Tuesday, November 22, 2022

After Nancy Pelosi: Now What?

Christopher Chantrill  "I don't know about you, but I just feel relieved that Nancy Pelosi has stepped down from leadership of the House Democrats.

But is it true that "Nancy Pelosi Lacked the Most Basic Skill of Great Legislators"? Or that "Nancy Pelosi will rightfully go down as one of the greatest speakers in the history of the U.S. House"?

"The answer to both questions is, of course: Yes.

"Who cares if Nancy Pelosi was not a great legislator? She did not become House Speaker to craft great legislation. She was there to ram through big government spending bills that distributed loot and plunder to Democrat voters and powerful interests and approved activists.

"Her crowning achievement, if you will, was to ram through ObamaCare, forcing moderate Democrats to vote for it, even though many of them lost their seats in the 2010 midterms. And Republicans don't dare repeal it.

"My only question is whether Nancy Pelosi understands this. Does she know that all she ever did was 1) insult Republicans as gun nuts wanting to rob senior citizens of their Social Security and Medicare benefits, and 2) ram through spending bills to distribute loot and plunder to her supporters?

"But then, I doubt whether Michael Corleone ever worried that being a mafia crime boss was not really the highest and best thing an American could be.". . .

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