Friday, March 14, 2025

'POSITIVELY NUTS': Maxine Waters torched for new accusation against Trump


"The 'Outnumbered' panel reacts to Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., warning that President Donald Trump is on the edge of creating a civil war. #FoxNews "

Prominent Democrats' Farrakhan ties resurface after Capitol attacker revealed as Nation of Islam follower | Fox News   
"Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif, has longstanding ties to Farrakhan and was seen on video hugging the Nation of Islam leader." . . . 

 Dem congresswoman attended Farrakhan's pro-terror convention | Israel National News  . . ." Farrakhan has long been a controversial figure within the Black Muslim community in Chicago, praising Adolf Hitler as a “very great man”, and slamming Judaism as a “gutter religion” during a 1984 speech, leading the US Senate to condemn him in a unanimous 95-0 vote.

"The Nation of Islam leader has continued to use explicitly anti-Semitic rhetoric, calling American Jews “satanic” in a 2013 sermon in Detroit.

"During the 2002 Nation of Islam convention which Congresswoman Waters attended, Farrakhan noted Waters’ appearance at the event and praised her during his address.

" 'We have Maxine Waters here,” said Farrakhan as he pointed to her, “our great congresswoman from this area,” Farrakhan said at the Nation of Islam’s 2002 “World Saviour’s Day” convention in Inglewood, California" . . .

GOP slams Rep. Waters, accusing her of ‘inciting riot’ and ‘threatening violence’ ahead of Chauvin verdict | FOX 5 Atlanta   . . ."We've got to stay on the street and we've got to get more active, we've got to get more confrontational. We've got to make sure that they know that we mean business," Waters told reporters if the former police officer isn't found guilty. 

"Waters said she was "hopeful" Chauvin would be convicted of murder, but if he isn't she said, "we cannot go away." . . .

Maxine Waters Embraced the Thug Who Slammed Concrete on Reginald Denny's Head   "NEVER FORGET that Maxine Waters embraced Damien Williams, the infamous thug who hurled a chunk of concrete at truck driver Reginald Denny and performed a victory dance over this innocent man’s battered body. Maxine Waters even visited Damien Williams’ mother to offer her support.

"Williams was sent to prison on a single felony charge of mayhem, but when his accomplices got off, Waters joined in the celebration." . . .

"As a result of the injuries he suffered during the attacks, Denny had to undergo years of rehabilitative therapy, and his speech and ability to walk were permanently damaged. He lost a lawsuit against the city of LA and avoids the media. He was interviewed in 2012 and that can be heard on this link."

Liberals Defeat Nazis By Painting Swastikas Everywhere And Torching Immigrant Businesses. From the Babylon Bee

Ethics demands I label this as parody but where does it become parody and not existential truth? These ill-educated campus sheep pale in comparison to Elon Musk and his contributions to this nation he has adopted as his own. The Tunnel Dweller

Babylon Bee

"WORLD — Liberals across the world have defeated Naziism by painting swastikas on everything and setting fire to immigrant-owned storefronts.

"With hope seemingly lost after Nazis seized America and threatened to take over the globe, progressives courageously fought back by committing widespread arson against immigrant businesses and spray-painting Nazi symbols on cars and buildings.

"We did it! We beat the Nazis," shouted activist Jean LePenne, lighting another car dealership on fire. "It took us painting thousands of swastikas on things, including on our own bodies, but we did it. I literally had to get several swastikas tattooed on my face, but it was all worth it to defeat Hitler's second coming."

"With the inexorable rise of the Fourth Reich seeming destined to take over the world, liberals began to turn the tide against Nazis by goose stepping through the streets, covering themselves in swastikas, and shouting "Heil Hitler." The Nazis were left severely weakened as progressives paraded large floats through the streets which displayed messages such as "Death To The President" and "Time For Violence." Leftists then began unleashing violent assaults against immigrant-owned businesses, defeating Naziism once and for all.

"At publishing time, liberals had celebrated their victory over the Nazis by burning all the opposition leaders in effigy along with all of their books."

On XY in XX’s Sports, Whoopi G. Opens Her Mouth—and Removes All Doubt

Selwyn Duke  

“ 'It’s better to remain silent and be thought a fool,” goes the amusing saying, “than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.” Despite this well known warning, there nonetheless is a show that specializes in removing such doubt—it’s called The View."

Daily Wire Whoopi Goldberg tells Dylan Mulvaney that people who oppose men in women's sports don't know anything about women's or trans people's bodies:"You're assuming that the women are weak and just can't do anything."Or maybe we're just aware of biological reality 🫠

. . .  A case in point is a recent episode in which co-host Caryn Johnson (aka Whoopi Goldberg) essentially claimed that people opposed to having female-identifying men in women’s sports are ignorant. She further defended the MUSS (Made-up Sexual Status, aka “transgender”) agenda with the now quite stale argument that “God doesn’t make mistakes.”

"Now, while I don’t blame God, it could occur to one that if mistakes didn’t somehow manifest themselves in the human population, how could you explain Whoopi’s reasoning ability?

"Moreover, Goldberg’s theory does not support her MUSS agenda but refutes it. For if all is ordained by God and is thus without flaw, then no one could possibly “be born in the wrong body,” right?  (Not to mention that babies afflicted with spina bifida must not actually exist. Well, darn it, the fake news sure fooled me there!)

"Anyway, Goldberg made her comments Monday while interviewing guest Dylan Mulvaney, the MUSS “influencer” best known for being the vehicle through which Bud Light’s brand was destroyed two years ago. Introducing the topic of MUSS men in women’s sports by registering shock that California governor Gavin Newsom conveniently switched positions on this issue and admitted that such participation was “unfair,” Goldberg stated:  

So, when you come in and you say, these are men competing against women, you’re assuming that the women are weak and just can’t do anything. Have you seen female athletes?! [Goldberg asked this with the implication that at issue are Amazons.] They know what they’re doing, so I’m not sure what’s going on or why this is an issue.

 "Of course, it completely eluded Goldberg, and apparently everyone else on the low-IQ View panel, that she had completely undermined her own argument. Because if the female athletes “know what they’re doing,” Whoopi should listen to them." . . . 


The Issue Is Not the Issue at Trump Tower Protest

The American Spectator  
"Mahmoud Khalil acted as a “negotiator” for the activists. The school lacked any power to change the course of the war, and the activists lacked anything tangible, beyond an end to their shutdown of much of the campus, to give to Columbia, so why Khalil negotiated and Columbia humored him still perplexes."

. . ."The activists who occupied the lobby of Trump Tower on Thursday demonstrated that the issue still isn’t the issue.

"Ignoring the law led to the arrest of their hero, Mahmoud Khalil. The mob responded to this by again ignoring the law. 

"At Columbia University, activists transformed campus green space into a campground and took over Hamilton Hall. On several occasions, the New York City police, at the request of the Columbia University administration, arrested activists and dismantled the tents of the squatters. The protest of Columbia, a non sequitur given the lack of any real connection between the university and the Hamas–Israel war, disrupted the institution’s purpose to such a degree that it called off final examinations for the spring 2024 semester.

"Mahmoud Khalil acted as a “negotiator” for the activists. The school lacked any power to change the course of the war, and the activists lacked anything tangible, beyond an end to their shutdown of much of the campus, to give to Columbia, so why Khalil negotiated and Columbia humored him still perplexes.

"As former Columbia University student Irie Sentner wrote at Politico, “The student group behind the encampment — Columbia University Apartheid Divest, or CUAD — had two main demands: that Columbia cut all its ties to Israel, including divesting and halting plans to build a ‘global center’ in Tel Aviv, and that the protesters themselves receive amnesty for their actions.”

"The issue was not the issue. The group really just wished to cause a ruckus.

"This week, the same crowd again caused a ruckus. They violated private property rights by invading Trump Tower, a place where hundreds of people live. They impeded movement on Fifth Avenue, one of the busiest thoroughfares in the United States." . . .

And for the Trump administration, it’s not really about Khalil involving himself in a prolonged protest that involved all sorts of illegalities. The troubling aspect of the protests partly led by Khalil, a Palestinian born in Syria holding Algerian citizenship, involves the perverse idea underlying them: the righteousness of the barbarous Oct. 7, 2023, attacks, which included kidnapping civilians, raping women, and slaughtering defenseless young people at a music festival. One so outside of civilization as to endorse all that does not belong within our civilization.

Michelle Obama podcast gets 47,000 and 15,000 views within their first 24 hours; Joe Rogan's show pulls anywhere from 500,000 to 56 million an episode.

Obama and her brother, Craig Robinson, launched their video podcast on Monday, March 10, and uploaded their first two episodes on Wednesday to kickstart their new media venture.

However, the two episodes garnered 47,000 and 15,000 views within their first 24 hours on the platform. In comparison, the first episode of California Governor Gavin Newsom's new podcast drew in over 743,000 views on YouTube and Joe Rogan's show pulls anywhere from 500,000 to 56 million viewers and listeners an episode.


Interestingly, the former first lady previously admitted that she “couldn’t stand” her husband for a decade while their children were growing up, as Trending Politics reported.

"Former First Lady Michelle Obama has begun a new podcast alongside her brother, Craig Robinson.

"Obama, a prominent figure int he political world and elsewhere, was believed to have a successful podcast. However, it appears that the former first lady has yet to succeed doing podcasts." . . .

. . ."Conservative commentator Alex Bruesewitz pointed out that despite the mainstream media “hyping up” the former first lady’s show, it still managed to perform poorly.

" 'Michelle Obama debuted her new podcast a couple of days ago, with the full weight of the mainstream media machine hyping it up across every major outlet and network—free promotion that most creators could only dream of,” he said." . . .