Saturday, October 21, 2023

Former Israeli PM Had This Message for CNN Over Their Gaza Coverage

 Former Israeli PM Had This Message for CNN Over Their Gaza Coverage (

. . ."And yet, CNN and other outlets refuse, heavily implying, if not outright saying, the jury is still out. What jury? The other side is terrorists who have used you to ignite protests across the Muslim world, uniting the usual suspects who have wanted to destroy Israel since its creation. Did I mention that the Muslim night of rage could’ve put innocent lives at risk? Angry protesters besieged the American embassies in Baghdad and Beirut.   

Host Anderson Cooper tried to peddle these “two sides” talking points with former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, who took the CNN host to school for peddling nonsensical fake news. He also delivered an analogy that shuts down the media’s game over the Gaza story. He also had this message to CNN: "Go do your goddamn job"(via Daily Caller) [emphasis mine]: " . . .

WATCH: Even Ex-CNN Host Brian Stelter Blasts Media for 'Atrocious' Gaza Hospital Reporting – RedState   . . ."You know, sometimes Dan, you're out there criticizing the media and I want to defend the media. But there is no defense here. This was an atrocious series of mistakes by many different major newsrooms all around the same time on Tuesday. And unfortunately, I don't think there's been a follow-up or accountability to make sure doesn't happen again.

"I've noticed oftentimes in breaking news stories, breaking news scenarios when information is lowest interest is highest. By the time we actually know the facts, people move on. Well, this was one of those cases, but it was even worse because when the stakes are highest, it seems the standards were the lowest and it should be the opposite. The standard should be the highest when the stakes are as high as they are. Right." 

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