Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Obama's ISIS strategy; a rare moment of honesty

Michael Ramirez Cartoon
Thomas Sowell: Why It’s Wrong to Equate Bush’s Iraq Mistakes with Obama’s . . . "Whether it was a mistake to invade Iraq in the first place is something that will no doubt be debated by historians and others for years to come. But, despite things that could have been done differently in Iraq during the Bush administration, in the end President Bush listened to his generals and launched the military “surge” that crushed the terrorist insurgents and made Iraq a viable country.

"The most solid confirmations of the military success in Iraq were the intercepted messages from al-Qaeda operatives in Iraq to their leaders in Pakistan that there was no point sending more insurgents, because they now had no chance of prevailing against American forces. This was the situation that Barack Obama inherited — and lost."

Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

Remember When Obama Opposed Bush’s Surge Strategy In Iraq? Obama Says U.S. Military Working To Boost Iraqi Army Recruitment To Fight Sunni Jihadists…
"Will Harry Reid declare the war against ISIS is lost?"

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