"The Department of the Army released today a response by Lt. Gen. Thomas Bostick concerning an editorial entitled, “New Gay Army,” that appeared in the Sept. 16 edition of the Washington Times:
“The statements attributed to me are inaccurate. I simply did not make those statements. Moreover, as a member of the Department of Defense Comprehensive Review Working Group, I have been extremely careful not to express any views that might influence the integrity of the comprehensive review. I therefore have not expressed any opinions that might suppress the opinions of anyone participating in our discussions. I find the statements falsely attributed to me to be personally reprehensible.”This statement is in response to the article below:
Top general calls Christian soldiers 'bigots' "Servicemen should not be booted from the military because of their sincerely held religious convictions. It's unseemly for a senior officer to equate those who hold traditional values with racists and bigots. Lt. Gen. Bostick's careless words demonstrate his unsuitability to the task, and, for that reason, he should withdraw from further involvement in the Pentagon panel set to issue a report on the new policy by Dec. 1. The Senate also should reject this attempt to undermine the effectiveness, morale and morals of the military on the behalf of a radical fringe."