Saturday, August 15, 2015

The Clinton machine sputters and coughs but still covers the ground


Understanding just how serious Hillary’s server problem really is    "Will Hillary Clinton survive this e-mail scandal criminally and politically? It is tough for me to see how, given the revelation that she had retained on her private server e-mails containing classified information. This is all dripping out slowly – the worst possible thing for Hillary. Her trustworthiness rating in the polls is already Nixonian and it will only continue to drop as more information – or more stonewalling – comes to light.

"And rightfully so. Every single word Hillary has said about her email system has turned out to be likely false, demonstrably false, or ridiculous spin:" . . .

The UK Telegraph is ecstatic over her in Iowa  . . . "Instead she delivered the sort of rip-roaring speech that is needed, if she is to allay her slow slide in the polls, and will have her campaign aides sleeping more soundly in their beds." . . .

How Bad Is Hillary as a Candidate? This Bad   "It’s not news that Power Line is unanimous that Hillary is a terrible candidate. How bad is she? Watch her try to tell an oblique joke about her email scandal. She nods her head slowly in a know-it-all way that reminds you of every middle school vice principal you hated. And her sense of comic timing couldn’t be any worse if she was trying to kill a joke:" . . .(Video at the link)

Are Bernie Sanders’ big crowds any match for the Clinton Machine?
 "People power versus Hillary’s money and operatives"

Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

Some amazing posts from the Federalist Papers: 19 Amazing, Detailed Images of the Coolest WWII Uniforms

The Federalist Papers   See all the others and the identification of each piece displayed.

 82nd Airborne, Sicily, 1943

Waffen SS Sturmmann (Corporal), Normandy 1944

35 Beautiful, Sad but Touching Colorized Photos of WWII That You’ve Never Seen

The Federalist Papers   Here are just two of them:


You might be a liberal if....; How to spot a liberal male

10 Ways To Spot A Liberal Male 
" Elly Maye explains why liberal men make the worst dates. Watch to find out how to spot and avoid them! Catch more of Elly here:"

Via  Instapundit

Laughing along with the EPA

Please Tell Black Lives Matter to Shut Up and Go Away!

Lloyd Marcus  "(Booker T.) Washington really nailed Sharpton and the Black Lives (Lies) Matter movement in his following quote.

“There is another class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs -- partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.” 
"Can you believe Washington said that back in the late 1800s? Black “losers” (a little Trump lingo) were exploiting race and looking for a free ride. As the saying goes, there is nothing new under the sun." . . .
Read more

Pistol-whipped cop says he didn’t fight back for fear of public backlash if he hurt black man

BizPacReview "President of the Fraternal Order of Police spoke for the detective whose picture went viral after he was pistol whipped to the ground by a violent criminal and explained why the cop didn’t fight back.
“Local law enforcement officers are walking on egg shells because they’re so hesitant of how to interact because of what’s taking place in the media,” police Sgt. Heath Boackle told the NY Daily News.
The Daily News reported:
“The Birmingham detective, whose name has not yet been released, paused while a suspect attacked him during a traffic stop because he feared the country-wide backlash he might receive for killing a black man, the head of the local police union said Friday.”
 Pistol-whipped Alabama cop didn’t shoot attacker for fear of making headlines: union
  . . . "The detective, a six-year veteran on the force, had hesitated before Cunningham dealt the devastating blow, even as the suspect was quickly inching closer, the union president said.
"If the officer would have pulled his weapon, we would be talking about a totally different story," Boackle said. "They're so afraid that what's going to be portrayed of them isn't going to be the whole truth of the encounter."
"Cunningham — who has a violent criminal history, including an assault conviction in 2006 — initially fled the scene, but he was quickly caught and charged with attempted murder in the attack.
He appeared in court Tuesday, but his hearing was postponed because he didn't have an attorney, WBRC reported.
"The deputy, who suffered a concussion, is recovering at home after being treated at UAB Hospital, said Boackle, a 19-year veteran with the Birmingham Police Department." . . .
Last week a picture of the Birmingham, Alabama, detective went viral of him laying unconscious on the ground. Police and civil people around the nation were horrified to see images of the bleeding officer being celebrated on social media.
“Pistol whipped his ass to sleep,” one Facebook user had written
“ 'If the officer would have pulled his weapon, we would be talking about a totally different story,” Boackle said.
“ 'They’re so afraid that what’s going to be portrayed of them isn’t going to be the whole truth of the encounter.' ”   Emphasis added, TD

'Stalk them and kill them,' Farrakhan says, calling for 10,000 volunteers to kill whites
. . . "Farrakhan said the Quran calls for retaliation when "slaves" are oppressed." . . .

Partial thanks should go out to the Obama - Sharpton team. TD

Hat tip to  Glenda Kyle-Slayton

Is Obama taking Hillary out?

From July, but still an interesting take:  

 Monica Crowley 

 Illustration on Obama's designs to undermine Hillary Clinton's candidacy by Linas Garsys/The Washington Times

"Hillary Clinton is not going to be the Democratic nominee for president. 

"Yes, the conventional wisdom is that she is still the prohibitive favorite, armed with big money, big connections, and the Big Dog, Bill.

"But the so-called "wisdom" is "conventional" for a reason.
"As a result of endless sordid scandals and predictably Clintonian evasions, her poll numbers on everything from favorability to trustworthiness are in a nosedive. A battery of new polls in key swing states such as Colorado and Iowa show her losing to a number of GOP challengers.
"She's also taking incoming from the left, particularly from Vermont senator and socialist Bernie Sanders, who is scoring major crowds and an increasing percentage of the Democratic vote, indicating that the leftist base sees him as a viable option and not merely a vehicle to register discontent with Mrs. Clinton.
"Polls this early in the cycle can be unreliable. But they do indicate a significant downward trend for her that must have her campaign at DEFCON 3.
"None of this, however, is her most serious problem. Instead, it's something much closer to home, much more insidious, much more dangerous than anything else.
"It's President Obama. And he just made his move.
"Here's how it's likely going down:" . . .

Hat tip to Robert Hope, Sacramento, CA
Also here.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Muslim Beheads Someone At IKEA, Their Response? RIDICULOUS

Mad World News   "On Monday, two people were killed at an IKEA location by a Muslim, one of which was beheaded, and the store had a rather ridiculous response as to how they’re going to prevent future attacks. I’ll give you a hint; it’s not banning Muslims.
"The incident unfolded at a Swiss IKEA, where a 57-year-old woman and her 22-year-old son were reportedly stabbed to death by a Muslim seeking asylum in Sweden, and one of them had their head removed by the radical Islamist, Breitbart reported. Apparently, according to the Express, he had just met with immigration officials and was due to be deported, so he did what any good Muslim would do – he beheaded someone.
"The 35-year-old man apparently grabbed a couple of kitchen knives from the store’s housewares department, then proceeded to attack two of the shoppers in there at random. While most of us would think that beefing up security would be the way to handle such a situation, IKEA’s idea of bold and swift action to prevent future beheadings in their store is unlike anything we’ve ever heard."

Would Martin Luther King Have Supported The ‘Black Lives Matter’ Message?


"If you’ve been paying attention to the racial outrage lately you may have noticed that black activists and their guilty white liberal sympathizers consider saying “all lives matter” as extremely racist. The Black Lives Matter movement insists that black people are being exterminated in this country by whites so to even suggest that all life is precious undermines their plight. This is of course insanely stupid, but as you will soon see the intelligence level of this debate just took a nosedive.

"Because it’s so hard to convince rational people that it’s not racist to say the lives of one race of people are more important than others, The Other 98%, a socialist “Occupy Wall Street” type group, published a meme on their FaceBook page they hope will simplify things. Take a look:
. . . 
  . . ."why don’t we look at what MLK actually said in the “I Have A Dream” speech:"
I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.”
I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
"Black Lives Matter seeks to create inequality by favoring one race over the others. Black Lives Matter destroys brotherhood by dividing people along racial lines. Black Lives Matter begs for people to judge them on the color of their skin, not the content of their character." . . .
Skate around
 Someone with that kind of vulnerability to blackmail shouldn’t be allowed to sweep the floors of the NSA, much less run our country.   . . . "There are probably a bunch of folks in China and Russia who are praying (even if they’re atheists) for Hillary to be elected. If she wins, they own the President of the United States. I can just imagine in a meeting with Putin, Hillary being told to back off supporting Ukraine or he’ll release her emails (as he hands her a folder containing the most damaging ones for her to peruse). Put in that position, would Hillary fall on her sword or sacrifice a country like Ukraine? I don’t know, but I wouldn’t want to be living in Ukraine…"
"Once you're actually President, you can use your I-am-the-President tools. What's anyone going to do about it? Impeach you? That's been-there-done-that for Hillary. She could welcome the opportunity to survive a second impeachment crisis in her family. Bring it on!"
Tech company which maintained Hillary's secret server was sued for 'illegally accessing' database and 'stealing White House military advisers' phone numbers' 

How Clinton’s team went from nonchalant to nervous over e-mail controversy

 . . . "The controversy over her private e-mail setup has moved into a new and, potentially, more serious phase. What had begun five months ago as a relatively narrow question about proper archiving of public records has become a bigger, more politically dangerous one: Whether the then-secretary of state and her close aides, in choosing to use a private e-mail system, disregarded common sense and may have put sensitive information at risk of falling into the wrong hands." . . .WaPo

Trump, Trump, Trump; the boy is marching

Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel

To Be Coarse, But Compelling   . . . " Look, Donald Trump is only saying what millions are thinking, or have already said at the local sports bar, American Legion Hall, the supermarket checkout line, little league game, Jiffy Lube waiting room, or hockey practice, without the benefit of a billionaire’s platform.  But as Richard Nixon might reprise, “You don’t have to elect him president.” . . .

Did Donald Trump win Round One with Megyn Kelly?
We explored her success — and anti-Fox News Media Matters’ frustration — in Megyn Kelly’s success must be driving Media Matters crazy-er.
Kelly had some uncomfortable on-air back and forth with Donald Trump during the first debate, particularly on the issue of how Trump treats women:
 A Letter to Donald Trump Supporters With One Big Question  "You’re right to mistrust conventional politicians. But why do you think he’ll treat you any better?"
. . . " Trump is a good negotiator, you say, and he’ll get us a better deal with the Chinese. What makes you think that President Trump would be thinking about your interests while he negotiates with the Chinese, and not his own? Are your interests the same as a billionaire with vast real estate holdings in blue states? Trump has made clear that his negotiating prowess relies heavily on leverage: the billions he has, the politicians he has bought, his mastery of U.S. bankruptcy laws, his high-priced lawyers. But foreign leaders aren’t intimidated by his billions; his lawyers can’t sue them into submission; he doesn’t have any Chinese politicians in his pocket; and in negotiations with the Chinese, he’ll have no more and no less leverage than any other American president. And because he is a former realty TV star and beauty pageant owner, one would assume that some foreign leaders won’t even take him seriously. How will that result in a strong America?" . . . The Atlantic