Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Alan Caruba: Occupy Wall Street: Communism's Clueless Foot Soldiers

Warning Signs   "The Occupy Wall Street youngsters are the latest foot soldiers of Communism, though it is likely most are too ignorant to realize it. They have been so thoroughly indoctrinated in government schools and by Hollywood and the media that they have no idea how they are being used by labor unions and other leftist organizations.
"The protesters are likely unaware of the misery and murders Marx’s Communism imposed on Russia courtesy of Lenin, Stalin, and those who followed in their footsteps. Mao's Red China murdered thousands as well in the pursuit of the “equality” that is the alleged goal of Communism and liberalism."...

Wingless, Bloodsucking and Parasitic: Meet the Flea Party!

Ann Coulter  "As a refresher: The Democratic National Committee called the tea partiers "angry mobs" and "rabid right-wing extremists." ABC said they were a "mob." CNN accused them of "rabble rousing." Harry Reid called them "evil mongers." Nancy Pelosi said they were "un-American." CNN's Anderson Cooper and every single host on MSNBC called the tea partiers a name that referred to an obscure gay sex act.
"But apparently liberals couldn't even convince themselves that tea partiers were an extremist group unworthy of emulation.
"At least they're embarrassed about what the OWS protesters really are: wingless, bloodsucking and parasitic. This is the flea party, not the tea party."
"They are not in the tradition of the tea partiers, much less our founding fathers. They are not in the tradition of the civil rights movement or Operation Rescue. They are in the tradition of Shays' Rebellion, the Weathermen and Charles Manson."
Obama's new re-election strategy "With President Obama's sudden embracing of these protesters, one has to ask if this administration now believes that the public is short sighted enough to forget or dismiss all of the failures of this administration. Candidate Obama sold himself as the "President of all Americans, Democrat and Republican." It would now appear that dividing the nation and pitting the poor against the rich will become this President's reelection strategy. If so, I submit that dividing the nation and pitting the poor against the rich will also become this President's legacy."

Obama and the Iranian war on the US
Heritage: Obama’s Failure to Confront the Iranian Threat  "Meanwhile, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton remarked that the plot “crosses a line that Iran needs to be held to account for.” Iran, however, crossed the line long ago, be it the country’s rogue pursuit of nuclear weapons, its calls for the eradication of Israel, its support of terrorism, its meddling in Iraq, or its interference with the movement toward democracy in the Middle East. Even without yesterday’s charges, the Obama Administration has had plenty of reason to take the lead on confronting the Iranian threat, but it has utterly failed to do so."

Two Men Charged in Alleged Plot to Assassinate Saudi Arabian Ambassador to the United States
"“As alleged, these defendants were part of a well-funded and pernicious plot that had, as its first priority, the assassination of the Saudi Ambassador to the United States, without care or concern for the mass casualties that would result from their planned attack,” said U.S. Attorney Bharara. “Today’s charges should make crystal clear that we will not let other countries use our soil as their battleground.” " From

"The attacks were part of a Iranian Quds Force plot wherein the Iranians intended to obtain the services of a Mexican drug cartel hit team."  And the cartel hit team will enter the US... how? And with weapons from where?

 Claudia Rosett: Did Ahmadinejad Know About the Iranian Terror Plot on Washington? "Terror and carnage in Washington, D.C., with the Saudi ambassador assassinated by a bomb while dining at a restaurant packed with 100-150 other customers, possibly including a number of senators. That’s what “elements” of Iran’s government allegedly had planned for this autumn...."

Walid Phares:  Iran Botched Act Of War In Washington  "The answer may well be their perception of US lack of will to contain them, let alone stopping them. They have read US unwillingness to “meddle” in the 2009 protests in Iran, as a sign of disengagement, read American retreat. Totalitarians are emboldened not moderated, when they feel their foes pulling back. The late 1930s were tragic examples of accommodating the fascists of Europe. It could be that the Middle East’ Jihadists, particularly the Khomeinist among them are on a similar track: advancing."

DEBKAfile:  US on global alert for Iranian reprisal that may jeopardize Shalit release   "US officials are deeply concerned that Tehran may not take lying down Washington's charge that the Revolutionary Guards' Al Qods Brigades were complicit in the assassination plot or the success of a prisoner exchange deal releasing the Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit from Hamas captivity."

Republican debate: Winners and losers

CBS News Political Hotsheet  "The Bloomberg/Washington Post GOP debate is in the books, which means it's time to take a look at who had a good night - and who didn't. Below, our take on the winners and losers from Tuesday's economy-focused face-off:"
Take this for what it is worth to you.

#OccupyAmerica Zombies

NiceDeb   "No clear message, no consistent demands, violence, civil disorder, filth, crude behavior… These are the characteristics of the Occupy America movement, mindless minions possessed by the failed economic policies of President Barack Obama."

 More links at this site:
  • Big Journalism’s Dana Loesch: OWS Defecates On Cop Cars, Vandalizes Property, Pelosi Says “Bless Them”“
  • Josh Eboch, Freedomworks: Occupy Wall St. and the Tea Party: A Tale of Two Protests
  • The Daily Mail: A very privileged protest: Wearing $300 jeans and from some of the most exclusive schools, the children of the one per cent out for a good time at Occupy Wall Street
  • iOWNTHEWORLD: Would Be Nice If It Wasn’t Such a Flagrant Lie
  • Weasel Zippers: DNC Chief Wasserman Schultz: “We Applaud Activism” Of Wall Street Occupiers, They Embody How “Working People Feel”…

Five Things Republicans Must Do to Crush the Left in the Propaganda War

Kyle-Anne Shiver  Obama and his gang of Alinskyite thugs are not as tough as they look when we know how to fight.
"When the Republicans took back the House in 2010, it should have marked the beginning of the end of not only the Obama presidency, but also the Democrat propaganda victories. But that hasn’t happened.
"Less than one year after the Tea Party wave of 2010, the Republicans are once again battered and bloody — clobbered in the propaganda war. Democrats have already effectively employed their vicious propaganda machine to great success.
"Republicans are now branded as “hostage-takers,” when they fight for prudent spending cuts. Republicans are now called “terrorists” by the #2 Democrat in the country. The Tea Party has been smeared as “extremist” for supporting government accountable to the Constitution instead of accountable to ACORN.
"The Congressional Black Caucus is variously employing racialist scare tactics to tar and feather anyone who opposes anything they want. The “they’re all a bunch of racists” ploy is trotted out to protect the president from valid criticism."

Kyle-Anne Shiver is an independent journalist.

Obama’s Blame Game/ Everything except the president’s own policies is to blame for the economy.

Victor Davis Hanson   "Third, Obama has picked up a lot of technocratic data but little common sense, or even the sorts of basic facts that most people acquire in the workplace. Only a hothouse plant would think that inflating tires and getting “tune-ups” are a substitute for greater petroleum production. “Millions of green jobs” is the sort of pie-in-the-sky theorizing one hears in the faculty lounge among tenured apparatchiks, but which means little to a small businessman who must meet a payroll. No business or household off the subsidized campus or government dole could run the way Obama runs the government — and it shows in his naïveté about what is ruining the recovery."
"Lastly, there are no consequences for Obama’s blaming his failed economic policy on someone else. The media long ago gave up their role as presidential watchdogs and became invested in Obama’s success."....

Obama’s Populist Shift/ His anti-capitalist nostrums are demoralizing to the economy.   "Of course, the individuals and families who would suffer the greatest tax-penalty increases are the ones who are most likely to invest and run small businesses. In fact, Treasury data show that over 80 percent of millionaire tax filers reflect small-business income. Why demonize them? This is what Gov. Chris Christie meant when he said President Obama is sending a “demoralizing” message."....
"How about unleashing a wave of free-market capitalism, which has proven to be the best path to prosperity?
"Unfortunately, Team Obama will have none of it."

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

How America Fell

Mike Adams   "If students refused to renounce their religious beliefs, the university kept the money. In other words, the “mandatory student fee” was a misnomer. It was actually a “tax on orthodox beliefs.”
"This method was later modified in order to deal with churches that required belief statements for membership, or for church leadership positions. Since they were paying no taxes, they were seen as being “given something” by the government. So the government decided that tax breaks for churches must be contingent. If the church “discriminated” on the basis of belief, they would no longer be given a tax exemption. In other words, they would be taxed only if they believed in something."
Mike Adams is a criminology professor at the University of North Carolina Wilmington and author of Feminists Say the Darndest Things: A Politically Incorrect Professor Confronts "Womyn" On Campus

Stop the anti-Christian witchhunt on campus  "Association leaders seem simply to have gotten it in their heads that where Christian values are part of a school’s hiring standards and curriculum, good, independent scholarship is impossible.
"So they launched probes all on their own."

Montana Law School Agrees to Stop Anti-Christian Discrimination    "The fact that the group was forced to sue a law school of all places to respect their first amendment rights shows the degree to which our education system been taken over by the far left.  Conservative groups should not need lawsuits to have our rights respected." (Emphasis in the original) Campus

Moment of truth: Senate blocks Obama’s jobs bill

Political Cartoons by Chip Bok

Hot Air  "If only Nelson and Tester had stuck with the caucus, it would have been a perfect outcome for him. None of this gets America any closer to a bipartisan new stimulus, but it might get O a bit closer to being re-elected. And that’s what’s important.
"Here he is at his latest “big speech” this afternoon (see video), telling the crowd that tonight’s vote was a “moment of truth” even though he knew full well that the bill was doomed from day one. And intentionally so."

Mike Ramirez gets in his two cents worth

Obama an 'isolated man trapped in a collapsing presidency'

Rick Moran  Quoting Michael Goodwin at the NY Post:
Blaming the country is political heresy, of course, yet Obama is running out of scapegoats. His allies rarely make affirmative arguments on his behalf anymore, limiting themselves to making excuses for his failure. He and they attack Republicans, George W. Bush, European leaders and Chinese currency manipulation -- and that was just last week. The blame game isn't much of a defense for Solyndra and "Fast and Furious," the emerging twin scandals that paint a picture of incompetence at best.
"I'd say this is worrisome except it really doesn't matter. Obama is irrelevant and the country is almost officially biding its time until he's gone."

The Endangered Holdertross