Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Strategy? We Don't Need No Stinkin' Strategy!

In 2008, Barack Obama promised to have all American troops out of Iraq by 2011. And by golly he was going to keep that promise, no matter the damage to U.S. national security interests.

"On Oct. 21, 2011, he had this to say: “I pledged to bring the war in Iraq to a responsible end — for the sake of our national security and to strengthen American leadership. … After taking office, I announced a new strategy that would end our combat mission in Iraq and remove all of our troops by the end of 2011.”

By the end of December 2011, the only Americans remaining in Iraq were Marine guards at two embassies and 4,000 to 5,000 defense contractors.

"Top military officials expressed consternation because they sought a residual force of tens of thousands of American troops, arguing that was the only way to ensure continued stability won at enormous cost in blood and treasure.

"Commenting on Obama’s “strategy” last year, Fox News' Brit Hume quipped, “Obama has an interesting view on wars and how they end. Most presidents bring troops home when the war’s over. Obama thinks he can end wars by bringing troops home. In fact Obama seems to think leaving is winning.” . . .  More...

Emphasis mine, TD

Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy

Follow-up: What 'Seinfeld' can teach college students

 The silliness of 21st century Western culture

. . . "College students today are just too politically correct.

"Worse, he says they don’t even understand the political things about which they are straining to be correct.

"They just want to use these words," he said. Like, "‘That’s racist;’ ‘That’s sexist;’ ‘That’s prejudice.’ 
"They don’t know what the f-k they’re talking about."

"He’s not alone. According to Cowherd, Larry the Cable Guy won’t play colleges, and Chris Rock has also said he doesn’t because everything there is taken as offensive.

"It’s an astute observation by Seinfeld, who made a career out of observational comedy ("Why do they call it a ‘building?’ It looks like they’re finished. Why isn’t it a ‘built’?")

"Indeed, it must be jarring for a boomer like Seinfeld, who went to college in the early 70s, when students were debating real issues freely, to confront today’s college campuses, where students often invent issues about which to be aggrieved, many times on behalf of other parties, and then have to find "free speech zones" in which to discuss them.

"Consider the uproar over a statue of a man talking to a woman at a Texas college, which some decided was a depiction of "mansplaining," or a man patronizingly explaining something to a woman. Paul Tadlock, the 79-year-old sculptor, said the piece — done for 20 years before its offense was "discovered" — merely depicted his daughter, a student at the time, talking to a friend." . . .

So an optimist, pessimist and a feminist walk into a bar....

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

McKinney cop Eric Casebolt resigns; score another for unruly teens

 With the anti-police movement shown by African-Americans and liberals in general, I fear for our society and our safety. Right or wrong, Officer Casebolt, thank you for risking your life and career to stand between us and bad guys who want to do us harm.

Wayne Dupree  "McKinney Police Corporal Eric Casebolt has resigned after video showed him pushing a 15-year-old girl in a swimsuit to the ground and pointing his firearm at other teens.

"So what happens now? When a police officer in McKinney asks an unresponsive crowd to disperse and go home and they stay to mouth off? Casebolt used foul language throughout the situation, cops have been known to do that. But did he really pull his gun on kids or this guy in blue shirt that presented a possible danger in that moment?

Much more on the originator of the party:
 The Full Story of The McKinney Texas, Pool Mob – Inside The “Craig Ranch” Subdivision…
pool party 6 organizer "The Craig Ranch subdivision has a neighborhood park and a gated pool and clubhouse for residents.  The pool and clubhouse is gated and a scan card is needed to gain access. (You an explore via google earth here)

"The subdivision has a Homeowners Association (HOA) which regulates and controls the activities in/around the HOA swimming pool and clubhouse and has strict rules for use thereof.

pool party mom. . . "Neither Tatiana Rhodes nor her mother sought permission to use the pool or clubhouse area as part of the event.  However, Tatiana hired a DJ and promoted the event to include a pool party:
There are numerous social media links reflecting that Tatiana organizes these “parties”, and charges for attendance, as a profit generating business.  Her enterprise name is promoted under the auspices of “Twinzzpromotions” and uses the email address
 . . .

"In addition to friends of Tatiana Rhodes, more than 100 additional people, mostly teens, showed up as a result of the advertising promoted by Tatiana on social media.   They were dropped off by the car-load as the afternoon party began.

"Apparently Tatiana and her mother Lashana were unable to control the growing crowd – who came to their event at the park looking for and expecting a “pool party”.

"That’s when things got out of control as the 100+ teens (and young adults) turned into a mob of partygoers and began jumping the fence to the gated pool area.  Residents within the neighborhood  found themselves confronting a mob of teens growing ever increasingly hostile and agitated.

"A local resident shares this version of events: . . .

Go here for much, much more including documents  ...Via Lucianne

Al Sharpton gets his from one of his own, but will it even phase him?

 This man will be audited by the IRS for sure!

Black Preacher Exposes Al Sharpton: 'You’re Nothing But A Pimp!'
 "On Saturday, approximately 150 demonstrators marched through Hartford, Conn. from Mount Moriah Baptist Church to the Shiloh Baptist Church. The march served as a peaceful protest against the violence taking place in the state's capital, with a dozen shootings and five children killed just this past month.

"Prior to speaking at a rally following the march, Reverend Al Sharpton asked the people sitting in the pews at the Shiloh Baptist Church to donate $100 each to the MSNBC host's National Action Network, his so-called civil rights organization.

"Outraged at the insensitive request, local preacher Pastor Marcus Mosiah Jarvis spoke out in protest. "

"He questioned how a collection for Sharpton’s non-profit would help the people in Hartford cope with the violence in their community.

"Pastor Jarvis shouted, “Don’t you come up in here asking us for money."

"How dare you ask the people of Hartford to give you their money! You’re nothing but a pimp!" he said.

"It was only until the pastor called Sharpton out did the Reverend promise that the donations would go toward building a memorial. He also promised to donate an additional $1,000 of his own money for the memorial's construction.

"Two days later in a quieter but just as direct tone, the pastor described Sharpton as one of the "charlatans and pimps in the pulpit that want to feed off the sheep.' ". . .

 Has anyone thought to ask how Sharpton came to have $1000 on him at that moment?

 Black Pastor to Sharpton: 'You're Nothing But a Pimp!'

. . . Former Congressman Allen West had some advice for "Rev. Al" and his tax-evading organization the next time he goes looking for money:
"Maybe the Rev. Al didn’t check the job statistics in Hartford before deciding to pay the city a visit. According to Homefacts, the unemployment rate in Hartford Is still 11 percent. I guess we should sing Hallelujah because at one point during Obama’s presidency the national unemployment rate for black Americans was 16.8 percent.
"In the end, the Reverend Al also pledged $1,000.00 of his own “walking around” money to help build a memorial to some of the recent victims of violence In Hartford. . .

He's at the White House because he's an honorable man who has integrity and has worked very hard to make something decent and respectable of himself. The other one is a race baiting pimp known as Al Sharpton! Mad World News

The Three Obamas; Hope and Change was left behind long ago.

Victor Davis Hanson
 "The public has come to know three Obamas. But which, if any, of these portraits is real, and which are fantasies?

"Aside from those who automatically support Obama because he is a redistributionist Democrat, and those who automatically oppose him because he is an unapologetic Great Society liberal, there are currently three general takes on Obama.

"I. Self-Portrait

"Obama’s own judgment on his tenure is now all too clear: He saved us from another Great Depression, and he has made the United States more secure and more popular in the eyes of the world than we have been at any time in our recent history. Obama “ended two wars” (in the sense of pulling troops out of Iraq and steadily bringing them back from Afghanistan). According to Obama, America has never been more liked abroad, largely because his lead-from-behind policies have ended the image of the U.S. as bully. He hunted down and “got” Osama bin Laden. At last, an American president has crafted a comprehensive plan to navigate Iran away from nuclear-weapons acquisition." . . .
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

Mostly, President Obama likes the ceremonial perks of his office — the public spotlight to pick sports winners, the regal access to the links in sporty golf attire, the huge plane and entourage, the video clips of his catlike descent down the stairs of Air Force One, and the captive audiences for his often ahistorical and confused ramblings about America’s past and present shortcomings. Rarely has a president entered office so inexperienced and unprepared, yet with such great hopes and expectations among the public. That he squandered such good will through petty spite and inexperience should not be surprising, given his meager qualifications and thin résumé. Most of Obama’s career in community organizing, academia, and the Illinois legislature was predicated on leveraging his race, name, and unique background with the pretensions of liberal America to land opportunities for which he knew in advance that he would never be held accountable.
Read the full article

The Marco Rubio crime spree

Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel

Obama's ISIS strategy; a rare moment of honesty

Michael Ramirez Cartoon
Thomas Sowell: Why It’s Wrong to Equate Bush’s Iraq Mistakes with Obama’s . . . "Whether it was a mistake to invade Iraq in the first place is something that will no doubt be debated by historians and others for years to come. But, despite things that could have been done differently in Iraq during the Bush administration, in the end President Bush listened to his generals and launched the military “surge” that crushed the terrorist insurgents and made Iraq a viable country.

"The most solid confirmations of the military success in Iraq were the intercepted messages from al-Qaeda operatives in Iraq to their leaders in Pakistan that there was no point sending more insurgents, because they now had no chance of prevailing against American forces. This was the situation that Barack Obama inherited — and lost."

Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

Remember When Obama Opposed Bush’s Surge Strategy In Iraq? Obama Says U.S. Military Working To Boost Iraqi Army Recruitment To Fight Sunni Jihadists…
"Will Harry Reid declare the war against ISIS is lost?"

MSM nominated for "Weasel of the Week" over McKinney, TX riot coverage

Yes, once again it's time once again for the Watcher's Council's 'Weasel Of The Week' nominations, where we pick our choices to compete for the award of the famed Golden Weasel to a public figure who particularly deserves to be slimed and mocked for his or her dastardly deeds during the week. Every Tuesday morning, tune in for the Weasel of the Week nominations!

Here are this weeks' nominees....

  •  Don Surber :ESPN. Bruce Jenner's cosmetic surgery is not worthy of a bravery award. 
  •  The Noisy Room : Bill Maher for smearing Rush Limbaugh and offending just about everyone this week with his skit on Caitlyn Jenner. 
  •  Ask Marion: The P5 +1 countries, the United States, Great Britain, China, Russia, France and Germany, who agreed to give Iran access to billions in revenues
 But our immediate choice is this: 

 Bahhhhd Media! Need I Say More???

Nice Deb: I nominate the MSM - for playing up the highly questionable racial angle behind the McKinney,TX pool fracas, while playing down - or flat out not reporting the highly relevant backstory.

When a group of 70 to 100 unruly, disrespectful and destructive (mostly) black teens crashed an end of school pool party, residents of the event called the police who had to deal with an unruly, non-complying mob. The 14 year old was taken to the ground by an officer was not injured and the cop has already been suspended for using too much force. That should be the end of the story. But thanks to the MSM, and the racial grievance crowd, it's just getting started. The racial grievance-mongers are swooping into McKinney Texas as we speak, and the media are gleefully playing along with their racialist narrative.
 "Well, there it is. What a despicable group of  Weasels...ANY OF THEM COULD WIN! Check back Thursday to see which Weasel walks off with the statuette of shame!"

Jerry Seinfeld: Politically correct college students 'don't know what the f--- they're talking about'

Entertainment Weekly 
"Like Chris Rock and Larry the Cable Guy, Jerry Seinfeld avoids doing shows on college campuses. And while talking with ESPN’s Colin Cowherd on Thursday, the comedian revealed why: College kids today are too politically correct."

"Seinfeld says teens and college-aged kids don’t understand what it means to throw around certain politically-correct terms. “They just want to use these words: ‘That’s racist;’ ‘That’s sexist;’ ‘That’s prejudice,’” he said. “They don’t know what the f­—k they’re talking about.”

The funnyman went on to recount a conversation he and his wife had with their 14-year-old daughter, which he believes proved his point.

“My wife says to her, ‘Well, you know, in the next couple years, I think maybe you’re going to want to be hanging around the city more on the weekends, so you can see boys,’” Seinfeld recalled. “You know what my daughter says? She says, ‘That’s sexist.’” . . .

Krauthammer says President Obama's ISIS strategy is to blame others for not having one

Cut from this video is Krauthammer's final remark saying other than that, Obama is a great president.

"At a news conference closing out the G7 summit in Germany, President Obama said the United States does not yet have a "complete strategy" to train and equip Iraqi security forces in the fight against Islamic State militants or ISIS in Iraq.  The president has danced around the issue of a executing a strategy against the terror group for over nine months and some critics are saying enough is enough. 

"Syndicated Columnist Charles Krauthammer told viewers on Monday's Special Report with Bret Baier that President Obama's lack of strategy for defeating the Islamic State is really to blame everyone else.  President Obama said in the news conference that the Baghdad government needs to show better commitment to building a fighting force.  The Iraqi prime minister has pleaded with the U.S. and coalition forces for more military and intelligence backing. 

"President Obama even said he was still waiting on "finalized" plans from the Pentagon.  Yet, DOD officials dispute that claim.   

"Krauthammer said putting the blame on the Iraqi's or his military chiefs was just the president's way of simply not having a strategy to combat this terrorist group.  The Sunnis, Krauthammer noted were abandoned by the United States and persecuted by their countrymen.  "They were pursued by the central government in Iraq and Obama did not lift a finger, Krauthammer explained.  He went on to ask "why should they trust America again?' "

UPDATE:  President Obama's loose tether to reality

. . . "Everyone here keep the doctor they liked? Anyone's hours cut to part-time? Premiums steady? Everyone get their promised $2,500 health care savings?

"On IS, Obama admitted that nine months after announcing his hastily written strategy to "degrade and ultimately destroy" the terrorist army, "We don't yet have a complete strategy." This is Obama speaking, so of course, it's someone else's fault: The Iraqis for not being trained fast enough."

#McKinney witness say police action not motivated by racism; #BlackLivesMatter ignores


Wayne Dupree   

 “I want to tell people outside this community that this is not Baltimore, this is not Ferguson, it’s nothing like that,” Embry said. “My neighbors are good neighbors. We’re not racist.”


"The officer is explaining to the 2 black kids in the ground that just because everyone else was doing it doesn’t mean they should have done it…he wasn’t talking or yelling like a racist then. I think frustration just got the better of him. If you watch the video again you will see this guy in the blue reach for something.
. . . " American children have turned from respectful 2 spoiled, entitled, out of control punks who’s parents coddle entitled attitudes.

"Benet Embry, a black father and resident of McKinney is one of two who witnessed the fracas, said he did not condone Officer Casebolt’s behavior, but was convinced that the response to the party wasn’t motivated by racism.

"He spoke of a white neighbor who tried to help black kids hurt in the disturbance, but has been accused on social media as being racist and has received death threats.