Saturday, November 28, 2015

Black Lives Matter? Tyshawn Lee, nine, was murdered by three gang members on November 9

Daily Mail

Tyshawn, pictured, was shot in the temple and tried to block the bullets with his hands, partially severing his thumb, an autopsy foundĀ 

. . . "Karla said she grew up with Corey Morgan, 27, who investigators claim along with two other men went out armed every day looking for potential targets after a shooting by a rival gang in October killed his brother and injured his mother. 
Charged: Corey Morgan

"Tyshawn's father is allegedly part of the rival gang. 

"Karla added: 'I just can't believe it. The same guy I grew up with, talked with, played with.'  

"The court heard how Morgan along with two others allegedly spotted Tyshawn in a playground.  " . . .

Some Thanksgiving history...sort of.

Friday, November 27, 2015

Argus Hamilton comments on the season

Argus Hamilton"President Obama spoke to the nation Wednesday, assuring Americans it was safe to travel this Thanksgiving even though the State Department issued a travel warning. You were no safer once you got there. Heavy fighting broke out Thursday the moment anyone at the table mentioned Obama.

"The National Transportation Safety Board said this Thanksgiving week has the most holiday travelers in the past ten years. The Interstate highways were jammed. Young Syrian men trying to come into the U.S. from Mexico took one look at the San Diego freeway and returned to the war zone.

"Black Friday launches the Christmas season today as shoppers storm into the big chain stores to buy gifts at once-a-year bargain prices. Holiday decorations went up overnight in Los Angeles. The Nativity Scene at the Beverly Hills courthouse shows six lawyers standing around a car accident."

Comedian Argus Hamilton

21 Heartbreaking Confessions About Working Retail On The Holidays

Buzzfeed   “Working retail during the holidays makes you hate people more than ever.” All confessions courtesy of Whisper.

9 Reasons We Should Give Retail Workers A Break During The Holidays  . . . "Retail employees tend to bear the brunt of our holiday stress. And why shouldn’t they? They’re the ones standing there at the precise moment when you just can’t take it anymore.
"This year, I submit that we cut them some slack. People who work in retail get the holiday spirit beat right out of ’em. They’re restocking shelves, bagging egg nog, mopping up spills, and answering unintelligent questions all across America when they would much rather be somewhere else." . . ."Here are a few reasons why we should give retail workers a break:" . . .

More at the link.


The Lid

Now Global Warming Believers Want To Take Away The Joy Of A Juicy Steak

"There is nothing like a thick juicy steak, but if Chatham House, a London based think tank gets it way the Paris climate change conference next week will recommend member countries cut down on meat consumption to help stem “global warming“."
. . . 
"In their report the think tank presented a list of globally coordinated recommendations to convert mankind from omnivores to herbivores, one of which is to raise the cost of meat."

American Silliness; Nov 27, 2015

Combating climate change: The left's strategy to defeat ISIS  . . . "It seems as though the left will grasp onto any hypothesis to explain the rise of Islamic terrorism.  First, it was financial instability (remember "jobs for jihadis"?) that gave rise to terrorism.  Currently, climate change is the acceptable hypothesis."

Fox News contributor gets death threats for mocking Star Wars fans

“I have never had any interest in watching space nerds poke each other with their little space nerd sticks, and I’m not going to start now,” Timpf shared on the original broadcast. “You people are crazy. You Star Wars people are crazy. Yesterday I tweeted something, and all I said was that I wasn’t familiar with Star Wars because I’ve been too busy liking cool things and being attractive — people threatened my life. You’re not really branding yourself in a way that makes me want to join your life-threatening club.”

Protesters Vandalize Christmas Tree In Millennium Park

U.S. Avoids Destroying ISIS Oil Wells Because of Environmental Concerns  "These are not serious people."
This one rates a post of it's own elsewhere.

Hillary Clinton Will Yell at the Referee, So Help Her!
. . . "Some attempts fail harder than others…but nobody—and I mean nobody—fails as hard as Hillary Clinton when it comes to offering proof of humanity."   Videos at the link.

Democrats Know How to Ruin a Holiday . . . " Of course, I can’t imagine any family spending Thanksgiving arguing about politics in any event.
"But the Democrats can. In fact, they encourage it. The Democratic Party has developed its own Thanksgiving tradition: advising its faithful on how to debate with their Republican relatives. That strikes me as completely bizarre, but then, if you think of Thanksgiving as Genocide Day, as so many liberals do, maybe it doesn’t seem like you’re ruining much.
"This is the Democrats’ family argument cheat sheet for 2015:"

How to Talk About Global Warming With Your Crazy ISIS Relatives at Thanksgiving Dinner

Big Government

A Nicholas White turkey, one of two presidential turkey candidates, attends a press conference at the InterContinental Hotel on November 6, 2015 in San Francisco, California. Two presidential turkey candidates, known as Tom 1 and Tom 2, are contending for the honor of being named the 2015 National Thanksgiving turkey and being pardoned by U.S. president Barack Obama during a pardoning ceremony at the White House before Thanksgiving. (Photo by )

"It’s become a media tradition for left-wing blogs to publish “survival guides” for liberal youth fated to attend Thanksgiving dinners populated by crazy right-wing relatives, who have grown increasingly skeptical of the accomplishments of our glorious President Obama.

"Things are going to be especially rough this year, what with the collapsing enrollment, soaring premiums, agonizing deductibles, and shaky insurance company finances created by ObamaCare – developments those cranky old wingnuts somehow interpret as indications Obama’s genius health care reform is “failing.”
"Then you’ve got all the terrorism filling the streets with blood, which nutty Republican uncles are likely to misrepresent as evidence Obama was talking out of his turkey baster when he described ISIS as a thoroughly “contained” junior-varsity squad. Actually, Obama suddenly stopped talking about ISIS that way, just this week – but hey, nobody’s writing survival guides about how to talk to Barack Obama at Thanksgiving dinner.
"What we really need is a handy guide for discussing global warming with your crazy ISIS relatives." . . .

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Updated Nov 27th: Former CIA chief: Obama didn't hit ISIS oil fields to save the environment

Washington Examiner  "The former CIA director under President Obama revealed this week that the White House held off on bombing Islamic State-controlled oil fields and tankers because the administration feared that the subsequent oil spills would harm the environment.

"Former director Mike Morell's comment came during an interview Tuesday evening with PBS' Charlie Rose.

" 'We didn't go after oil wells, actually hitting oil wells that ISIS controls, because we didn't want to do environmental damage, and we didn't want to destroy that infrastructure," Morell said.

"He added that the Obama administration was also afraid that damaging oil infrastructure would ultimately hurt the Syrian people." . . .

"These are not serious people"   . . . "Contrast that to reports from over a year ago explaining how ISIS funds itself by smuggling oil to other hostile actors:

“With the important exception of some state-sponsored terrorist organizations, ISIL is probably the best-funded terrorist organization we have confronted,” Treasury Undersecretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence David Cohen said on Thursday in a speech to a Washington,D.C., think tank. At a subsequent briefing at the White House, Cohen declined to provide an estimate of the group’s net worth today.
From mid-June until President Barack Obama unleashed airstrikes in Iraq and Syria against it, the Islamist organization scored $1 million per day from smuggled oil, Cohen said at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. He declined to say how much the airstrikes, which began on Sept. 23, have sliced into the group’s oil revenue.
The oil operation, which has drawn the most scrutiny, relies on long-standing smuggling networks operating in oil-rich parts of Iraq now under IS control. IS extracts the petroleum and sells it to smugglers, some of whom use “relatively sizeable tankers” to get it onto the black market." . . ."
Protecting the desert has to supersede protecting the civilized world from savages because -who knows? - we may want to make a national park out of that part of the world. It could be a monument against US aggression.  TD

The inspiring story of how Thanksgiving began

Silvio Canto, Jr.  "As much as possible, I try to learn something new about US history.   It's a combination of natural interest and the reality that I wasn't born here.   In other words, there are a lot of stories that I didn't hear about when I was a kid.   For example, I did not heart the one about Washington's cherry tree!
"A few weeks ago, I learned about Sarah Josepha Hale, the lady who wrote to President Lincoln to make our current Thanksgiving Day a reality.   Let's  recall the story:" . . .
 Read the full article

Insignificant Thanksgiving thought

Politics and What Remains of the English Language

Victor Davis Hanson

"Here is a list of a few trendy words, overused, politicized, and empty of meaning, that now plague popular communications."
Read the list here.

. . . "This tiny vocabulary sampling reflects another recent epidemic of victimhood, as the English language is further squeezed and massaged to create reality from fantasy.

"First, over a half-century of institutionalized equal opportunity has not led to an equality of result. Particular self-identified groups feel collectively that they are less well off than others and are bewildered that this is still possible, since they can point to no law or custom that precludes their opportunity by race, class, or gender. Therefore, inventing a vocabulary of grievances is far more effective in gaining concessions than self-criticism and self-reliance are in winning parity.

"Second, in an affluent, leisured and postmodern society of $300 Jordan-label sneakers that sell out in hours, big-screen televisions at Walmart that become prizes for warring consumers on Black Friday, and over 50% of the population exempt from income taxes, it is becoming harder to define, in the material sense, oppression-driven victimhood. In such a world, even multi-billionaire Oprah has difficulty finding discrimination and so becomes reduced to whining about a perceived snub in a Swiss boutique that sells six-figure purses. Language is pressed into service to create victims where there are few, but where many are sorely needed, psychologically -- and on the chance such a prized status might lead to a profitable trajectory otherwise impossible by passƩ notions of work and achievement."

ABC Pushes Polyamory

MRC Culture

Marriage ‘equality’ for same-sex couples? That’s so yesterday.

"ABC’s Nightline hyped a polyamorous, “trailblazing triad” on Thursday evening, highlighting the threesome’s “unusual modern family.”

"The segment began with a shot of the throuple in bed together with their two children, who share a father but were each born to one of his “wives.”

“ 'This triad wants to make it clear that they are not polygamists,” ABC’s Abbie Boudreau eagerly explained, and that they are all sexual partners with each other. This arrangement began when Melinda Phoenix decided she wanted to add a man to her “marriage” to Dani, a woman.

"Two lesbians decided they desired a masculine man. He impregnated both of the women and their children were born five weeks apart." . . . 

ABC's 'Nightline' Spins Polygamy as 'Normal'
What is most disturbing about this report was the portrayal of polygamy as just a normal way of life and the implications such a view has. The story was reported by ABC News correspondent Cecilia Vega who claimed that "the residents of Centennial Park say they want to show just how average, how normal their lives are," and that the idea of polygamy is "a fundamentalist version of a modern family."