Thursday, October 24, 2013

‘What Do America’s College Students Want? They Want to Be Oppressed’

"What do we want?"
     "To be oppressed!"
"When do we want it?"

PJ Media

"At the point, someone on the left will likely say that the Tea Party is an attempt to create a similar fervor on the right. But the Tea Party has a very different mission: they’re not trying to ban everyone’s lightbulbs, jack the price of gasoline up to sky-high European levels, and make everyone drive a Prius or ride “intercontinental high-speed rail” as the president calls one of his many boondoggle FDR-era retread big government projects. They want the government to leave everyone alone.  (And their detachment from the self-imposed oppression of the global warming doomsayers is a reminder that a little distance is always a good thing.) "

America under Obama and his Liberal base

131022 government glitch

The Post-American Liberal Culture  " Liberalism has embraced relativism, trapping it in a feedback loop of reflexive national self-criticism. Talk about the status of women in the Muslim world, and a liberal interjects by pointing out unequal salary levels in America. Mention genocide in the Sudan and he talks about Native Americans. Summon outrage over some a beam in the Third World, and the liberal finds a mote in your eye. There's a protective ideological short circuit in that thinking, a governor that cuts in to defend against dangerous ideas with an irrelevant counterattack. "
Victor Davis Hanson; If you’re hip and liberal, your kids don’t have to go to school with the gardener’s kids.   "California is the epicenter of the new regressive progressive — a novel sort of hyper-reactionary but hip 1 percenter who shakes his fist at his image in the mirror."

How's Obamacare doing lately?

Millions of Americans Are Losing Their Health Plans Because of Obamacare  "Let me be exactly clear about what health care reform means to you,” Obama said at one rally in July 2009. “First of all, if you’ve got health insurance, you like your doctors, you like your plan, you can keep your doctor, you can keep your plan.  Nobody is talking about taking that away from you.”  
But the president's promise is turning out to be false for millions of Americans who have had their health insurance policies canceled because they don't meet the requirements of the Affordable Care Act." Video.
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez
As Obama would say, "Let me be clear":
The 'Glitch' Blame Game   "Since income is < 50 k the client qualifies for Plan-1 or Plan-2. Since income < 20 k client qualifies for Plan-1. Since net worth > 150k and single and unemployed the client qualifies for Plan-2. The computer system will then freeze - probably from stack overflow."   Huh?
Political Cartoons by Nate Beeler
John Fund; Obamacare’s Huckster ‘Navigators’  ...."More than 700 “cyber-squatter” websites with similar domain names have been created to siphon off some of the public traffic meant for Some sites direct people to fill out an “Obamacare enrollment form,” even though they actually offer no insurance."

Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy
The Galen Institute; The ACA—Two Policy Experts’ Perspectives  "With the upcoming deployment of the most important aspects of health care reform, we are fortunate to have two well-known policy experts respond to our questions on the legislation. Grace-Marie Turner and David Cutler participated in a debate at the SOA health conference in 2010 and this interview serves as an extension to that initial debate. While they have different views, they each provide a very articulate support of their policy positions."
Baltimore Ravens Get Taxpayer Dollars to Promote Obamacare
"Bottom line — American tax dollars should not be going to promotions of this unaffordable, unworkable, and unfair law. Help us spread the word and share the graphic below."

Unlucky 13: Thirteen Cases of Media Bias During Past Three Days

Political Cartoons by Eric Allie
The Lid  "As mentioned previously, along with my duties here at The Lid, I have been contributing to a new media watchdog My work there is focused on media bias which, as it turns out is more wide-spread than I expected.
" Since I last shared with you on Monday morning, there have been thirteen more media bias incidents published under my byline (and there have been many more written by others.
" Below is the list of the unlucky 13 (unlucky because they got caught). The headline of each is hot-linked to the full article. Please click and give them a read.

A Moment of Uncomfortable Honesty on MSNBC
There was an uncomfortable moment on today's Now With Alex Wagner program when guest Jeff Greenfield accused his liberal colleagues on the panel of being policy advocates as well as journalists. The host and the three other panelists-- David Korn of ...

Juan Williams: Administration Hid Issues For Political Reasons (And That's O.K.)

Tuesday night's Fox News Special Report with Bret Baier featured an "All-Star Panel" discussion of the technological issues surrounding the introduction of One question raised was

NY Times White House Correspondent: Image of Cheney As Bush Puppet Master is Cartoonish
Tuesday Morning, NY Times White House correspondent Peter Baker was a guest on the Morning Joe program. He was there to discuss the account of the Bush administration published in his new book, “Days of Fire.” During a conversation with host Joe Scarboro ...

Chris Matthews Calls Ted Cruz Racist
There is a common joke made by politicians of all political persuasions. Making fun of the federal government's reputation of being out of touch with the people, upon returning to the home district the politician will declare, "Gee it's gre ...
120087 600 Obama Down cartoons
Guardian Columnist: Race Is Central To The Fear And Angst Of The US Right
It's a common crutch for the mainstream media and progressives in general, when they cannot debate facts or feel their policy cannot be defended to rely on calling their opposition racist. Yesterday's Guardian (a UK newspaper) ran a column by G ...

MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry: Illegal Immigration is the Modern Form of Slavery
Sunday morning on her MSNBC program Melissa Harris-Perry and guests discussed the new movie " 12 Years A Slave," the story of Solomon Northup, who was born free, went to Washington D.C. to find more work in 1841, but was beaten, drugged and sol ...

Fareed Zakaria: Conservatives Are Racists Who Hate America
In less than 80 seconds on this morning's Global Public Square, which appears on CNN and CNN International, Fareed Zakaria described conservatism as a negative political philosophy, the Tea Party as a radical group like the Black Panthers, and con ...

Public Believes Bigger ObamaCare Problems Are Ahead
The mainstream media and Obama administration are telling the public that the problems with ObamaCare are limited to the disaster associated with the rollout of According to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll, the public doesn't se ...
119866 600 Media Bias cartoons
NBC News contributor on Iranian affairs Hooman Majd, adviser to two Iranian Presidents, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Mohammad Khatami, attacked fellow Iranian and Wall Street Journal assistant books editor Sohrab Ahmari as “ WSJ’s (Iranian) House Negro." ...

CNN Buries Crucial Fact About Latest Anti-GOP Shutdown Poll
The big story from CNN on Monday was their latest CNN/ORC poll. Under the headline GOP, Boehner Take Shutdown Hit In New CNN Poll the network revealed 44% confidence in the President versus 31% in Republicans in Congress; 63% said John Boehner (R-OH) s ...

ABC's Jonathan Karl Battles Jay Carney To Get Answer to Simple Question
The line of questioning in today's press briefing with White House press secretary Jay Carney centered around the failure of the Obamacare website, CNN’s Brianna Keilar asked Jay Carney if the website would be fixed, and if the indiv ...

MSNBC's Alex Wagner: Cheney Was Bush's Heartless Puppet Master

On her MSNBC program today, Alex Wagner poked fun at Dick Cheney's heart disease before branding George Bush a mindless marionette to Cheney's puppet master. The topic for discussion was Cheney's new book " Heart," which discusse ...
119282 600 Dems and media in bed cartoons

The Washington Post's E.J. Dionne was a guest on NBC's Meet The Press this morning. Dionne declared both the Tea Party and conservatism dead: I think that the era of the far right and the era of the Tea Party is over. We wasted $12-24 billion of ...
Posted by Jeffrey Dunetz at Conservative Bloggers on Facebook

Allyson’s Geo-Political Inspections posts this case as well: TIME Magazine Flacks for Iran 
"In an October 15 article entitled, “Four Good Reasons Why Iran Doesn’t Trust America,” TIME Magazine seems rather sympathetic to Iran’s point of view:"....
119124 600 Media 2012 cartoons

'You let them die': Hillary Clinton heckled over Benghazi terrorist attack during speech to university students

'You let them die': Clinton is confronted by a heckler during a speech in Buffalo on Wednesday
UK Mail  "Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was relentlessly heckled over the Benghazi terrorist attack as she tried to deliver a speech at a New York university on Wednesday night.
"Clinton was speaking at the University of Buffalo as part of the university's 'Distinguished Speakers Series' when a man in the crowd began screaming about the attack that left three people dead, including Libyan Ambassador Chris Stevens.

" 'Benghazi, Benghazi - you let them die,' the man screamed as Clinton continued to give her speech."
" 'We have to be willing to come together as citizens to focus on the kind of future we want, which doesn’t include yelling. It includes sitting down and talking to one another,' she said sternly.
"The crowd then erupted with applause."

Obama the Blameless

David Limbaugh  "Could there be more convincing proof that President Obama is more concerned about himself than he is about the Americans he is supposed to serve than his Monday morning speech defending the disastrous Obamacare rollout rather than apologizing for it?

"Could there be more compelling evidence that he is first and foremost a Saul Alinsky agitator than the fact that he took the offense and attacked Republicans for fighting him on the budget -- a fight that in no way caused any rollout problems -- rather than humbly admit these inexcusable and humiliating problems?

"Democrats and the liberal media savaged President George W. Bush for allegedly never admitting a policy mistake. Can you fantasize them expressing disenchantment with Obama on these grounds, with far more justification?"

NBC FINA World Cup Swimming Broadcast Censors Out Israeli Flag to Appease Muslims...

So much for a courageous press. Lets see you bloviate over this, Chris Matthews.
Debbie Schlussel    "The FINA World Cup swimming competition video feed censored out the Israeli flag to appease the host country of the games, Qatar. The Israeli flag was also pulled from outside the swimming facility. Don’t blame the Muslim Nazis in Qatar. Blame the FINA co-conspirators who obeyed the demands of Qatar. FINA is the international governing body of swimming, diving, water polo, synchronized swimming and open water swimming. And if today’s FINA officials had been around in 1930s and ’40s Europe, they’d have fit in perfectly. Sieg Heil! .... Watch the video:
"....Middle Eastern countries have had a long history of snubbing Israeli athletes whenever and wherever possible, with many athletes from Middle Eastern countries electing to disqualify themselves from competition against any Israeli athlete. In swimming, Israeli swimmers have been subjected to being announced as nationless athletes, sometimes just referring to them as hailing from ISR."....
As Woody Allen said, last week, to Israel Channel 2:
There are many people that disguise their negative feelings toward Jews, disguise it as anti-Israel criticism, political criticism, when in fact what they really mean is that they don’t like Jews.
That Was Then . . .


This Is Now . . .

The Obama administration issued an angry protest on behalf of the US's long-time friends and allies.
Cancel the above report; that did not happen. We regret the error and any offense it may have caused the nation of Qatar. TD

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

When Democrats run foreign policy

Obama ‘Impatient’ and ‘Disengaged’  The New York Times and Hurriyet
on White House's incoherent and opaque Syria policy.
 "Perhaps with the prospect of cutting a deal with Iran, Obama is loath to upset Tehran by committing any resources to toppling an ally in whom they’ve invested money, manpower and weapons."...

Mark Steyn: American Ineffectualism  "On CBS, Bashar Assad called the U.S. government “a social-media administration.” He’s got a better writer than Obama, too. America is in danger of being the first great power to be laughed off the world stage. When the president’s an irrelevant narcissist and his secretary of state’s a vainglorious buffoon, Marco Rubio shouldn’t be telling the world don’t worry, the other party’s a joke, too."

Our Standing in the Middle East Hits Rock Bottom  "Saudi Arabia lives in perpetual fear of its neighbor across the Gulf, Iran... Despite all this, and despite a longstanding alliance with the United States, today the Saudis found it necessary to break off diplomatic relations with us, due to our confused and lackadaisical response to the Syrian Civil War."

Report: Obama Regime Purging Military of Commanders They Don’t Agree With…

Weasel Zippers   "So far this year alone nine top ranking military commanders have been fired by the Obama administration."

Full article at The Blaze:
“ 'Obama will not purge a civilian or political appointee because they have bought into Obama’s ideology,” Vallely said. “The White House protects their own. That’s why they stalled on the investigation into fast and furious, Benghazi and Obamacare. He’s intentionally weakening and gutting our military, Pentagon and reducing us as a superpower, and anyone in the ranks who disagrees or speaks out is being purged.' ”
"A Pentagon official who asked to remain nameless because they were not authorized to speak on the matter said even “young officers, down through the ranks have been told not to talk about Obama or the politics of the White House. They are purging everyone and if you want to keep your job — just keep your mouth shut.

One such: Gen. Carter Hamm, Army
Served as head of the United States African Command during the bloodshed in Benghazi, Libya when four American citizens, including Ambassador Christopher Stevens and two retired Navy Seals, were murdered by militants on Sept. 11, 2012. Senior military officials told TheBlaze Hamm was extremely critical of the Obama administration, including when reinforcements were not sent to help the U.S. citizens under attack in Benghazi. Hamm “resigned and retired” in April 2013.

Is this the proper American Muslim response to jihad in America?

By Pamela Geller at American Thinker   "They cite the Quran, chapter and verse.  Muslims worldwide continue the 1,400-year-old war to impose Islam across the world -- all citing the same Islamic texts and teachings.
"There is a problem in Islam.

"So what is the response of the Muslim community?

"On the same day that Hassan Abu Omar Ghannoum was arrested, the Islamic Shura Council of Southern California issued a statement: "We share the collective concern for the safety of our communities and security of our nation."  However, it went on to say: "We ask that law enforcement officials and members of the media refrain from assuming that the alleged criminal's wrongful conduct, if any, was a product of his self-proclaimed faith or associations with members of the southern California Muslim community.' "
"Why isn't the Muslim community trying to reform Islam?  Why aren't Muslim groups shutting down mosques that teach and preach jihad?...."  Via Lucianne

The Muslim Brotherhood’s Man in the White House

Robert Spencer  "When the State Department announced early in October that it was cutting hundreds of millions in military and other aid to Egypt, it was yet another manifestation of Barack Obama’s unstinting support for the Muslim Brotherhood, a support that has already thrown Egypt back into the Russian orbit. The aid cut was essentially giving the Egyptian people a choice between Muslim Brotherhood rule and economic collapse. Nothing else could have been expected from Obama, who has been a Brotherhood man from the beginning."  Via Lucianne. 


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