Monday, February 28, 2011

Shocking mug shots reveal toll of drug abuse

MSNBC   "With disturbing before and after photos of drug users’ faces, a new anti-drug campaign may succeed where others have failed, grabbing teens’ attentions by appealing to their vanity.
"The pairs of mug shots, which graphically display the damage drugs can do to the face, were collected by the sheriff’s office in Multnomah County, Ore.
"Faces that were normal — even attractive — in initial photos, shot when addicts were first arrested, metamorphose over years, and sometimes just months, into gaunt, pitted, even toothless wrecks. "

This is your face;    this is your face on drugs.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

10 Things You Need to Know About High Gas Prices and Obama’s Oil Policy

Heritage  "But if you only read, hear or see this week’s news reports, you would think that oil and gas prices were doing just fine until the historic events in Egypt, Libya and across the Middle East unfolded this past month and caused spikes in the futures market. Unfortunately, that is not the case. President Obama has been unilaterally taking steps to increase the cost of gasoline for two years. Here are ten things you need to know about gas prices that you may not hear reported elsewhere:"
Google images

On Teachers and Others; an encounter with economics of the real world

Victor Davis Hanson  "Teachers are right that the crisis transcends compensation. Yet why, others might ask, would teachers’ unions oppose merit pay? Why should someone who did not join the union still have to pay its dues? Why should the state have to collect the dues from employee paychecks on behalf of the union? Moreover, when these questions are posed amid a landscape of teachers skipping classes to protest, urging students to join them, and soliciting fraudulent doctors’ notes to cover their cancellations of classes — while their supporters in the legislature hide out to prevent a quorum and thereby subvert the democratic process reaffirmed last November — the public becomes further estranged from their cause."

America's Gay White House

By Alan Caruba at Warning Signs  "These White House appointments are just one part of what millions of Americans have come to realize as measures taken to undermine the nation’s moral authority, its legal system, its economy, its military strength and defense, and its energy security."

The Wisconsin Shoot Out on Public Unions

Hoover Institution  "All too many of my recent columns have lamented the threat that public unions pose to the long-term political and financial stability of state government. Operating in their current pampered legal environment, unions have extracted extravagant settlements that are unsustainable in the long run. Now it turns out they are unsustainable in the short run as well. Tomorrow has become today as the ever-rising sea of red ink from union pensions and benefits overwhelms state budgets." Via Heritage.

Oh, as long as we're on the subject: Obama: Lets Unionize the TSA   "Our senate has been far too preoccupied with its abominable health crimes legislation to bother itself with national security; an issue liberals never take seriously.
"Eight months into his administration, Obama at last got around to nominating police detective Erroll Southers for the top position at TSA with the full support of the intractably incompetent Janet Napolitano." From Our senate has been far too preoccupied with its abominable health crimes legislation to bother itself with national security; an issue liberals never take seriously.
Eight months into his administration, Obama at last got around to nominating police detective Erroll Southers for the top position at TSA with the full support of the intractably incompetent Janet Napolitano. Our senate has been far too preoccupied with its abominable health crimes legislation to bother itself with national security; an issue liberals never take seriously.
Eight months into his administration, Obama at last got around to nominating police detective Erroll Southers for the top position at TSA with the full support of the intractably incompetent Janet Napolitano.
From CanadaFreePress.
Can we ever repair the damage Obama is doing to this nation? The day he leaves office I wonder if we will gaze out upon America and have in some small way the same feeling Londoners had after Hitler surrendered, peace reigned and they gazed out over their bombed-out city.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Mayor of LA thinks we are racists to want a fence on the border. But He wants one around his house.

L.A. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa Wants a Six-Foot Security Wall Erected Around His Mansion
"But no 'hood is small or wealthy enough to protect his royal highness. Much to the dismay of the Windsor Square Association, whose residents generally abide by the city's 42-inch yard-wall limit, Villaraigosa just applied for a six-footer:"
The Mayor lives at 605 South Irving Boulevard.

H.R. 685: Checkpoint Images Protection Act of 2011  " H.R. 685 would make it a criminal violation for an unauthorized individual to “knowingly” photograph, record, or distribute any images produced using “advanced imaging technology during the screening of an individual at an airport, or upon entry into any building owned or operated by the Federal Government.”"

Where Is The Outrage Now?

Khaled Abu Toameh  of the Jerusalem Post   "It took President Barack Obama nine days to condemn Col. Muammar Gaddafi's massacres in Libya as "outrageous" and "unacceptable."
"It took the UN Security Council more than a week to hold a closed-door meeting and issue a tempered statement condemning the violence in Libya and calling for its immediate end and for those responsible to be held accountable.
"This is the same Security Council that one week earlier held a special and open session to condemn construction in Jewish settlements in the West Bank.'

Hat tip to Big Peace : "According to Abu Toameh, there’s another double standard at work: the relatively deferential approach that Washington has taken toward Gaddafi when compared to its handling of the uprising against Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak."

Young Republicans Produce Ad about Wisconsin Senators, “Fugitives on the Run”

Video and sound  "The Illinois Young Republicans are having some fun with Democratic State Senators, “fugitives on the run.”"

Tribal Dynamics Sets Libya Apart From Neighbors "Ziad Akl, a researcher at Cairo's Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies, keeps a close eye on neighboring Libya. He says that in Libyan society, the loyalty to the tribe supersedes loyalty to the state. This means that amid the current turmoil, clan affiliations and customs are more important than civic organizations, or following the state law.
"He says that the tribal dynamics that Qaddafi long suppressed through modernization, nationalism, and the development of patron-client relations with tribal heads appear to be turning against him."

The American protestor meets the Arab protestor

Let's talk peace and tolerance over some, like, Ben & Jerry's, y'know.

Miss him yet?

Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion

From the party of peace, love, tolerance and naturally, civility.