Monday, October 17, 2016

Trump vs. the Hillarymedia

NYT bows

There are way too many coincidences in assaults on Trump  " . . .None of this addresses the truth of these charges. Clinton has often said female victims of sexual predators should be believed by default. Unless it seems they’re accusing her husband. She attacked them.
"What this sordid chapter does address is a pattern of perfectly timed video embarrassments against Clinton opponents. Barack Obama, now her staunch proponent, faced a series of leaked videos of his preacher’s racist, anti-Semitic sermons."

The Commission on Presidential Debates systematically screws over Republicans -- but especially one named Donald Trump.  . . . "With this kind of establishment firepower in place at the commission, somebody like Donald Trump could never ever expect to be treated fairly."

Donna Brazile and other Wikileaks evidence of media collusion with Hillary being buried by MSM   "Media’s greatest fear is that the election could turn out to be a referendum on the media."
WSJ: ‘Nation Now Has Proof’ of Hillary Scandals, But Leftist
Media ‘Devote Its Front Pages to the Trump Story’
"The Wall Street Journal’s Potomac Watch columnist Kimberley Strassel details the “devastating case against a Clinton presidency” that can be made by reviewing the WikiLeaks documents combined with what is already known in the public record."

The Criminal Media: A Bunch of Drips  . . . "Today, I recognize how much the Big Three—ABC, CBS, and NBC—have turned into a softer version of the Soviet Union’s Pravda. 
"Bill Clinton could rape a woman on camera live, and the press would spin it."

Read more here:

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