Sunday, March 7, 2021

The GayBC‘s are In, Dr. Seuss is Out

 The Stream

"More than a decade ago, I purchased a number of gay-themed books for children, wanting to see what parents and educators were reading to their little ones. Recently, I became aware of The GayBC’s, by M. L. Webb, published in 2019 and as extreme as any children’s reader I have seen. Yet these days, books like this are celebrated while the beloved Dr. Seuss is deprecated.

"The blurb for Webb’s book joyfully proclaims, “The GayBCs is perfect for fans of A Is for Activist and Feminist Baby — showing kids and adults alike that every identity is worthy of being celebrated.” 

"The suggested reading age is children 4-8, and the book contains lines like this: “Bi is for bi” (as in bisexual) and “C is for coming out” and “D is for drag” and “N is for non-binary” and “Q is for queer” and “S is for sashay.”

"I’ve even seen a video of a child well under four going through the pages of this book, pages which he had clearly memorized. What kind of madness is this? And what little child on the planet can possibly understand the meaning of these words and terms? Yet one professional reviewer stated, “The GayBCs should be required reading for all children.”

"This is shameless – and dangerous – indoctrination. " . . .

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