Saturday, April 12, 2014

God's Not Dead

Freedom's Journal
God not dead
"God’s Not Dead is an alarm for unconverted sinners and a wake-up call for slumbering Christians and that is why it is worth seeing, and seeing more than once.  This is the movie for which the mall-churches should be buying out theaters and holding small groups;"...
"If I had any criticism of the movie, it’s that some of the characters are almost a caricature; too severe in their nature and forging a thread worn stereotype, but they do have some basis in reality: Kevin Sorbo could have been portraying Ted Turner, a bitter man turned hostile to God because of the excruciating experience of losing his sister at a young age.  Fortunately, it doesn’t get in the way of the most daring Christian movie since The Passion of the Christ."

Consequences for Putin

Argus Hamilton  "The White House warned Russia of consequences Tuesday if they invade eastern Ukraine as threatened. There are ways to cripple Russia's economy. The best idea is to declare Russia a small business and force it to comply with Obamacare, and in six months it will be a thrift shop."  

Friday, April 11, 2014

Feds Move Against Cattle Rancher Supposedly To “Protect” Desert Tortoise…Which They Themselves Have Been Euthanizing

Weasel Zippers
"200 Federal agents, including marksmen with rifles and many agents from out of state, have surrounded the Nevada ranch of Cliven Bundy. Helicopters have been monitoring overhead. Thousands of acres of public land have been closed and people have been denied access. The Bureau of Land Management has already appropriated hundreds of cattle belonging to Mr. Bundy, claiming that Bundy is illegally grazing them on public land."
Militias ‘Mobilizing’ To Support Embattled Clark County Rancher In Clash With Federal Rangers  Can you say "Ruby Ridge"?

20 Cowboys Break Fed Blockade in Nevada, Retrieve Cattle

 Coase’s Tortoise : Federal bureaucracy gets in the way of complex ongoing relationships that serve civil society.   "Mr. Bundy’s family has been grazing cattle on their allotment of federal land since the 1870s, and things went along fairly well until the desert tortoise showed up. The Mojave population of desert tortoises is listed as a threatened species, and it is a crime to touch, harm, or harass a wild desert tortoise. (If it seems to you that tortoise harassment should be something less than a national priority for these United States, you are not alone.)" Full article    Kevin D. Williamson

Feds prep for Waco style raid of Bundy Ranch.

Obama and American Weakness Abroad. A Nation Gets the Leaders it Deserves

"Why don’t perceptions that the country has become less powerful abroad seem to redound to Obama’s detriment?"
Richard Winchester  "Why are less than half of Americans upset by increasing evidence that the United States is becoming a paper tiger?  Recently, the U.S. government has not prevented bad things from happening in its international relations.  Obama’s budgetary butchery on our military virtually guarantees that worse will come.  His disastrous handling of the Ukraine crisis is the latest example of his ineptitude and weakness in foreign affairs."....
"Perhaps the best explanation comes from the “Limbaugh theorem,” which has been approved by Peter Wehner in Commentary.  Limbaugh notes that Obama is always able to be seen as “opposing everything that is happening, even things he is causing to happen.”  Obama is seen, especially by low-information-voters,  as perpetually campaigning, never as governing.  Rush contends that Obama “gets away with everything precisely by appearing to have no involvement with it….  He is not tied to anything going wrong.' ”

Self-Defense in the classroom is in your head and under your butt

American Thinker  "A multiple stabbing attack by a lone perpetrator in a Pennsylvania school, in which more than 20 were wounded, has everyone crying for more metal detectors in schools, and for more guns in the hands of teachers, other school personnel and even students.
"Now, I’m a big proponent of an armed citizenry. I think an armed citizenry is one of the greatest, most effective deterrents to crime.
"But when I heard about this incident, my first thought was, “Whatsamatta, weren’t there any chairs in that school?' ”

To watch for: Congress Votes Unanimously To Deny Iran UN Envoy a Visa - Will Obama Sign The Bill?

"You have to wonder how far the Obama team is willing to go to appease Iran.

"In their latest provocation, 'moderate' Iranian president Hasan Rouhani appointed Hamid Aboutalebi to serve as Iran's UN envoy, which means he would enjoy diplomatic immunity in America.

"Aboutalebi, pictured above then and now ( he's on your left in the older photo) participated in taking our diplomats in Tehran hostage and holding them for ransom back in 1979.

"Amazingly, the Obama Administration didn't raise a murmur at this blatant extension of the middle digit by Iran. That was left to the U.S. Congress."

Krauthammer: Thought police on patrol

Charles Krauthammer  "Two months ago, a petition bearing more than 110,000 signatures was delivered to The Post, demanding a ban on any article questioning global warming. The petition arrived the day before publication of my column, which consisted of precisely that heresy.

"The column ran as usual. But I was gratified by the show of intolerance because it perfectly illustrated my argument that the left is entering a new phase of ideological agitation — no longer trying to win the debate but stopping debate altogether, banishing from public discourse any and all opposition."
... "The good news is that the “war on women” charge is mostly cynicism, fodder for campaign-year demagoguery. But the trend is growing. Oppose the current consensus and you’re a denier, a bigot, a homophobe, a sexist, an enemy of the people." ...

Thursday, April 10, 2014

The New Inquisition

Victor Davis Hanson
... "The president bragged of using "a pen and phone" to circumvent the legislative branch, and urged his supporters to "punish our enemies." The attorney general calls Americans who have different views from his own on matters of affirmative action "cowards."  "All of that them/us rhetoric has given a top-down green light to radical thought police to harass anyone who is open-minded about man-caused global warming, or believes that gay marriage needs more debate, or that supporting Israel is a legitimate cause, or that breaking federal immigration law is still a crime and therefore "illegal."
"Our civil liberties will not be lost to crude fascists in jackboots. More likely, the death of free speech will be the work of the new medieval Torquemadas who claim they destroyed freedom of expression for the sake of "equality" and "fairness" and "saving the planet.' " 

 The New Torquemadas; Brendan Eich would not recant, so he had to be punished.

OUR POLITICIZED, WEAPONIZED BUREAUCRACY: Key Lawyer in DOJ Office Charging Dinesh D’Souza is Obama Campaign Donor.

David Kennedy

Instapundit  “David Kennedy is the designated District Election Officer in the U.S. Attorney’s office in the Southern District of New York. According to Federal Election Commission records, Kennedy is also a campaign contributor to Barack Obama as well as to John Kerry. Kennedy has also contributed to state campaigns, including New York Democrat Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz. . . . Not only is DEO Kennedy a Obama campaign contributor, he also has a reputation as a proud and vocal liberal, not afraid to boast about his ideological worldview.”
Full article here.

“While there is no doubt that federal employees are entitled to make political donations, DEOs – who make decisions on the investigation and prosecution of election crimes – should not make such donations,”  Von Spakovsky said.  “Doing so inevitably compromises their credibility and will raise the appearance of bias and a conflict of interest in the eyes of the public.”

The Democrats’ Fake Problems; Democrats, flopping on the economy and health care, try to create new issues.

"The Democrats have made their midterm agenda clear: passing a minimum-wage hike, fighting the menace of the Koch brothers, and expressing loud concern about climate change without actually bringing a cap-and-trade bill to the Senate floor."...
"In his first term, President Obama was fond of claiming that Republicans had driven the economy into the ditch. This year, GOP candidates will have an easy argument that the economy is still in the ditch, and our health-care system is now stuck in the mud down there, too."  Full article

The Meltdown of the Obama Genderhawks

They protest male/female imbalances everywhere except in their own workplace.  
Michelle Malkin   "Meet genderhawk Jennifer Palmieri. The Clinton-administration veteran faithfully defended a lecherous philanderer-in-chief against what his sexist operatives called “bimbo eruptions.” Then she served as spokeswoman for adulterous crapweasel John Edwards. Now, she is Obama’s communications flack and chief social-media gender warrior. On Tuesday, which Team Obama and its feminist pals dubbed “Equal Pay Day,” Palmieri took to Twitter to call out the sexist White House press corps:" ...

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

On the road

Tunnel Dweller is away from the computer and will be posting in the evenings instead of the mornings for a number of days. Please be patient.  TD