Friday, May 15, 2015

Well, we've passed it and know what's in it. Now what?

Nancy Pelosi Peers Into Her Cracked ObamaCare Crystal Ball Again   . . . "Before reading too much into Pelosi's dire forecast, remember that this is the same person who, in March 2010, looked into her crystal ball and discerned that, despite the intense turmoil and the public's clear disdain for the law, ObamaCare would become hugely popular once the dust settled.

" 'We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it — away from the fog of the controversy," she famously said.

"Well, the fog of controversy lifted long ago, but only 45% approve of ObamaCare, according to the latest IBD/TIPP Poll. The law is especially unpopular among the uninsured." . . .

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