Monday, February 5, 2018

Time for the US to walk away from the PLO

Caroline Glick

Trump and Pence burned in effigy by Arabs in Bethlehem

"On Tuesday in Bethlehem, the Palestinians demonstrated the choice the Americans now face in their dealings with Fatah – the supposedly moderate PLO faction that controls the Palestinian Authority and the PLO. President Donald Trump and his advisers can play by Fatah’s rules or they can walk away.
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"After the Americans entered the hall where the meeting was scheduled to take place, some of the rioters barged in. They held placards condemning America and they shouted, “Americans Out!”
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The burning effigies themselves were a natural consequence of PLO and Fatah chief and Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’s call last month for Trump’s “house to be destroyed.”
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Palestinian anti-Americanism is notable given that the US has given more assistance to the Palestinians than any country other than Israel. Americans have spent the last 25 years pressuring Israel to make more and more concessions to the Palestinians.
In large part, anti-Americanism among Palestinians redounds to two things. First, incitement. For 25 years, the US-financed PA has used all the tools at its disposal to indoctrinate the Palestinians to hate America almost as much as they hate Israel.
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“I can tell you that Israel does want to make peace,” Trump said.
The Palestinians, he continued, are “going to have to want to make peace too, or we’re going to have nothing to do with it any longer.”
If this is how Arabs present Israel to their children, I can't wait to see how Palestinian children's TV deals with America:

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