Thursday, November 14, 2013

Reaction to the Obama speech today

Howard Dean: I Wonder If Obama Has the 'Legal Authority to Do This'

Obamacare: Is it time to gloat yet?  "The must-read column of the day is Jonah Goldberg's hilarious take on the Obamacare belly flop in National Review Online. Acknowledging the "obligatory caveats" ("It is no laughing matter that millions of Americans' lives have been thrown into anxious chaos as they lose their health insurance, their doctors, their money, or all three," for example), Jonah wields a rapier (or is a stiletto?) on the big fat target of liberal hubris, as expressed in the president's "signature legislation.' " More

Goldberg writes"A big part of the fun is the pompousness of Obama himself:"...  Then he teaches us the words, "schadenfreude” and "hubris".
That Goldberg article in which he states: "The primary wellspring of schadenfreude can be attributed to Barack Obama’s hubris — another immigrant word, which means a sinful pride or arrogance that causes someone to believe he has a godlike immunity to the rules of life."
Obama Announces Obamacare ‘Fix’ That Doesn’t Fix Anything, Blames Insurance Companies   "Barack Obama’s credibility is now entirely gone. Having never had any Republicans on board with Obamacare, he cannot blame them. He cannot accept blame himself or blame Congress, as it was controlled entirely by Democrats when Obamacare passed. It’s not in his character to accept responsibility for anything he does that doesn’t turn out good. His only hope was to try shifting blame to the insurance companies, so that’s what he intends to do."...
There is a wealth of material on this subject at Lucianne.
Is Obama Any Good at Politics?  ..."Not campaigning; we know he can do that—at least so long as he’s got a teleprompter in tow.  But today’s press conference may well be the worst since Nixon’s “I am not a crook” and “let others wallow in Watergate” press debacles 40 years ago.  His petulant parting shot at the media today— “The things that go right, you guys aren’t going to write about”—could stand with “You won’t have Dick Nixon to kick around any more.' ”

Today, Obama Repeated the Five Percent Lie  "Many conservatives are exulting over an exchange between Major Garrett of CBS and President Obama during today’s press conference. Garrett called Obama on his “if you like your health care plan, you can keep it” lie, and asked whether the American people aren’t owed greater accountability. He also asked about Obama’s apparent ignorance of the problems with the Obamacare web site."
Man, this guy can talk non-stop. And does.

The Volokh Conspiracy: The Constitutionality of the ObamaCare “Fix”  ..."The “fix” amounts to new legislation – but enacted without Congress. The President has no constitutional authority to rewrite statutes, especially in ways that impose new obligations on people, and that is what the fix seems to entail. And of course, this is not the first such extra-statutory suspension of key ObamaCare provisions."

Now is the time to pull this out of storage and use it once more:

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