Thursday, January 28, 2010
Obama Hoisted on His Own Foreign Donation Petard
Atlas Shrugs "Aside from the fact that what Obama alleges here is a big fat lie, it is galling that he is guilty of this very thing."
Obama fronts up to frustrated public, including 'Obama Girl'
New Zealand Herald Pre-State of the Union: "Even loyal supporter Obama Girl expressed disappointment towards Obama yesterday. "I feel like he should be focusing a lot more on jobs and the economy," said Lee Amber Ettinger, 28, who caused a sensation in the presidential race with her song "I got a crush on Obama"."
Morning Bell: A Speech Only Washington Could Love
Heritage "With the big-bang strategy officially a failure, President Obama’s State of the Union address last night desperately tried to keep all of these legislative efforts alive while also acknowledging that the country has firmly rejected his policy agenda."
A Response to the president's State of the Union speech
Bob Grant, AT "I'm not sure I can remember a time when a Commander-in-Chief with troops actively engaging the enemy on several fronts, failed to thank the brave people who risk their lives to keep this nation safe. Hell Obama didn't even see fit to mention them for an hour, and then it seemed as though it was an afterthought."
Just How Leftist Has the Democratic Party Become?
Pajamas Media "Employing statistics from the Americans for Democratic Action, a self-defined liberal activist group, we analyzed House and Senate voting records dating back to 1974. Using as a definition of “liberal” someone who votes with the ADA recommendation at least two-thirds of the time, we found that in 1995 nearly four out of five Democrats in the House (78 percent) qualified as liberal. That is more than double the 34 percent of 1974."
Avatar Is Heaven for America Haters

Pajamas Media "James Cameron's depiction of Americans as vile oppressors practically invites terrorists to take up arms against the U.S."
Truman, Obama, and Executive Orders
Blackfive "And if I was in the military, knowing that he doesn't consider the military a friend, how would I feel about a Commander in Chief who treats his political allies this badly? I guess what I'm saying is that I'd watch my back, if I was one of you active duty guys."
Left Goes Bonkers Over McDonnell’s Crowd
Jennifer Rubin "The Left is freaking out. Gov. Bob McDonnell gave an impressive, error-free, and remarkably effective response to the SOTU. He might be the next “It” on the Republican side. That means it’s time to attack! Over at Daily Kos, they don’t like the diverse crowd that was seated behind McDonnell..."
BARACK THE VOTE: A Who’s Who of Those Targeting Our Youth

Big Hollywood "For example, in the video, a geeky-looking guy holding a “no death panels” placard is described as a liar, and the hot chick wearing a partially-unbuttoned plaid shirt is told to “lie right back” to him by telling him, “I’m on my period and I don’t have a vagina.” Har-dee-har. (There’s more, but you can see the lameness for yourself, if you so choose.)"...."So who are the geniuses behind Rock the Vote? Big Hollywood takes a peek at some current and former key players."
Tim Tebow Open Thread: Is It Controversial to Celebrate Life on Super Sunday?

Big Journalism "The Heisman Trophy winner — un-aborted, home-schooled, and a devout Christian — is causing a stir on the Left with his upcoming Super Sunday ad extolling the virtues of the pro-life position. Since his mother was advised to abort him, maybe he ought to know."
Foreign Policy AWOL in SOTU
Max Boot in Commentary "Rather than offer any specific support for Iranian democrats or call for the overthrow of their oppressors, Obama devoted far more time to promoting “our incredible diversity” at home — including an effort to repeal the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy, which may make sense but is sure to bring him into conflict with substantial numbers of the soldiers under his command."
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