Wednesday, December 5, 2012

From Egypt; Anti-Morsi protester's message to Obama

Twitchy   "Earlier today, President Mohamed Morsi fled* the Presidential Palace in Cairo, and anti-Morsi protests are now erupting all across Egypt. While President Obama may be too busy picking out sandals for his three-week Hawaiian vacation to give Egyptians the time of day, one protester (purportedly this man) is more than willing to give Obama a piece of his mind:"

*Actually, one report said Morsi didn't flee, but just left for home at the end of the work day.
"MarcoAurelius", among many others, posts this comment:
They have this backwards. Obama is definitely Morsi's bitch. Obama pays the Egyptian Brotherhood $1.5 Billion a year, apologizes to them when they riot at our embassy, and Morsi does what he wants.

Race Matters, Actually / In D.C., being black and female is a plus — as long as you’re also a Democrat.

Victor Davis Hanson  "Vocal liberal senators tore into Powell’s successor, Condoleezza Rice, during her confirmation hearings; throughout her tenure, she was subjected to venomous criticism over her role in the Iraq War. Was Senator Barbara Boxer, who mercilessly grilled her, a racist? A disinterested observer over the last decade would conclude that the chief critics of black and female secretaries of state have been liberal Democrats — with no countervailing criticism of them from the Black Caucus, the Washington Post, or the Democratic party. Note in that regard that Attorney General Alberto Gonzales left the Bush administration under vicious liberal criticism — although not quite as harsh as the vitriol directed at Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas. Again, their critics were not tarred with allegations of racism or anti-Latino bias."
Political Cartoons by Henry Payne

The picture of social justice, Obama-style

THE MORON VOTE IN AMERICA; The Manchurian Electorate

From the Freedom Fighter's Journal comes this column by J. D. Longstreet about what he refers to as "America's Brain Washed Voters". He begins with this quote from the UK Telegraph:
"So Europe got the American president it wanted – the one who would present no threat to its own delusions. The United States is now officially one of us: an Old World country complete with class hatred, ethnic Balkanisation, bourgeois guilt and a paternalist ruling elite. And it is locked into the same death spiral of high public spending and self-defeating wealth redistribution as we are. Welcome to the future, and the beginning of what may turn out to be the terminal decline of the West." ... Janet Daley, The Telegraph

"I find it ironic that a news organization, Pravda, which was formally the mouthpiece for the Soviet Union's Communist Party government is able to see Obama for what he is when Americans were -- and are -- too dumb and/or too dense to see the Marxist agenda of Mr. Obama. (Frankly, I don't think Americans even understand, anymore, what Communism, Socialism, and Marxism really is/are. I mean, think about it. Americans don't even know we used to have a constitutional representative republic. Most think we had a democracy. Now that we are a socialist state -- they don't know -- and can't tell (can't discern) -- the difference. Such is the ignorance of the average American about his government today.)"

Who was it that said we get the kind of government we deserve? I regret to say there are some cliches that we must now retire, resolving never to use them again. Here are three:
"America is the greatest country in the world"
"America is a center-right country"
"I have great faith in the intelligence of the American voter"
I challenged a leftist, gloating nephew to list every reason why Obama should be president and I would respond by listing every reason the man should not have been allowed near the capital. His response? "There are 50 million reasons why Obama should be president".
Longstreet concludes this chilling column with these words:

The only question remaining, then, is how will those of us who desire freedom extract ourselves from the corpse that America is quickly becoming?
In case you wonder what the "Manchurian Electorate" derives from, I direct you to this synopsis in Wikipedia of the 1962 film, "The Manchurian Candidate":
It is revealed that the Communists have been using Shaw as a sleeper agent, a guiltless assassin subconsciously activated by seeing the “Queen of Diamonds” playing card while playing solitaire. Provoked by the appearance of the card, he obeys orders which he then forgets. Shaw’s KGB handler is his domineering mother Eleanor, a ruthless power broker working with the Communists to execute a "palace coup d’état" to quietly overthrow the U.S. government, with her husband, McCarthy-esque Senator Johnny Iselin, as a puppet dictator.
Forget about the 2004 remake which replaces the Communists with the usual inversion of good and evil where private interprise and corporations become the evil ones. If you think about it, it has been this latter sort of propaganda that has set the stage for the election of  Obama and the current species of Democrats.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Angry Reader #4

Victor Davis Hanson   "But if you are looking for extremists, try these: the Rev. Joseph Lowery gave the benediction at Obama's 2008 inauguration; a week before the election he gave another public address in which he stated that whites belong in Hell — to no comment from the president or his supporters."

Army WINS The War on Christmas!!!!

By Craig Andresen, blogging at The National Patriot;
So…What exactly DOES an Islamic terrorist have to do with atheists and the war on Christmas? 
More than you might think and for entirely different reasons than you might think.
Have I gone MAD?
Maybe but…Allow me to connect a few unlikely dots and then you can be the judge.
Hang on, this might be a little tricky.
The Islamic terrorist in question is well known.
Nidal Hassan. Yes…THAT Nidal Hassan. THE Nidal Hassan who shot up Ft. Hood Texas in what has been labeled by this pro-Islamist administration as…”Workplace violence.”
...."If putting a religious display atop the government property Alsip water tower is a violation of the separation of church and state…

"Is it not the same violation for the terrorist to grow a “religious” display on his government property face???
"While I should like to see this terrorist forcibly shaved with a dull bladed lawn mower, I believe this sets a precedent that should NOT be ignored.
"As the government issued military appeals court judges have thrown out the forcibly shaved order along with the government issued military judge who issued it and are, at least for now, allowing a terrorist to sprout a religious display on his U.S. government property face."
So, how about that logic?

Reading list: Life under Obama

IRS issues new rules on Obamacare surcharge  "The US taxcode may get 159 pages longer thanks to new rules issued by the IRS on investment income to be taxed as a result of the passage of Obamacare.
"Read it and weep."

Political Cartoons by Eric Allie
Merry Christmas, You're Fired...Love, President Obama   "That is ObamaCare; it is the very definition of class warfare. Take from those who have -- in this case, those who are working in the medical device industry and earning a good living -- and give to those who have evening of the playing field if you will.
"Only a president of such skewed thinking as Obama would take from the dynamic and life-changing medical device industry only to fund a massive bureaucracy bathed in inefficiency. After all, that's what ObamaCare is."

The Ugly Truth About Obama And Taxes   "We all know that Obama has a psychotic fixation with raising taxes on the rich. The problem here is that the media persists in reporting the complete fixation that Obama wants to raise taxes on the evil rich as a way to reduce the deficit. What a crock. Here’s what you get if you connect those aforementioned dots:"
Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson
Obama: I am the law   "Ignoring those considerations, at the time, the Washington Post editorial board called Obama's gambit "a justifiable power grab." In a similar vein, last month, the New Republic ran a piece helpfully (and brazenly) titled "Eight Ways Obama Can Jam Through His Agenda Without Congress." (Recess appointments are on the list.)"

Monday, December 3, 2012

Democrats reject Republican budget counter-offer

Republicans make their fiscal cliff' counteroffer
"So we have the potential for a deal that is somewhere between Bowles's plan last year and the president's plan. It is not, however, a matter of simply total savings. The Republicans have included far less revenue, as well as less revenue to be obtained through tax reform. The Democrats have yet to present a substantive offer that looks at systemic entitlement reform. The Republicans have shown that, contrary to the liberal-media meme, Boehner and not Grover Norquist controls the House. (And we expect this is not even the final GOP offer, leaving room for more revenue perhaps.)
"We are far from a deal. We're not close, but we are no longer "nowhere." Your turn, Mr. President."

"In a document obtained by Right Turn from House Republicans, the plans match up as follows:"
More on this at the link.

White House reponds to GOP’s counteroffer: Sorry, wrong number, not going there   "Despite Republicans’ significant concession that they would be amenable to revenue increases if they came via tax-code reform — an honest-to-goodness effort at compromise — President Obama has roundly refused to even consider a plan that doesn’t include tax-rate increases on the wealthy, the only apparent policy rationale being that it’s just that important to him to be a full-on class warrior. It looks like the White House is sticking to that line, even after Speaker Boehner officially released the GOP’s own proposal earlier this afternoon. So much for “negotiation,” via BuzzFeed:"...
Political Cartoons by Nate Beeler

Sanctions Fight Is an Example of Why Bibi Doesn’t Trust Barack

Seth Mandel in Commentary;  "It’s no secret that President Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu don’t trust each other. Personality conflicts are slightly less troubling–they can dislike each other and still respect and even trust each other. But trust is seemingly nowhere to be found in the distressed relationship between the two leaders. (We got another reminder of this at the Saban Forum, when Ehud Olmert restated on the record comments that Rahm Emanuel, once Obama’s chief of staff, had made at the forum off the record. The comments were tinged with anger and resentment at Netanyahu.)"....

"And the pessimist sees something else entirely: an American president who makes lots of campaign promises he doesn’t keep who doesn’t seem to possess any sense of urgency on a matter that, to Israelis, is tied to the very survival of the Jewish state."

The Five Best Reporters on FOX News

American Glob    "This is a new post in an ongoing series about FOX News.
"Previous Posts: The Five Best Guest Hosts on FOX  ; Five People FOX News Should Kick to the Curb"
(One of whom was Alan Colmes, pleasingly.)
"Now, the Five best reporters on FOX News. Critics of FOX News often single out opinion shows like the O’Reilly Factor and Hannity while ignoring the excellent hard news reporters on the network. Here are, in my opinion, the best news reporters on FOX."
Starting with number five is Jennifer Griffin and working up to number one: Bret Baier
I make a point to be home from work in time to watch Special Report with Bret Baier. It is simply the best show on TV for coverage of national politics and the all star panel is matched by none.

Will the GOP Let the MSM Back for the Primary Debates of 2016?

By Roger L Simon at PJ Media; "We all know the old saw, “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.”
"But how about “Fool me two dozen times and you’re the Stupid Party!” (aka, the GOP)?
"The Republicans certainly did their best to prove the latter in election 2012.
"And how were they fooled? The last election was arguably over and done before the real battle started when the mainstream media overtly and covertly made mincemeat of the Republican candidates during the primary debates, effectively neutering them for the main event.
"Well, except for, momentarily, Newt Gingrich, who provided the one intellectually stimulating moment during that tedious and seemingly interminable series of events when he called the media out. That, unfortunately, could only be effective once."

The I, Me, Mine presidency

"President Obama loves to insert himself in other people’s biographies. He also loves to honor people, most recently Neil Armstrong and Vice President Biden, with pictures of himself. All. About. Him. His laser-like focus never wavers from his own image.
"And the narcissism continues: To honor the 57th anniversary of the day Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on the bus, President Obama paid homage with a picture of himself."