Maggie's Notebook ...."Actor Kevin James (a really, really funny guy) was courageous to say that Hollywood picks and chooses who can offend and who cannot and in this case, Nakoula’s First Amendment rights are worth a jail cell. Some think it’s fine that he was nailed for offending Muslims. George Clooney, that one-man bastion of all-things humane, thinks the First Amendment is “unfortunate” for people like Nakoula."
Kevin appears to be one of a persecuted minority:
Celebrities Pile on Mitt Hate Post Debate
"Celebrities rushed to Twitter over the last 24 hours to give their assessment of the second presidential debate. Some, like Judd Apatow, Chris Rock and Jared Leto, served up pure hatred for GOP nominee Mitt Romney"

'Paul Ryan Girl' Video Reveals Fear of Being Openly Conservative in Show Biz
"Enter Maredith Walker. Not only did she audition for the part, she wanted her name on it. She was beautiful, talented and would show up early on a Sunday morning for an all-day shoot. What was not to like? Well, she was a true conservative. She had things like, oh, principles she lived by. One, was that marriage is sacred. You don’t come on to other women’s husbands. I agreed with that principal but … this was fiction. We had a YouTube video to make!"
"Walker wanted to be in a YouTube video that honored Ryan but did not dishonor his wife. She refused to hide under a rock for “her career” because she knew that the gifts God had given her, her looks and talent, could serve something bigger than herself. And in the end, she has not ruined her career. She just launched it."
Update: ‘The View’ Co-Hosts Freak Out When Hasselbeck Suggests Hollywood Is For Obama (Video) "Hasselbeck’s comments caused an explosion from the four other hosts, resulting in a cacophonous shouting match directed towards Elizabeth. Goldberg, not wanting to have a full discussion on what had just ensued, conveniently ended the conversation by taking the show to commercial and failing to resume the dispute after the break.
Kevin appears to be one of a persecuted minority:
Celebrities Pile on Mitt Hate Post Debate
"Celebrities rushed to Twitter over the last 24 hours to give their assessment of the second presidential debate. Some, like Judd Apatow, Chris Rock and Jared Leto, served up pure hatred for GOP nominee Mitt Romney"

'Paul Ryan Girl' Video Reveals Fear of Being Openly Conservative in Show Biz
"Enter Maredith Walker. Not only did she audition for the part, she wanted her name on it. She was beautiful, talented and would show up early on a Sunday morning for an all-day shoot. What was not to like? Well, she was a true conservative. She had things like, oh, principles she lived by. One, was that marriage is sacred. You don’t come on to other women’s husbands. I agreed with that principal but … this was fiction. We had a YouTube video to make!"
"Walker wanted to be in a YouTube video that honored Ryan but did not dishonor his wife. She refused to hide under a rock for “her career” because she knew that the gifts God had given her, her looks and talent, could serve something bigger than herself. And in the end, she has not ruined her career. She just launched it."
Update: ‘The View’ Co-Hosts Freak Out When Hasselbeck Suggests Hollywood Is For Obama (Video) "Hasselbeck’s comments caused an explosion from the four other hosts, resulting in a cacophonous shouting match directed towards Elizabeth. Goldberg, not wanting to have a full discussion on what had just ensued, conveniently ended the conversation by taking the show to commercial and failing to resume the dispute after the break.
"Once again, the co-hosts on The View silenced the lone conservative on the show because she dared to call them and the majority of Hollywood for what they truly are, liberal supporters of President Obama."