Saturday, March 15, 2025

West VA Governor Signs Riley Gaines Act Into Law Defining Sex-based Terms Like ‘Woman’

 American Greatness

"The Riley Gaines Act defines sex-based terms like "woman" in state statute. No more unelected bureaucrats reinterpreting these words to mean what they want them to mean."

"Governor Patrick Morrisey signed the Riley Gaines Act into law on Wednesday, defining “male” and “female” by law to protect female-designated spaces like bathrooms and women’s sports from men pretending to be women.

"Gaines, was present for the signing of the law and praised the measure for defining sex-based terms like “woman” in state statute to prevent unelected bureaucrats from twisting the word to mean what they want it to mean.

Ben Garrison Cartoons
"Gaines told Outkick, “There’s no bigger honor than having your name attached to something as foundational and significant as the defense of women’s rights and biological reality,” adding, “The majority of American people know what a woman is, and it’s time our laws do too.”

"Gaines, an accomplished collegiate swimmer, has been an outspoken proponent of protecting women and their sex-designated spaces since she was forced to share locker room space and compete against a male swimmer who says he identifies as a woman.

"The West Virginia measure requires educational institutions including public schools and institutions of higher education as well as domestic violence shelters and prisons to ensure that “restrooms, multiple occupancy restrooms or changing rooms, and sleeping quarters” are designated for either males or females as defined by state law.

"Governor Morrisey described the Riley Gaines Act as “common sense” legislation and vowed to continue to protect young women and their safe spaces.

"Opponents of the measure, such as the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of West Virginia, say the law is “an attempt to force trans people back into the closet” under “the guise of ‘defining’ men and women.” . . .

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