"Last week, the Institute of Governmental Studies at UC-Berkeley published a poll that found 71 percent of residents considered leaving California due to the cost of housing. The poll also found that 84 percent cited the "political culture" and 76 percent identified high taxes as the biggest reason.
"Republicans and conservatives were three times as likely to strongly consider leaving than Democrats and liberals, the study found." . . .

"Guess what was at the top? Make America Great Again! From College Reform:" . . .
'MAGA' Slogan Listed on California College's 'White Supremacy' Pyramid "When everything becomes racist, or suggestive of white supremacy, they will have won." . . .
'MAGA' Slogan Listed on California College's 'White Supremacy' Pyramid "When everything becomes racist, or suggestive of white supremacy, they will have won." . . .
Stanford University Stripping Campus Buildings of Names With ‘Complex Legacies’ "Crimethink". . . . "Stanford University has now officially wiped itself clean of any major references to California Mission system founder Father Junipero Serra, reasoning that the historic mission system “inflicted great harm and violence.”
Previously called “Serra Mall,” the university’s main street will now be called “Jane Stanford Way.” The “Serra Dormitory” will now be called the “Sally Ride House,” and a building previously dubbed the “Serra House” is now the “Carolyn Lewis Attneave House.' ” . . .
California's Government Loves Homelessness So Much They Passed a Rent Control Law . . . "California's housing crisis is self-inflicted. It's not the result of rapacious businessmen gouging their tenants or evil landlords plotting to throw people out on the street for no reason. All the state has done with this new law is create another layer of red tape to discourage builders." . . .
PG&E Cut Power To Nearly 2 Million Californians To Prevent Wild Fires And People Are Upset . . ."The utility is damned if they do and damned if they don’t. As much as I sympathize with people who suddenly find themselves living in the 19th century (and knowing I could be joining them if wind conditions in southern California worsen) it was less than a year ago that we learned things could be much, much worse if the power was left on in these conditions." . . .
PG&E Cut Power To Nearly 2 Million Californians To Prevent Wild Fires And People Are Upset . . ."The utility is damned if they do and damned if they don’t. As much as I sympathize with people who suddenly find themselves living in the 19th century (and knowing I could be joining them if wind conditions in southern California worsen) it was less than a year ago that we learned things could be much, much worse if the power was left on in these conditions." . . .