberal Christians, compromised by their higher loyalty to the progressive cause, have been stuck for decades improvising biblical rationalizations as best they can for the Left's morally indefensible positions.  When they see they can't make the case, as Buttigieg can never make his, their fallback position is that the scriptures are ambiguous and the mind of God unknowable." . . .

Buttigieg Draws On Bible, Suggests Unborn Babies Can Be Aborted Up Until Their First Breath

RELATED: Pro-Abortion Kamala Harris Tells Trump Admin: ‘A Society Is Judged Based On How It Treats Children’)

The NYT News Department and The Washington Post Both Turned Down That Kavanaugh ‘Scoop’

Chicks on the Right  "Not EVERYONE at the New York Times is a COMPLETE moron… but they’re certainly sneaky.
"A new report by Vanity Fair reveals that the fine folks at the NYT News Department knew those new Kavanaugh allegations were NOT printable.
"(So did the Washington Post, for the record.)

"So, after getting the ax for the “news” pages, the new Kavanaugh allegations were relegated to the “opinion” pages… knowing FULL well no one would notice.

"According to Daily Wire:

Reporters Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelly “initially pitched their reporting to the news side,” hoping for a front page, above-the-fold story that would embroil Kavanaugh, yet again, in a high-profile controversy, but the New York Times news editors “felt that there wasn’t enough juice to warrant a story there, let alone a big page-one treatment” — the kind leftists have been hoping for, Vanity Fair admits, since Kavanaugh was confirmed to the bench.
"Instead, Pogrebin and Kelly were told to pitch an excerpt from their forthcoming book, delving into claims made against Kavanaugh by a woman named Deborah Ramirez, to the opinion-editorial side, where they could hope to see some of the juiciest parts of their report in print, but without the same level of scrutiny the Times reserves for its news section.
. . . 
Pogrebin and Kelly’s story gets around the corroboration point by suggesting that Stier directed them to several people who could verify his story — but those people verified that Stier had raised his concerns with Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee, not that Stier’s story was true.
"Ladies and Gentlemen… THIS is the state of American Media."

How Small States Lose When They Abandon the Electoral College

Intellectual Takeout
"The question then is this: Will there ever be a coalition of 270 so that America loses the electoral college? And what happens to the American republic if that does come to pass?"

Change our Constitution and upend our electoral process for this woman?
"Calls for the abolition of the Electoral College have persisted in the three years since President Donald Trump won the 2016 presidential election without winning the popular vote.

"But abolishing the Electoral College in the normal way – via amending the Constitution – is a bit more arduous than proponents like. U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg called amending the Constitution to change or eliminate the Electoral College “more theoretical than real” according to the Chicago Sun-Times.
“ 'It’s largely a dream because the Constitution is… hard to amend,” Ginsburg said. “I know that from the experience.”
"Since it is hard to amend the Constitution, some states are trying to circumvent the process by pushing for popular vote presidential elections.
"Since Trump’s election, five states have joined the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (NPVIC.) States who participate in this pledge agree to award all of their electoral votes to the winner of the national popular vote, but only if the participating states account for an absolute majority of electoral votes.
"The shocking thing is not the fact that this compact exists – it was founded in 2006 – but that so many small states have joined. The Electoral College is meant to ensure that states with small populations are able to have some say in who is president and what the president focuses on. The issues affecting these states stay in play precisely because candidates do need to worry about how these smaller states vote. It is curious then to see small states disregard this safeguard placed in the Constitution.
"One might expect larger states like California and New York to work toward a national popular vote, for doing so would allow presidential candidates to focus on them more. It only takes 11 heavily populated states to reach the 270 electoral vote threshold to win the presidency after all." . . .

Trump’s starting to win big on controlling the southern border

NY Post
The border wall in southern Texas.
 "On Wednesday, the Supreme Court ruled to permit the administration to go on refusing to accept applications for asylum from migrants who have passed through another country without being denied asylum there, while a case challenging this common-sense policy works its way through the courts. 
"That comes on the heels of the court’s decision in July to allow Trump to use money from the defense budget to build the border wall. It was yet another significant victory for the administration’s initiatives and a sign that the left’s judicial guerrilla war that had been stymieing the president is starting to crumble. 
"Expect liberal efforts to prevent Trump from overturning President Barack Obama’s executive orders that effectively granted amnesty to millions of illegals to meet the same fate.Fact is, despite the beating Trump has continued to take from the media about government tactics aimed at stemming the surge of illegal immigrants over the southern border, his policies have started to show signs of success. 
"While no one expects Mexico to pay for Trump’s wall, it is doing something more important: using its resources to stop its people from crossing over into the United States illegally. It has, for example, reinforced security on its southern border and set up checkpoints on highways leading north, dispatching 21,600 police and troops across the nation in the effort.
"So far in 2019, the US Border Patrol has arrested more than 400,000 migrants from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras for crossing the border illegally. But only 4,300 Mexicans were caught doing so. 
"It’s all strong evidence that, far from ignoring or rejecting Trump’s efforts to jawbone them into doing something to stop the flood of illegals, America’s most important southern neighbor is listening to him. Recall that Mexico stepped up actions to control the migrants in a bid to avoid tariffs Trump had threatened to impose." . . . 

Democrats vs.Lewandowski; why can't we have more people in government like Corey Lewandowski?

Lewandowski: ‘Fake Russia Collusion Narrative Is the Greatest Crime Committed Against’ Americans
“ 'I think that this fake Russia collusion narrative is the greatest crime committed against the American people in our generation, if not ever. This is a president who was duly elected by the American people, and certain bodies refuse to accept the election results,” Lewandowski said.
“ 'If this were done by different president to a different party the same way it was done to Donald Trump, that person would already be thrown out of office and people would be in jail, but when you support Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama there are a different set of rules,” he said." . . .

Chaos on Capitol Hill: Judiciary Hearing with Corey Lewandowski Devolves into Bedlam, Democrats Lose Control  "Rather than give Democrats any new ammunition, Lewandowski used the hearing as opportunity to recall President Trump’s historic campaign, tease a potential run for the Senate in 2020, and mock flustered Democrats."
Looks like he got to Jerry Nadler. And to Eric Swalwell: Lewandowski also referred to Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) as "President Swalwell" after the California Democrat tried to get Lewandowski to get him to read the Mueller report.

Corey Lewandowski Mocks Sheila Jackson Lee’s Line of Questioning: ‘It Was Just a Rant’ Accusations of "racism" begins in

Trump, Kavanaugh, Lewandowski and our malignant Left  "Most Americans are by now familiar with the fact that higher-ups in the FBI, DOJ, CIA and the Obama administration attempted to destroy the Republican candidate for the presidency.  Once Donald Trump won, they doubled down on their despicable collusion of fakery to see the man not only driven from office but rendered guilty of treason.  

"They did all of this knowing full well that none of it was true.  It was all part of a plan, their "insurance policy" to ensure Hillary Clinton's ascension to the White House despite her many crimes, which they all worked to conceal.  Much of this was likely done to ensure their own job security." . . .  

"It was a tragic travesty that most likely did permanent damage to the psyches of Kavanaugh, his wife and daughters.  That perversion of decency did permanent damage to all of us.  Do any of the perpetrators, especially those Democrats on the  Senate Judiciary Committee who savaged the man, care about the horrors they have visited upon that family? Not one bit.  They are soulless, heartless engines of malevolence.  And they are proud of themselves for inflicting misery on an innocent family.  They did it to Trump and to Kavanaugh.  Today, they did it, or tried, to Corey Lewandowski, so desperate are they to appease their moonbat base.  It's a safe bet that they look forward to doing it again to whomever gets in the way of their  plan to gain absolute control of 350m* American citizens."  *Including 720 million women. TD  (Emphasis fervently added by TD)

Even the UK is following Nadler-Lewandowski Show . . . "He added: 'And the fact is there was never a crime committed by this president or anyone in the administration or of the current campaign to try and allow someone to interfere with the outcome of the election.'
"And he brushed aside concerns about Democrats threatening him with contempt.

" 'In contempt for what? Coming and answering questions,' Lewandowski told CNN.
" 'I don't have any reason to be held in contempt and I told the members of Congress I'm happy to come back and answer more questions if they needed me to after the five or six hour charade I went through yesterday,' he said." . . .
Upon reading this, Daily Mail readers wondered, "You fought wars against us for this?"

Popcorn: Lewandowski Slapped Around Democrats During Their Trump Impeachment Circus  "Former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski took the Democrats to school today. Trump impeachment theater is now a full production. Okay—ever since the Democrat retook the House, impeachment theater has been in production, but now it’s official. Lewandowski was yanked before the House Judiciary Committee via subpoena and gave the Left a run for its money. He slapped down the nonsense hurled at him regarding the Trump-Russia myth. He wasn’t going to play by their rules because he doesn’t need to accept those parameters. This is a witch hunt. It’s political theater. So, have fun—and he did (via Fox News):" . . .It was said that Lewandowski gave Swalwell the "chef's kiss"
What were Dems thinking when they invited Corey Lewandowski to testify? . . . "Here he is this morning being interviewed by CNN, not one full day after testifying under oath that he lies to the media." . . .

Corey Lewandowski Tried to Make a Mockery of the House . . . "At one point, he said that as Trump’s campaign manager, he received hundreds of thousands of emails. “Unlike Hillary Clinton, I don’t think I ever deleted any of those,” Lewandowski joked." . . .
Democrats, stuck in Watergate mode, bungle Lewandowski testimony
. . ." 'And I will remind you," Nadler continued, "that Article 3 of the impeachment against President Nixon was based on obstruction of Congress."

"Perhaps Nadler thought that was a killer argument. But rather than highlight similarities between the Trump-Russia affair and Watergate, Nadler's reference to Richard Nixon served to show the differences — and why Democrats are having so much trouble getting an impeachment effort off the ground." . . .
'Are you a journalist?': Lewandowski erupts at CNN anchor 
“ 'Are you a journalist, or are you a talking head?” Lewandowski asked."

"Beto" has a few red flags of his own, you know.

American Thinker
Beto's Gift to the GOP  . . . "Our Democratic friends need to reread their history and take a brief look around the world right now, to places like Venezuela and Hong Kong, to understand why we have a Second Amendment and why it protects our right to own even scary-looking guns like AR-15s and AK-47s."

We can't say Eastwood actually said this, but it is a clever statement

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

CNN: “Corey Lewandowksi owned the Judiciary Committee today…Jerry Nadler played a stupid game and they won a stupid prize”

100%FedUp  "Today, former Trump Campaign Manager Corey Lewandowski was asked to testify in front of the House Judiciary Committee, as part of their efforts to hold impeachment hearings against Trump.
"Before the Democrats clown show started, Lewandowski blistered Democrats in his opening statement:
“We as a nation would be better served if elected officials like you concentrated your efforts to combat the true crises facing our country as opposed to going down rabbit holes like this hearing.” 

. . . "Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX), who’s known for not being the sharpest knife in the drawer, used her time to paint Lewandowski as a lackey who did Trump’s dirty work. When she was finished with her unfounded accusations, Chairman Nadler asked Lewandowski to reply to her question. Lewandowski brilliantly responded, “Could you repeat the question? I didn’t hear it. Just a rant.' ”

Corey Lewandowski to Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee:
"Could you repeat the question? I didn't hear it. Just a rant."

. . . "Rep. Matt Gaetz summed up the House Judiciary Committee impeachment inquiry that turned out to be an epic embarrassment to the Democrat members of the United States Congress." . . .