Monday, February 13, 2012

National Review Online calls for Newt to drop out and support Santorum

Rick Moran:   Quoting the National Review Online:

Gingrich's verbal and intellectual talents should make him a resource for any future Republican president. But it would be a grave mistake for the party to make someone with such poor judgment and persistent unpopularity its . It is not clear whether Gingrich remains in the race because he still believes he could become president next year or because he wants to avenge his wounded pride: an ambiguity that suggests the problem with him as a leader. When he led Santorum in the polls, he urged the Pennsylvanian to leave the race. On his own arguments the proper course for him now is to endorse Santorum and exit.
:  Santorum’s “Women in Combat” Comments Under Fire
He managed to quell some of the criticism – if not all – by saying later that he was referring to the emotional reactions of male soldiers. “Men have emotions when you see a woman in harm’s way,” he told NBC News on Friday, adding that “the natural inclination” is “to not focus on the mission but to try to be in a position where you might want to protect someone.”
Many of us who have served in an infantry unit have these same concerns. TD

The Church of Obama; How about the Separation of State and Church?

Heritage: Voices of Opposition Speak Out Against Obama’s Contraception Mandate ‘Accommodation’
sacking rome
"That mandate — which tramples heavily on religious liberties — drew tremendous fire across the board, from Christians and Jews alike, drowning the President in a political maelstrom of his own design. And though today the President sought to calm that storm with a “compromise,” the voices of opposition are as strong as ever because, quite simply, it doesn’t remedy the moral and religious liberty objections to this mandate, and as a practical matter, it simply doesn’t work.
"Here’s a roundup of the reactions:...."
The Obama contraception fraud   "But wait!  Maybe Obama will “clarify” his mandate and tell the insurance companies that they cannot increase premiums to pay for his contraceptive mandate … or for any other mandate he comes up with.  Don’t put this one past him.  It would, after all, hasten the bankruptcy of these insurance companies … and that is the ObamaCare final solution.  When the insurance companies are run out of business the government will be there to take over with the coveted (by proggies) single-payer plan."  Neal Boortz
Mark Steyn: The Church of Obama "The church model the young American state wished to separate from was that of the British monarch, who remains to this day supreme governor of the Church of England. This convenient arrangement dates from the 1534 Act of Supremacy. The title of the law gives you the general upshot, but, just in case you’re a bit slow on the uptake, the text proclaims “the King’s Majesty justly and rightfully is and ought to be the supreme head of the Church of England.” That’s to say, the sovereign is “the only supreme head on earth of the Church” and he shall enjoy “all honors, dignities, pre-eminences, jurisdictions, privileges, authorities, immunities, profits, and commodities to the said dignity,” not to mention His Majesty “shall have full power and authority from time to time to visit, repress, redress, record, order, correct, restrain, and amend all such errors, heresies, abuses, offenses, contempts, and enormities, whatsoever they be.”  "Welcome to Obamacare."  More commentary on this at the link.
This link is currently inaccessible but we will give it to you in a separate post when it is available: American Catholicism’s Pact With the Devil  "This article is an excellent summary of what happens when the true Gospel of conversion and repentance is replaced with the false gospel of social justice, the common good and peace at any price."

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Why Americans Hate the Media; Perhaps the public has good reason to think that the media's self-aggrandizement gets in the way of solving the country's real problems

ATLANTIC MONTHLY   from 1996:  "Ogletree pushed Wallace. Didn't Jennings have some higher duty to do something other than just roll film as soldiers from his own country were being shot?
"No," Wallace said flatly and immediately. "You don't have a higher duty. No. No. You're a reporter!" "....
...."A few minutes later Ogletree turned to George M. Connell, a Marine colonel in full uniform. Jaw muscles flexing in anger, with stress on each word, Connell said, "I feel utter contempt."
"Two days after this hypothetical episode, Connell said, Jennings or Wallace might be back with the American forces—and could be wounded by stray fire, as combat journalists often had been before. When that happens, he said, they are "just journalists." Yet they would expect American soldiers to run out under enemy fire and drag them back, rather than leaving them to bleed to death on the battlefield.
" "I'll do it!" Connell said. "And that is what makes me so contemptuous of them. Marines will die going to get . . . a couple of journalists." The last words dripped disgust."

These so-called newsmen would stay detached reporters, reporting the deaths of their own countrymen for the sake of "journalistic integrity". Yet daily they cast off any convictions of journalistic integrity to promote liberal causes; they have little regard for journalism when faced with the choice of portraying the conservative message truthfully or treating conservatives as suspects to be grilled and demeaned. Interviewees giving conservative opinions are argued with by the reporter.
Brian Williams asking Gov. Rick Perry how he can sleep at night while Texas executes condemned murderers comes to mind as being typical of slanted journalism.
David Gregory, Norah O'Donnell and others asking President Bush to apologize for acts of his presidency were especially disgusting to me.  TD

How's this for propaganda that passes for "journalism: CNN's White House correspondent Dan Lothian asked President Obama in Hawaii, "Are GOP Candidates "Uninformed, Out Of Touch, Or Irresponsible?"?

Rush Limbaugh discussed the press this way:   "They're idiotic, and it makes people who believe them blindly look like ill-educated, uneducated, or what have you, uncurious -- and yet these are the smartest and brightest among us by reputation supposedly, journalists. They're blockheads. They're really blockheads. They don't know anything."

An aspiring liberal journalist tries to explain why she thinks the Tea Party is dangerous

Israel vs Iran: 'Please, please don't stand in our way'

American Thinker  "Naftali Bennett, former chief of staff to Benjamin Netanyahu, offers some straight talk to Americans on the threat of Iranian nuclear weapons. Well worth 5 minutes of your time."

There are many more threats where these came from if you really want to see them.

The Brookings Institution: Israel’s Dilemma: If It Attacks Iran, Will It Also Have to Hit Hezbollah?  "The Israel Defense Forces have to calculate whether they would want to open two fronts at the same time, or let Hizbullah and Iran decide if and when to start a massive attack on Israel’s cities from the north." 

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Krauthammer: Israel ‘will strike’ Iran to ‘prevent a second holocaust’; Does Ron Paul consider this?

Paul’s foreign policy calls into question his seriousness as a candidate for the presidency
Ron Paul's isolationist policy invites a second Holocaust."  ""I meant it literally," he said. "Iran will use atomic weapons on Jerusalem."
"Ginorio said Santorum has a tougher attitude toward Iran than Paul – something that is needed to prevent the country from attacking its neighbors." Naturally Paul supporters booed this.

Ron Paul’s Destructive Foreign Policy  "It’s no surprise that the left-wing, anti-American Code Pink likes Paul’s message. Code Pink activist Liz Hourican told that the “Ron Paul people are closer and closer to our talking points with each election.”
"Paul also has other friends on the hard Left such as Tom Hayden,..." 

Ron Paul - Extend Friendship to Iran 

 Daily Caller: Krauthammer:  "“I think he is right. I think the Israelis are serious unless happens between now and midyear or even November that will threaten the regime, because it won’t change the policy. I think Israel will strike because it cannot live under the threat of annihilation from Iran.”
"Krauthammer also had some strong words about why he thought an attack was likely.
"“Unless something intervenes,” Krauthammer replied. “I cannot imagine the Israelis are going to allow Iran to go nuclear and to hold the Damocles sword over 6 million Jews all over again. Israel was established to prevent a second Holocaust, not to invite one.”"

Charles Krauthammer: The Gospel according to Obama/ Rush Limbaugh checks in

Charles Krauthammer  "His policy, he testified “as a Christian,” “coincides with Jesus’s teaching that ‘for unto whom much is given, much shall be required.’ ”  
"Now, I’m no theologian, but I’m fairly certain that neither Jesus nor his rabbinic forebears, when speaking of giving, meant some obligation to the state. You tithe the priest, not the tax man."
...."Yet according to the Gospel of Sebelius, these very same Catholic institutions are not religious at all — under the secularist assumption that religion is what happens on Sunday under some Gothic spire, while good works are “social services” properly rendered up unto Caesar.
"This all would be merely the story of contradictory theologies, except for this: Sebelius is Obama’s appointee. She works for him. These regulations were his call. Obama authored both gospels."
Rush Limbaugh: The Real Target of Obama’s HHS Birth Control Mandate Is the Constitution  " “It‘s not the government’s business to make any church or any religion ‘modernize’ …there is no permissible way the government can do this, according to our Constitution,” Rush Limbaugh said during his Tuesday radio broadcast.
Limbaugh, who believes the real target of the Obama administrations contraceptives mandate is in fact, the U.S. Constitution, “pure and simple." "

Thanks Barack… 3 West Virginia Coal Plants to Close

Gateway Pundit  "Before the election in 2008 Barack Obama told the San Francisco Chronicle that he would cripple the coal industry and bankrupt coal plants."

The plants operated under subsidiary Monongahela Power. Mon Power recently finished a study of unscrubbed coal fired plants in the system to determine the potential impact of the most recent environmental regulations from EPA. Company officials determined the EPA’s Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS) made it unfeasible to retrofit or continue operating the three plants.“The high cost to implement MATS and other environmental rules is the reason these Mon Power plants are being retired,” said James R. Haney, regional president of Mon Power and president of West Virginia Operations for FirstEnergy.
They told us back in August this was coming:  Getting ready for a wave of coal-plant shutdowns   "CRS notes that many of the plants most affected by the new EPA rules were facing extinction anyway: “Many of these plants are inefficient and are being replaced by more efficient combined cycle natural gas plants, a development likely to be encouraged if the price of competing fuel—natural gas—continues to be low, almost regardless of EPA rules.”

Not that it matters to the Obama Administration any more than this shutdown that killed the economy of Garibaldi, Oregon back in the 70's bothered the EPA.
Oh, yeah- there's this as well: Forest fires and wind turbines: The danger no one is talking about

Industrial Wind Turbines Cause Real Damage.

(Left) Two griffon vultures killed by turbines in Navarre, Spain. One of them has been sliced in half by the blade.

From Heritage: "162 Reasons to Marry"; also "Definition of Marriage" plus a Jack Benny story

Family Research Council    ...."The future of the human race and all its component societies is embodied in each new- born. Whether that newborn grows to be a strong, capable adult depends much on the marriage of his parents. Whether he is physically strong; whether she is intelligent; whether he is hardworking or a dropout; whether she will be mentally healthy and happy; whether he will be more educated; whether she will marry in her own turn; whether he will be a taxpayer or a drain on the commons; whether she enjoys her own sexuality to the full; whether he worships and prays; whether she has children and how many; whether he finishes high school and goes to college or learns a trade; whether she is law-abiding; whether he grows old with a family surrounding him—all these most desirable outcomes (common goods) are strongly connected to the strength of the marriage of that child’s parents."....

Definition of Marriage by Kerby Anderson  "Their latest survey of 1,500 adults found that nearly two-thirds (62%) of Americans agreed with this statement: “I believe marriage should be defined only as the union of one man and one woman.”
"The results stand in stark contrast to the media template being used today that most Americans are ready to change the definition of marriage."
Kerby Anderson serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary, Philadelphia Biblical University, and Temple Baptist Seminary. He has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns Hopkins University, University of Colorado and University of Texas.

Jack Benny
Yes, there ARE great marriages in Hollywood   "The day after Benny died, a single, long-stemmed red rose was delivered to Mary Livingstone Benny, his wife of nearly 48 years. After several days, with another rose delivered each day, Mary called the florist to find out who was sending them. The florist told her that Benny had made arrangements for a rose to be sent to her every day for the rest of her life, and included a provision in his will for the deliveries -- a touching and romantic final gesture for a man born on Valentine's Day."

"Benny's sarcophagus contains the simple inscription, "A gentle man."
Buried with Benny is his wife, Mary Livingstone Benny (1906 - 1983), his co-star on both his radio and television shows.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Gettysburg in the snow

"Though snow was falling all day, only about an inch ended up sticking. Here at the Lutheran Theological Seminary, one of Gettysburg’s oldest sledding spots is still in use in front of Valentine Hall when we stopped by Wednesday afternoon. We decided to take a walk up the path to the Seminary’s principal building, Schmucker Hall or “Old Dorm.” "

This is one of many snow pictures taken at Gettysburg. Go to previous posts for more in-depth photos, maps and tour videos made by licensed Gettysburg guides. 

 Archives with much more info here. If you're a Gettysburg scholar, knock yourself out.
Then you can go to  Battle of Gettysburg Buff and see many photos such as this one:

See the places where the great-great-grandfathers of the occupiers-who-like-to-do-a-number-two-on-the- American- flag carried that same flag into battle. Sorry; there I go again.


Discover The Networks (A guide to the political left)

THE RELIGIOUS LEFT AND ANTI-ISRAEL / ANTI-SEMITIC PERSPECTIVES  "In October 2008, Jackson, speaking in France at the first World Policy Forum, predicted that a Barack Obama presidency would bring much-needed “fundamental changes” in U.S. foreign policy -- most notably by ending America's “decades of putting Israel's interests first,” and by standing up to “Zionists who have controlled American policy for decades.” "

Bruce Thornton:  The Final Countdown: Israel vs. Iran  "So too today, the equally genocidal Iranian regime can be stopped by a unified and determined Western alliance. Instead, though, Obama is leaving Israel out on a limb as he calculates the “unforeseen consequences” and seeks political advantage. He needs to start calculating the easily foreseen and much more disastrous consequences of Iran’s possession of nuclear weapons. That’s what true leaders do: recognize that the choice is seldom between the good and the bad, but rather between the bad and the worse." 

But the left will not learn from history, their goals are not influenced by history and they will-as usual-only bring down misery upon all who live under their philosophies. They loved communism so the slaughter of millions in China and the Soviet Union mattered not one bit; the murder of courageous Hungarians who revolted against communist domination affected our left not at all, just as the destruction of Israel won't.*
The left hates capitalism because they say not all are prosperous and they prefer socialism where nobody prospers but the political leaders. 
No wonder their advocates are called "useful idiots". TD 

An excellent example of what we mean: Israel News Agency To Post Iran Holocaust Cartoons
"The Israel News Agency uploaded four Holocaust cartoons from Iran today. One cartoon doubted that the murdered Holocaust victims were Jewish, another depicted Anne Frank in bed with Adolph Hitler."!  Watch Shocking Iranian Anti-Semitic Video Mocking The Six Million

My point in all this: the left, with no moral compass cannot discern evil even when it is made grossly manifest to the entire world. TD

(From 2008) "What you need to measure about Barack Obama..." The author writes about Obama "...speaking in 1999 against "Israeli occupation" at a charity event for a West Bank refugee camp; and Mr. Abunimah, an American citizen, Hyde Park resident and Princeton graduate, has also recalled Mr. and Mrs. Obama at a fundraiser held for the then-Congressional candidate Obama in 2000 at Rashid and Mona Khalidi's home, where Mr. Obama made convincing statements in support of the Palestinian cause."

Israel Hayom:  Iran’s politically inconvenient nuclear program  "...Israel could choose to act before November, based on its own estimate of Iran’s timing for its nuclear program. An Israeli attack would likely draw the U.S. into the conflict, and on the side of Israel, with negative implications for Obama’s Muslim outreach program, not to mention the risk of casualties and widespread destruction."

‘Anonymous’ Threatens Crusade Against Israel: ‘The People of This World Will Rise Against You’ Hat tip to Liberty Chick at Big Government

Typical Obama compromise


Rich Terrell is just a constant embarrassment with these pictures. I just can't take him anywhere that's cultured. Look out, here he comes again:

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Ohio Democrat Rep. Robert Hagan Gives Occupiers Tickets to Disrupt Kasich Speech

Big Government  "State Rep. Bob Hagan (D – Youngstown), a Progressive kook’s Progressive kook, bused in 35 protestors for the event. Worse, Hagan handed out several tickets for Kasich’s speech to Occupy protestors ranting outside."

"The Dispatch has video of an anti-fracking protestor screeching, “We can capture the air! We can capture the sun!” after being escorted out of the event (watch for the obligatory Occupy mic-check). The same protestor is shown exiting a bus – Hagan’s? – in an earlier Dispatch video which features perpetual union shill Bruce Bostick. Funny thing about Bruce Bostick: he’s a Communist.
Robert F. Hagan 
"When Big Labor, environmental activists, Democrats, and Communists are all equally enraged by your governor, it’s likely your state is on the right track!"
 Rep. Robert Hagan Blasts Drug Testing for Welfare Benefits, Suggests same test for Legislators, judges...

Wikipedia reports this:  "With the city of Youngstown being majorly pro-labor, Hagan had been against a bill that looks to limit collective bargaining for public employees. While it was virtually inevitable that the bill will pass into law, Hagan vowed to lead an effort to overthrow it via a referendum."...

"Ohio's State Rep. Robert Hagan, the AntiFracker" Here is one post:
"For instance, he likes to hang out at the Lemon grove, a hippies style coffee/booze eclectic joint where the Occupiers try to congregate.  It was there a year ago that someone couldn't take him any longer and decked his a--.  Then a few months ago, this fool on FB was caught calling a black debater buckwheat.  This politician is a loose cannon and must be watched and negated.  To my fellow landowners here and industry folks, help us here in Youngstown as much as you can.  We do not ned this so called leader proclaiming everyday that drilling must stop!"
Hagan reveals true colors, Buckwheat  During that Facebook argument:
"When asked if he is from "the land of Traficant," Hagan responded, "I ran against Traficant take your personal shots and shove them where the sun dont shine." 
"When called on his use of the racial slur, Hagan left the conversation, then promptly "de-friended" Cook."