David Limbaugh "Michelle Wolf is not the first so-called comic to maliciously insult conservatives and Republicans at a White House Correspondents' Association dinner, but she was intentionally mean-spirited, and even after the blowback, she's unrepentant.
"Members of the liberal mainstream media have expressed disapproval over some of Wolf's comments, saying she went too far. But I'm not buying it. This is what passes as liberal humor these days. Just watch Jimmy Kimmel, Bill Maher and Stephen Colbert and tell me their humor is less malevolent.

"But hold on, you say. There's a difference between late-night TV and a formal dinner pregnant with self-important dignitaries of the Washington press corps. Perhaps, but the point is there is a receptive constituency for this kind of bile. The organization had to have known what to expect from Wolf, and she admits she was just being herself that night. "If you've seen any of my comedy, you know that I don't -- I'm not (nice)," said Wolf. "I don't pull punches. I'm not afraid to talk about things."
"Revealingly, comedian Tina Fey said, "When you invite a comedian into that place, where that tone is set, they're going to give it to you straight, and I think that's pretty much what she did." Whoa! In one line, Fey defends Wolf's nastiness, confirms that the association should have known what it was getting with her and fixes her stamp of approval on Wolf's calling White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders a liar.
"The unapologetic Wolf, however, denies she was ridiculing Sanders' looks. But in her indignant denial, she admitted something just as damning: "I think if you listen to the joke, you'll understand that it's about the fact that she lies, and if it's taken another way, I think you should go back and listen to it again.' " . . .
Updated. Klavan pegged the MSM way back in 2010.
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