Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Toyota and the Union-Backed Government-Led Witch Hunt

BigGovernment "Toyota’s U.S. operations are extremely successful, not saturated by inefficient union monopolies, and are in direct competition with the now government-owned General Motors."...."These artificially inflated costs, bound by forced union contracts, are sinking other US auto industries. Toyota has managed to rise above that, not by being anti-union, but by believing in and enforcing a corporate-wide model based on efficiency and improvement."

BIG FAIL. One Year Ago Today Stimulus Signed into Law- Since Then US Lost 2.74 Million Jobs

GatewayPundit "Republican leader John Boehner wrote the obvious today– Taxpayers aren’t getting their money’s worth. Just 6% of Americans believe the Obama-Pelosi trillion dollar stimulus bill has created jobs."

The case of Rashad Hussain

PowerlineBlog "I guess there's a fast track for Muslim-American lawyers, at least those with connections to Paul Soros and sympathy for Palestinian jihadists."

The “System” Failed or the Liberals Did?

Commentary "So no one is responsible, or everyone is. And it’s all a generic downer. But is this right? It seems that the essence of leadership — what Obama is supposed to be providing — is to forge an agenda, corral Congress, and get stuff done. All this smacks of Obama’s “It is hard” complaint about the Middle East. Well, yes, but he also isn’t up for the job, based on what we’ve seen."

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Trouble with Elitist Theories

Victor Davis Hanson "There is an unfocused but growing anger in the country — and it should come as no surprise. Nobody likes to be lectured by those claiming superior wisdom but often lacking common sense about everything from out-of-control spending and predicting the weather to dealing with enemies who are trying to kill us all."

U.S. Terror Attack 'Ninety Days at Most'

Fox News "I predict, based primarily on information that is floating in Europe and the Middle East, that an event is imminent and around the corner here in the United States. It could happen as soon as tomorrow, or it could happen in the next few months. Ninety days at the most." Counterterrorism expert Juval Aviv

Mike Ramirez cartoon

BBB Alerts Consumers about U.S. Census Workers: Be Cooperative, But Cautious!

BBB “Unfortunately, scammers know that the public is more willing to share personal data when taking part in the Census and they have an opportunity to ply their trade by posing as a government employee and soliciting sensitive financial information.” Hat tip to Jeff Hayden  And this: [An email] states information about the Census Bureau is not working with ACORN, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now. We don't know where THAT came from…the BBB's never said anything about that one way or the other.

Is The GOP Ready To Govern Again?

Cook Political Report "I've been struck by the remarkable ad that Japan's embattled automaker, Toyota, is now running: "For over 50 years, providing you with safe, reliable, high-quality vehicles has been our first priority. In recent days, our company hasn't been living up to the standards that you've come to expect from us or that we expect from ourselves." When will either of America's political parties learn that the best way to start anew is by apologizing?"

Welcome to UC Islam

Prof. Mike Adams "To date, I’ve seen nothing about this in the main edition of the Los Angeles Times. But suppose the Syrian ambassador had been interrupted just once by the Jewish Student Association. Do you think they would have found that newsworthy? I’m just wondering." More here: UC Irvine: MSU Calls for Israel to Be Wiped Out Via Little Green Footballs "If you’re as appalled by what you see and hear in this video as I am, here’s a page where you can contact the president of the University of California system, Robert C. Dynes. Please be polite and respectful, to make your points heard: University of California - About UC."

In Mideast, Bet on a Strong Horse

Daniel Pipes via NRO "More broadly, when the U.S. government flinches, others (e.g., the Iranian leadership) have an opportunity to “force their own order on the region.” Walid Jumblatt, a Lebanese leader, has half-seriously suggested that Washington “send car bombs to Damascus” to get its message across and signal its understanding of Arab ways. Smith’s simple and near-universal principle provides a tool to comprehend the Arabs’ cult of death, honor killings, terrorist attacks, despotism, warfare, and much else. He acknowledges that the strong-horse principle may strike Westerners as ineffably crude, but he correctly insists on its being a cold reality that outsiders must recognize, take into account, and respond to.

Selling Freedom Cheap

Thomas Sowell "Alarms ranging from “overpopulation” to “global warming” and crusades ranging from “affordable housing” to “universal health care” have been among the distractions of political magicians. But few distractions have had such a long and impressive political track record as getting people to resent and, if necessary, hate other people." Most originated by liberals (progressives), I might add.