Monday, January 24, 2011

The Health Care Congress
Weekly Standard  "Something remarkable happened in Washington last week, and too few people in the media and politics appreciate it. The House of Representatives voted to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 less than a year after Congress passed it into law. What’s more, the vote for repeal (245-189) was larger than the vote for passage (219-212). We racked our brains trying to figure out the last time a major piece of legislation was repudiated by a chamber of Congress with such speed and decisiveness. The answer is 1989, when Congress repealed the Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act it had passed 17 months before, and President George H.W. Bush signed the repeal." Matthew Continetti

Civility for Thee
Victor Davis Hanson  "So I predict that 18 months from now the president himself will still be calling for a new civility in the manner of his speech at the 2004 Democratic convention — and will once again adopt the sorts of over-the-top metaphors, similes, allusions, and rough-stuff politics that got him elected senator in 2004 and president in 2008, and pushed his healthcare legislation through in 2009. If anything, the language of division will be shriller even than in 2010, as the administration grasps that loaded language, coupled with calls for an end to rancor, must now do what a record of unpopular governance cannot."

Calling Out Race Exploiter Al Sharpton

Lloyd Marcus  "Address the tsunami of black kids dropping out of school; why a majority of blacks are born out of wedlock and genocide level black abortion rates.
"Rev Sharpton, these issues have nothing to do with, nor are the fault of, white people, the rich or America."

Lloyd  "...I have been swamped with patriots wanting to know my opinion of the Black Tea Party. Some are offended by blacks separating themselves. From my understanding, these black patriots are not separating themselves. They are simply hosting tea parties in urban areas. I say, “Right on!”"

Conservatives In the Crosshairs

Big Journalism  "Arizona Daily Star columnist/cartoonist David Fitzsimmons: “I must tell you as a columnist who has covered politics in this state, it was inevitable, from my perspective.”
Anchor Martin Savidge: “Why do you say that?”
Fitzsimmons: “Because the right in Arizona, and I’m speaking very broadly, has been stoking the fires of a heated anger and rage successfully in this state….The politics of the state does tend to be far to the right. I would say even rabid right.”
— Exchange at about 2:30pm ET during CNN’s live coverage of the Giffords shooting, January 8. Fitzsimmons later conceded his remarks were “inappropriate.”  Emphasis added.

Deadly blast at Moscow’s Domodedovo airport

RIA Novosti  "Three men who have been living in the Russian capital for a certain period of time reportedly took part in organizing the blast, a source told Interfax news agency. He also noted that these three were believed to be Russian North Caucasus militants and might have been somehow connected to two women, one of whom blew herself up at a practice range club in Moscow on December 31 and the other was later arrested in the city of Volgograd."
FSB: Moscow Metro bombing organizers identified

The President got punked
Blackfive  "Seriously? Questions about song choice by pianists during state dinners is a national security issue? God, I'd laugh but these muppets are in charge of our dealings with the entire planet. Every step they take seems to further diminish the dignity of the Presidency and the stature of our country. Our owners show up and we are treated to the spectacly of the 2009 Nobel Laureate honoring the jailer of the 2010 laureate. Then we are honored by having the court pianist, this is Obama's buddy, punk him royally by playing a song that refers to American soldiers as jackals.
"This was a huge slap to our collective faces and another invitation for our enemies to act without fear of us. America is now officially weak enough to smack around in the White House itself. Sad."

Pianist's anti-US melody  ""Playing this song praising China to heads of state from around the world seems to tell them that our China is formidable, that our Chinese people are united; I feel deeply honored and proud," Lang wrote, according to a report by Epoch Times.
"The anti-US musical interlude at the White House touched off some patriotic chest-thumping on Chinese blogs."

Insulting Chinese Anti-American tune played at state dinner  "We just aren't enlightened enough to understand that we should welcome China's coming hegemony with open arms. And despite their refusal to rein in North Korea, their encouragement of the Iranian nuclear program, and their dismissive attitude toward any and all concerns of the United States on trade, currency, and intellectual property, that doesn't mean we should start treating them as a competitor and not a partner.
"After all, what are you people? Warmongers?" Rick Moran

At Obama's midpoint, an altered State of the Union

Washington Times  Single page

"Yet he will speak to a radically reshaped Congress. His party's ranks have been thinned by voters who delivered a harsh verdict in November on two years of collaboration between Mr. Obama and the Democratic-controlled House and Senate.
"He faces Republicans who are sworn to slash spending by as much as $100 billion as the government comes off an economic rescue effort that has put the country on track for a third consecutive year of $1 trillion-plus deficits."
Joe Wilson will be seated between two very large Democrats.

Politico  "Obama still leaves little doubt that he thinks clean energy is a recipe for putting Americans back to work. But prospects appear dim for action anytime soon on the president’s core green initiatives in the face of hostile House Republicans and weakened Senate Democrats. Meanwhile, Obama wants to appear more business-friendly as he heads toward his reelection campaign."
The operative word here is "appear". Obama is still a disciple of the America-hating Reverend Wright. When last we heard, Mr. Obama dislikes business and - not understanding the profit system-wants to make sure they do not make too much money. (Many migrating here from former iron countries have the same problem.)

Tomorrow's SOTU speech  "But a lot of Americans seem to believe that capitalism and free enterprise has been the magic ingredient in the political process that lifted more people out of poverty than any other economic system in the history of mankind. And these Americans remember vividly that Barack Obama referred, not once but many times, to the private sector as "the enemy". Words mean something, and referring to the private sector as the enemy means a lot to people who believe in economic liberty."  Neal Boortz
More here on Rep Paul Ryan's SOTU response tomorrow after the president's speech.

Play 2011 Obama/State of the Union BINGO!
"Americans for Tax Reform once again presents these handy Bingo cards you may use to check off terms and phrases likely to be used during President Obama’s State of the Union address on Tuesday. As a bonus, print out the different versions of the card and watch the speech with your friends or family. There are ten different versions!"   Choose and print your card
Click here to see a sample card with definitions of  Democrat terms such as: "“Investment” – Even more government spending to employ union workers".

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Ryan Will Deliver SOTU Response

National Review Online "A shrewd move. Leadership could have opted for — and many expected them to — a rising star/minority figure like Sen. Marco Rubio (R., Fla.), or Govs. Nikki Haley (R., S.C.) and Susana Martinez (R., N.M.). But in choosing a veteran budget hawk like Ryan, Republicans intend to drive home the earnestness of their pledge to reign in federal spending."

From February 25, 2009; Bobby Jindal Response Panned By Pundits, Republicans And Democrats Alike "And yet, much of the critique of Jindal's address focused on his hokey, folksy, seemingly-forced tone and vernacular. The Governor, who has never held court on the national stage before -- remember, his speech at the Republican convention was called off after Hurricane Gustav made landfall -- showed a bit of wetness behind the ears. And the commentators let him have it, even on Fox News."

The president gives in on military commissions, grieving his cheerleaders.

Andrew C. McCarthy  "The second significant turn of events to shape that reality was the outcome of al-Qaeda operative Ahmed Ghailani’s civilian trial. Though fully complicit in the 1998 embassy bombings, the terrorist was acquitted on 284 of 285 counts after a judge refused to allow the prosecution to call its most important witness. As previously noted, the compromise verdict probably had more to do with a loopy juror than with the court’s ruling. ....That’s fine when defendants are American citizens accused of ordinary crimes — they’re the ones for whom our justice system was quite intentionally designed that way. For enemy jihadists? Not so much."

Until the administration can articulate a coherent and convincing policy for closing Guantanamo, it should remain open. "The time has come for President Obama to formally rescind his order to close the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay and end his irresponsible allegations of injustices at the facility, which operates in a framework that respects the rule of law, keeps terrorists off American soil, and bolsters our national security."

Obama’s Mandela Moment

Victor Davis Hanson  "Yet nothing in Obama[s] own past career (e.g., his Chicago organizing, his attendance at the hate-filled Trinity United Church, his suing to remove rivals from the Illinois state race, etc.) or his then current and subsequent behavior (e.g., the mysterious dirty-tricks leaking of sealed divorce records about his primary and general election Illinois senatorial rivals, the most partisan voting record in the entire Senate, the demagoguing of the entire Bush national security protocols as Constitution shredding that he was soon to embrace or expand as president) supported such eloquence."

Rush Limbaugh Called a Drug Addict in NBC's New Legal Drama 'Harry's Law'

Newsbusters "For those unfamiliar with the writer/producer of "Harry's Law," he is none other than David Kelley. As NewsBusters has documented, his previous show "Boston Legal" was often a vehicle for anti-Conservative rants and messages.
"One of our favorites was in November 2008 when lead characters called McCain/Palin supporters idiots."
NBC; the channel that gave us the leftist "Law & Order" scripts, among others.

Review: NBC's 'Harry's Law' a cartoonish mess from David E. Kelley  "Kelley continues the approach he adopted sometime in the "Boston Legal" run, in which the courtroom scenes don't even bother trying to resemble either an actual courtroom or a TV version of a courtroom, but in which his main character is simply allowed to stand up and speechify on whatever hot-button issue Kelley has an opinion on that week. In the premiere, it's drug decriminalization; the next week, it's the mortgage crisis."

Obama to withhold veto from Palestinian UN move to condemn Israeli settlements

Bosch Fawstin
DEBKAfile  "If he did, he would be the first US president to let an anti-Israel motion go through the Security Council; building on the West Bank and even in the forty-year old suburbs of East Jerusalem would become illegal, as would also municipal, police and military actions in these places.
"This situation would throw Israel's relations with the US, the UN and the European Union into deep crisis. By failing to block such a motion, Obama would encourage the Palestinians and hostile Arab states to continue to use the UN Security Council to undermine Israel's legitimacy and even recognize a unilateral Palestinian state within the pre-1967 borders without negotiations."