"The immediate reaction from our ObamaMedia is nothing short of disgusting. Without knowing any motive of the deranged shooter, the media immediately jumped to the convenient conclusion: He must be a right-winger and it is all the fault of Sarah Palin, Fox News, the Tea Party and talk radio. Here are just a few examples gathered from the coverage throughout the weekend ..." Neal Boortz
Heritage "Unfortunately, some have chosen to use this tragedy for political gain. Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik, the Democrat who refused to enforce SB 1070, told FOX News‘ Megyn Kelly this weekend that the shooting was caused by an “atmosphere” created when “one party trying to block the attempts of another party to make this country better. ” In case there is any doubt in your mind who Sheriff Dupnik was talking about, one veteran Democratic operative, who, like Sheriff Dupnik, blamed overheated rhetoric for the shooting, told Politico that President Barack Obama should “deftly pin this on the tea partiers.”" Emphasis added.
Political violence and connections We have removed the excerpt because we have doubts about the Oswald/ ACLU connection. We find no corroborating evidence as yet and there is doubt about the source quoted in this article.
The Left, Not the Right, Owns Political Violence "More recently, we've seen anarchist and communist riots against the WTO in Seattle in 1999, and violent anti-Bush and anti-war protests. In 2007 Leftist playwrights in New York created a stage performance about killing president Bush.
"The politics of the contemporary Left is absolutely intertwined with either tacit or overt support for violence. How dare the left-wing media attempt to pin the actions of a deranged individual in Tucson on the Right! To do so is nothing less than a calumny, a slander, and a blatant hypocrisy."
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Rich Terrell: http://terrellaftermath.com/ |
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