Victor Davis Hanson
"Obama and his MSM operatives live in a world of fable."

". . . [Michael] Brown almost immediately assaulted Wilson and went for his gun, which discharged. He then ran, but reversed course and charged the officer, who shot Brown numerous times until he collapsed and died.
"Those facts are now not in dispute and were the eventual conclusions of both local and state authorities. An investigation from Eric Holder’s Justice Department confirmed that Wilson’s behavior was justified. Immediately after Brown’s death,riots overwhelmed Ferguson. The shooting soon became a national rallying movement and begat the new “Black Lives Matter” movement. The latter adopted as its slogan the purported last words of Brown -- “hands up, don’t shoot!” -- a plea that, according to both reliable witnesses and the investigations, was entirely fabricated post facto. Nevertheless, it resonated and was voiced by professional athletes, celebrities, the news media, and members of Congress.
"Nearly a year later, 32-year-old Kathryn Michelle “Kate” Steinle was fatally shot in the back, allegedly by illegal alien Francisco Sanchez, on July 1, 2015, in the Embarcadero district in San Francisco. Sanchez had either stolen or acquired a stolen firearm and fired off three shots, one that pierced the aorta after entering the back of Ms. Steinle. Her murderer was a seven-time convicted felon." . . .
"Barack Obama is the most politically driven president since Richard Nixon and the most racially polarizing chief executive since Woodrow Wilson, whose combination of progressive politics and racialism (the former supposedly exempting the latter) in uncanny fashion he emulates." . . .
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