Friday, March 14, 2025

'POSITIVELY NUTS': Maxine Waters torched for new accusation against Trump


"The 'Outnumbered' panel reacts to Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., warning that President Donald Trump is on the edge of creating a civil war. #FoxNews "

Prominent Democrats' Farrakhan ties resurface after Capitol attacker revealed as Nation of Islam follower | Fox News   
"Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif, has longstanding ties to Farrakhan and was seen on video hugging the Nation of Islam leader." . . . 

 Dem congresswoman attended Farrakhan's pro-terror convention | Israel National News  . . ." Farrakhan has long been a controversial figure within the Black Muslim community in Chicago, praising Adolf Hitler as a “very great man”, and slamming Judaism as a “gutter religion” during a 1984 speech, leading the US Senate to condemn him in a unanimous 95-0 vote.

"The Nation of Islam leader has continued to use explicitly anti-Semitic rhetoric, calling American Jews “satanic” in a 2013 sermon in Detroit.

"During the 2002 Nation of Islam convention which Congresswoman Waters attended, Farrakhan noted Waters’ appearance at the event and praised her during his address.

" 'We have Maxine Waters here,” said Farrakhan as he pointed to her, “our great congresswoman from this area,” Farrakhan said at the Nation of Islam’s 2002 “World Saviour’s Day” convention in Inglewood, California" . . .

GOP slams Rep. Waters, accusing her of ‘inciting riot’ and ‘threatening violence’ ahead of Chauvin verdict | FOX 5 Atlanta   . . ."We've got to stay on the street and we've got to get more active, we've got to get more confrontational. We've got to make sure that they know that we mean business," Waters told reporters if the former police officer isn't found guilty. 

"Waters said she was "hopeful" Chauvin would be convicted of murder, but if he isn't she said, "we cannot go away." . . .

Maxine Waters Embraced the Thug Who Slammed Concrete on Reginald Denny's Head   "NEVER FORGET that Maxine Waters embraced Damien Williams, the infamous thug who hurled a chunk of concrete at truck driver Reginald Denny and performed a victory dance over this innocent man’s battered body. Maxine Waters even visited Damien Williams’ mother to offer her support.

"Williams was sent to prison on a single felony charge of mayhem, but when his accomplices got off, Waters joined in the celebration." . . .

"As a result of the injuries he suffered during the attacks, Denny had to undergo years of rehabilitative therapy, and his speech and ability to walk were permanently damaged. He lost a lawsuit against the city of LA and avoids the media. He was interviewed in 2012 and that can be heard on this link."

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