What he should do with this information is admit that he was wrong and clearly declare that his industry that can't go on forever abusing and insulting half of its audience. He hasn't quite done that, but it appears it's going to do the next best thing, which is change his own behavior.Sunday Schadenfreude: Kimmel surrenders . . . "In other words, he's guessed that anti-Trump jokes are a dud now and as a result, doesn't want to get into them so much, since it's less glory for him.
"Seems the bad ratings the Academy awards, the Emmys, the Grammys, theGolden Globes, all of which focused on hurling abuse at President Trump, didn't work out the way the self-indulgent air-kissing participants thought they would. They cost Hollywood a lot of money. Ratings hit all-time lows, with Variety warning in the case of the Emmys that the matter was worse than it looked. And the fact that they kept doing it over and over again, despite the beating they took in the ratings, was cause for the rest of us for bafflement.
"Kimmel, unlike many of them, apparently pays attention to the bottom line. He knows how bad these things have been for ratings and advertising dollars (emphasis mine) and how Hollywood has been deluding itself:" . . .
"SNL moms to their kids: Quit it with the Trump jokes already!." "The top-rated comment at WaPo:
"SNL moms to their kids: Quit it with the Trump jokes already!." "The top-rated comment at WaPo:
Well thanks Moms BUT, don't let up on Trump, SNL. You are an important part of the Resistance to fascism. You are trying to save our democracy. This is one of those times when you DON'T listen to mom!"Sigh."
Do they even know what fascism means?
From a comment to the above article in Althouse:
Charlie, meaning has nothing to do with this exercise of Trump bashing. It just reminds me of when in High School I wanted to be part of the in-crowd. But, the in-crowd, when I made it, became so passe', especially when another in-crowd became popular. Time will make all these anti-Trump commentators look foolish and then wonder why they wasted so much time on this Trump bashing. Does anyone remember the Reagan bashers - no!