Oregon Sheriff: Exec. Orders that Offend Constitution Will Not Be Enforced; "Linn County Oregon Sheriff Tim Mueller cut right to the chase in an open letter to Vice President Biden on January 14: "Any federal regulation enacted by Congress or executive order...offending the constitutional rights of my citizens will not be enforced by me or my deputies.""
"In summary, it is the position of this Sheriff that I refuse to participate, or stand idly by, while my citizens are turned into criminals due to the unconstitutional actions of misguided politicians."Texas to Join Wyoming? Felony Charges for Enforcing New Gun Control [Rep. Steve] Toth puts it this way: "We can no longer depend on the Federal Government and this Administration to uphold a Constitution they no longer believe in."
Power Line; Obama, an Elitist Hypocrite "That isn’t exactly news to readers of our site, but the NRA has released this effective ad on Obama’s hypocrisy when it comes to guns." (Video at this link, but I could not figure how to imbed it)
Ron Gazda of Richardson, TX sent this next article, which led me to do a bit more research on the 1992 movie (being mistrustful of Hollywood's take on things, even when it seems to support my personal point of view). This film segment below is said to be from Hallmark, which I like.
Battle of Athens, Tennessee in 1946 "The Battle of Athens (sometimes called the McMinn County War) was a rebellion led by citizens in Athens and Etowah, Tennessee, United States, against the local government in August 1946. The citizens, including some World War II veterans, accused the local officials of political corruption and voter intimidation. The event is sometimes cited by firearms ownership advocates as an example of the value of the Second Amendment in combating tyranny." Much more information on this here. It includes a fascinating hour-by hour timeline of the incident in Athens.
Andrew Klavan; What We Talk About When We Talk About Guns As the founders knew, however, the power we grant the state to defend us can easily be turned against us. “The means of defence against foreign danger,” Madison wrote, “have been always the instruments of tyranny at home.” Going back even farther, this was why the supporters of republican government stuck the long knives into Julius Caesar. In “crossing the Rubicon,” he violated the law by bringing the Roman army into Italy. This effectively turned the means of protecting the republic into the tool for establishing imperial rule."