Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Dems Don’t Trust Obama – for Good Reason

Big Government "Thus the convoluted scheme the White House has mapped out. The House would first pass the Senate bill, and then pass a reconciliation bill that addresses these objections—in effect converting the process into a makeshift and unprecedented vehicle for amendments… Iron-clad promise—or double-cross? After all, the White House would much prefer the Senate bill, because by its lights the cost-control programs are tougher than what the House prefers…In other words, perhaps Mr. Obama has embraced this reconciliation two-step only to renege as soon as the House gives him what he wants." And this: Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, ObamaCare "Last week President Obama sanctioned "reconciliation," a complex tactic that would jam ObamaCare into law on sheer power politics. But what if this gambit is really a false-flag operation, meant to lure House Democrats into voting for a bill that they would otherwise oppose? That's the question many rank-and-file Members are now asking themselves, and they're right to be worried."

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