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Sacramento Bee "On a warm Saturday morning in late September, the west lawn of the California Capitol resembled a back-to-school fair as moms huddled around booths set up along the sidewalk. This story was supported by the Pulitzer Center.
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Breitbart "Famous never Trumpers Jonah Goldberg and Stephen Hayes quit as contributors for Fox News in protest of Tucker Carlson’s January 6 documentary suggesting that the Capitol Hill riot may have in part been sparked by the FBI.". . .
. . .“Now, righting the ship is an academic question,” said Goldberg. “The ‘Patriot Purge’ thing meant: OK, we hit the iceberg now, and I can’t do the rationalizations anymore.”
Hayes, editor-in-chief of The Weekly Standard, worried that the documentary could lead people into believing “that there’s a domestic war on terror and it’s coming for half of the country.”
“That’s not true,” said Hayes. “The imagery of waterboarding and suggestions that half the country is going to be subject to this kind of treatment, that’s the same kind of treatment that the federal government used when it went after Al Qaeda.”
“[Tucker Carlson] pumped that stuff out into society, and all you need is one person out of every 50,000 people who watch it to believe it’s literally the story about what happened, that it’s true in all of its particulars and all of its insinuations,” he added. “And that’s truly dangerous in a way that the usual hyperbole that you get on a lot of cable news isn’t.”
Goldberg recalled National Review founder William F. Buckley, who famously purged the John Birch Society from the right-wing as part of his mission to impose “seriousness on conservative arguments.”
"However, according to NY Post reporter Karol Markiewicz, the person in custody is a black man with dreadlocks, Darrell E. Brooks.". . .
WATCH: SUV ...Drives Through Crowd Of People At Christmas Parade In Wisconsin…
TRIGGER WARNING: 🚨DISTURBING VIDEO🚨A viewer sent in horrifying video the moment a red SUV plowed through a crowd during the #Waukesha Holiday Parade. Its currently unclear how many people have been injured. Updates to come on @tmj4 pic.twitter.com/u6q10VgTJ1
— Taylor Lumpkin (@TaylorLumpkinTV) November 22, 2021
"A speeding red SUV plowed through a Christmas parade on Sunday, triggering what reports are calling a mass casualty event. An officer with the Waukesha police told Newsmax that shots had been fired but offered no further details about where or when.
"A police news conference revealed people had been killed, but the number or names of those killed was not given. Police said 11 adults and 12 children had been taken to hospitals.
"A person of interest is in custody, they said.
"According to Heavy, an officer reported that there were as many as 40 wounded or lifeless. Heavy adds that the shots fired came from the car that plowed through the parade, after which patrons began gathering loved ones inside shops.
It's okay. The driver in Waukesha was afraid for his life and defending himself from the unarmed holiday crowd. That's Wisconsin law now.
"Speaking on a New Hampshire bridge on Tuesday about his bipartisan infrastructure plan, Biden said, "Without this bridge, as I said earlier, it’s a 10-mile detour just to get to the other side. And I know, having had a house burn down with my wife in it — she got out safely, God willing — that having a significant portion of it burn, I can tell: 10 minutes makes a hell of a difference."
"Biden has recalled the story before, saying in 2013 that a fire "destroyed a significant portion" of his New Hampshire home.
"However, a 2004 report from the Associated Press, archived by LexisNexis, said lightning struck the Bidens’ home and started a "small fire that was contained to the kitchen." The report said firefighters got the blaze under control in 20 minutes and that they were able to keep the flames from spreading beyond the kitchen." . . .
Biden repeats debunked Amtrak story for fifth time during presidency
It’s injustice from top to bottom in Kenosha, and it’s provoked by the media.
"The media crime syndicate strikes again, targeting a teenager and creating mayhem in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Will they pay a price? Doubtful.
"Kenosha, Wisconsin, a mid-sized midwestern town on the west side of Lake Michigan, has around 99,000 residents. There are family-owned restaurants and businesses and neighbors know one another. Kenosha is about five minutes from the Illinois border. It’s two hours to Chicago or Madison and 45 minutes to Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
"Like New York and New Jersey, lots of people who work in Wisconsin live in Illinois and vice versa. Kyle Rittenhouse was one of those people. His divorced parents lived within 30 minutes of one another — his mom in Antioch, Illinois, his dad in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Kyle worked in Kenosha. He had friends and family in Kenosha. His situation is not at all unusual.
"A wife abuser and alleged rapist in town, Jacob Blake, was harassing his victim, and attempting to take her child in her vehicle. She called police. The police knew Jacob. When they got there and confronted him, Jacob reached into his vehicle, grabbed a knife, and was then shot by a police officer.
"The story the media ran with? That police shot an unarmed, innocent black man, again. It was not true that Jacob was innocent. It was not true that he was unarmed. The media used lies to incite frustrated Americans. All hell broke loose. This was in the aftermath of George Floyd’s death. Tensions were high. The media stoked them with misinformation and anti-police propaganda.
"Within hours, protestors were mobilized. A bus was on its way from Seattle. These were not the peaceful, Martin Luther King-type protestors, locking arms and singing for justice. No, these were the type that went on an arson rampage and burned out the downtown of Kenosha." . . .
Welcome to the Club, Kyle: Rittenhouse Joins Pantheon of Young Men the Left Tried to Destroy . . ."It’s a club no one asks to join, and the price of admission is unfathomable duress followed by a lifetime of watching your back.
"I’m not talking about merely having the Twitter mob come down on you and maybe even losing your college admission or job, as horrible as that is. I’m talking about the incomprehensible weight of knowing millions of people who have never met you hate you and are howling for your head. The pain of being defamed. The emotional and financial strain on your loved ones. The horror of being railroaded for something you didn’t do. Suffocating uncertainty about whether you even have a future.
"Kyle Rittenhouse is the latest victim of systemic leftist persecution, but he’s certainly not the first.". . .
Media malpractice on Kyle Rittenhouse
More here:
“If that fails, I will drop my cable subscription.”
Dean Obeidallah |
“ 'This is about using our wallets to have an impact on issues that matter,” he said. “I refuse to fund a channel spreading bigotry and undermining our democracy.”
"Obeidallah explained that a basic cable subscription funds Fox News hosts like Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, and Laura Ingraham, as well as MSNBC hosts like Joy Reid and Nicolle Wallace because cable providers bundle channels into a package and customers pay for all of the networks they receive. Cable operators then pay carriage fees to networks. He said that Fox News receives almost $2 billion in revenue from these fees.
“ 'If you pay for any basic cable package, you are helping fund everything that Fox News airs,” he said. “It’s infuriating that on some level you and I are complicit in the toxic fodder being peddled on Fox News by helping fund its content.”Obeidallah acknowledged that MSNBC is itself funded by these cable packages and receives these fees, but noted that these fees are much lower for his own network since its viewership is so much smaller.
"The average customer pays around $2 a month in fees to Fox News, which is the most-watched cable network. In comparison, they pay around $0.33 to MSNBC. During primetime hours, Fox News has nearly twice the viewership that MSNBC does.
"Obeidallah is not alone in calling for cable companies to scrap Fox News, but he might be the first person employed by a network to call on people to stop purchasing a cable package if the companies don’t comply and to pledge to “drop” his own subscription alongside them." . . .
"Delivering into the political ether a line that had hitherto been reserved to satirists, MSNBC’s Dean Obeidallah proposed on Tuesday that Florida governor Ron DeSantis is “more dangerous than Trump.” “Former President Donald Trump is a clear and present danger to our nation, at least, if you support our democratic republic,” Obeidallah wrote. “But DeSantis is more dangerous.”
"That was quick.
"The proximate cause of Dean Obeidallah’s ire is that Ron DeSantis isn’t setting the same masking rules for children as Dean Obeidallah would if Dean Obeidallah were the governor of Florida." . . .
MSNBC Contributor Spews HATE: Fox News Is Al Jazeera, Trump Is Bin Laden
19 April, 2021Please write your elected congressperson. If you object to waters behavior it is imperative that you advise your congress person to vote to the censure resolution mr. kevin McCarthy is introducing on Wednesday that could lead to further action. What she did was wrong and she must be held accountable. If you do nothing, nothing will happen
“Whatever the reason for holding the [Kenosha] piece, covering the suffering after the riots was not a priority. The reality that brought Kyle Rittenhouse into the streets was one we reporters were meant to ignore”
"The mainstream media were unquestionably biased about the August 2020 officer-involved shooting of Jacob Blake, the Kenosha riots that followed, and the story of Kyle Rittenhouse, who shot three people in self-defense, killing two of them after he went to a Kenosha Black Lives Matter protest to protect a car dealership from rioters as well as to render medical assistance if needed.
"It’s just nuts how much misinformation is out there about what happened in Kenosha, and much of it has come not just from Democrats and the Biden White House directly but also from the MSM – something even some liberals have admitted in recent weeks after they watched the trial and learned the actual facts of Rittenhouse’s case.
"Related to all of this is a tidbit of information former New York Times tech reporter Nellie Bowles wrote in a recent newsletter regarding a November 2020 story about how the Kenosha riots devastated communities of color." . . . Full article....
Now we should all know why the media is called the "drive-by media"
“They come in with their cameras and their microphones and their news reporting, and they create an absolute mess,” he explained. “They scare the hell out of people. They literally cause carnage. Their actions sometimes are destructive and ruinous to individuals. They kill the reputations of people or try to.
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Tony Branco |
Yahoo "A difficult political atmosphere for President Joe Biden may have become even more treacherous with the acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse.
Biden was already facing sliding poll numbers with an electorate worn down by the coronavirus pandemic and increasing inflation. Now, the president finds himself caught between outraged Democrats — some of whom were already stewing over Biden’s inability to land police reform and voting rights legislation — and Republicans looking to use the Rittenhouse case to exploit the national divide over matters of grievance and race.
“This is one of the last things Biden wants to be engaging in at this moment as he tries to finish up the big Build Back Better bill and get that across the finish line through the Senate,” said Christopher Borick, director of the Muhlenberg College Institute of Public Opinion. “Race and Kyle Rittenhouse is not the space where he wants or needs to be going deep right now.” . . .
"Sen. Tom Cotton of Arkansas and Republican National Committee chairwoman Ronna McDaniel are among party officials who have called on Biden to apologize.
"“He smeared a teenager to score political points and spread lies about this case,” McDaniel wrote on Twitter. “What Biden did was dangerous and inflammatory.”. . .
UPDATE: Rittenhouse vs. Biden, the next thriller "Back in August 2020, then-candidate Joe Biden compared Kyle Rittenhouse to a "white supremacist." Why? Does Mr. Biden know Kyle personally? The answer is no, but that's what many did in the summer of peaceful protests.
"On Friday, Kyle Rittenhouse was found not guilty, and President Biden could not control himself again. On the one hand, he said that we should respect the jury's decision, but then he expressed anger and concern over the verdict.
"First, why is the president of the U.S. getting involved in a trial? Yes, it received national attention, but why does the president have to say something about everything?
"Second, what impact will all of this have on people who may get violent? Won't they conclude that the trial was rigged because the president and others are concerned about it?
"Third, concerned about what? What specifically is he concerned about? Shouldn't he explain that to the nation? I would like to know why he is concerned. How exactly did the system fail us?" . . .
A Special Kind Of Stupid: Media And The Kyle Rittenhouse Case
...Not to be outdone in the stupid and racist, MSNBC convened a panel of 5 black pundits, each more racist than the last, to talk about what’s wrong with white people. The dean of race-baiting, Al Sharpton, led the woke-off by getting literally everything about the case wrong and not a single member of the Dumbass Brady Bunch screen said a word, either because the truth doesn’t matter or they’re too uninformed to know the truth themselves. . .
The MSNBC host compared Rosenbaum, Huber to allies in the Civil Rights Movement
"The "ReidOut" host urged viewers to think about the families of "those who died," hailing Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber for "defending Black lives," saying they "paid for it with their lives" and comparing them to White allies who helped Black Americans in the Civil Rights Movement." . . .
Why We’ve Decided to Tell You the Criminal Records of the Men Shot in Kenosha "The jurors have not learned details of these histories. These are the criminal histories of Joseph Rosenbaum, Anthony Huber, and Gaige Grosskreutz:" . . .
Joseph Don Rosenbaum |
“Huber grabbed his brother by the neck, dug his nails in and choked him for approximately ten seconds,” Chirafisi said. “He put a knife to his brother’s left ear and his brother felt it cut.”
" 'He said: “I’m going to burn the house down with all you f—kers in it,' ”
Grosskreutz (below) was moving toward Rittenhouse when shot and holding a handgun, the complaint says.
The men Rittenhouse shot were capable of murder; typical of those burning down America's cities for whom we all need protection against. Shame on their supporters and the vicious Joy Reid types in our media. TD
Why has the Democratic Party that supports so many issues that benefit the middle class still considered "out of touch" by 62% of Americans?
"Bill dons his "Coach" hat and attempts to guide the Democrats away from a devastating loss in the upcoming midterm elections."
Language advisory.
Rittenhouse took the law into his own hands? No, the law provides a right of self-defense. It was the rioters who attacked Rittenhouse who took the law into their own hands.
Maurice Freeland, 39, has admitted that he was the one who kicked Rittenhouse in the head |
Power Line "Joe Biden, having groundlessly denounced Kyle Rittenhouse as a “white supremacist” last year, says he is “angry” over Rittenhouse’s acquittal:
While the verdict in Kenosha will leave many Americans feeling angry and concerned, myself included, we must acknowledge that the jury has spoken.
"What is Biden angry about? That the jury, which saw the evidence, didn’t agree with his view of the case, not having seen the evidence? These are highly irresponsible words from the President of the United States, particularly in a climate where mobs have threatened reprisals against the jurors.
"Then we have the Governor of Wisconsin, Tony Evers. He isn’t happy about the verdict, either:" . . .
"Evers says he is opposed to violence, but he doesn’t seem to have a problem with the violent acts of those who attacked Rittenhouse. And somehow the Rittenhouse case is bound up with matters of race and “equity,” even though no such concepts had any role in the trial.
"Wisconsin Senator Tammy Duckworth also doesn’t like the verdict:" . . .
"Rittenhouse took the law into his own hands? No, the law provides a right of self-defense. It was the rioters who attacked Rittenhouse who took the law into their own hands. And did Rittenhouse “walk free from any accountability”? Not at all. He was prosecuted and held to account before a jury, which, based on the evidence, acquitted him."
Joe Biden and His Handlers Immediately Walk Back the President's Kyle Rittenhouse Comments . . . "Of course, the hysterical responses came in hot and heavy, with many on the left having an absolute meltdown. They truly wanted to see an innocent man thrown in prison for life in order to feed their racial narrative, which ironically doesn’t even apply to this case given it involved a white teenager shooting three white men that were attacking him.". . .
. . ."Further, that outcome had nothing to do with “healing our country’s wounds.” What wounds is he even talking about in this case? Rittenhouse was a white guy who shot other white guys in self-defense. No social justice narrative applies in any context. This faux show of anger and care by Biden falls flat because it’s so absurd in its presentation. Do facts matter at all? Or does stoking racial divisions in the country always take priority?"
Are the social justice thugs unaware that everyone in the Rittenhouse incident is white?
Here’s one thing the three guys who were shot were not: They weren’t black.Nonetheless, the media and the social justice warrior thugs who periodically burn Democrat-controlled cities frame this as three blacks getting shot by a white supremacist. How can that be?
In a New Statement Biden Smears Kyle Rittenhouse, Again
"Moments before issuing the official statement, Biden claimed he accepted the jury's decision. Now, he's smearing Rittenhouse again by saying he's "angry" about the decision, implying the jury came to the wrong conclusion.
"Missing from the statement is an apology for smearing Rittenhouse as a white supremacist in a campaign advertisement in September 2020."
Are CNN and MSNBC About to Make Kyle Rittenhouse Rich? . . ."The idea started gaining steam earlier this week when Nicholas Sandmann — another victim of vicious media malpractice — wrote a column published in the Daily Mail. "The attacks on Kyle came from the national news media, just as they came for me," Sandmann wrote before encouraging Rittenhouse to give defamation lawsuits "a shot" and "hold the media accountable.". . .
We need to start with the media coverage that framed this case in the public mind.
— Drew Holden (@DrewHolden360) November 19, 2021
To the press, Rittenhouse was as good as guilty when the news broke. So naturally, to @CNN, the people he shot in self defense were heroes & those defending him had “justified murder.” pic.twitter.com/jsMxd4547N
. . ." The damning thread indicts the core of today's flawed mainstream media including CNN, MSNBC, and The New York Times. And that's just from the initial round of smears launched by these outlets before basic facts were even known. A parade of blue-check lib media personalities piled on too, implicating themselves individually in the scam.". . .
Rad the above and see the many well-known media people who slandered and demeaned Rittenhouse. Not a word against those who destroyed businesses and livelihoods. TD