Video: Peer Into a Fallen Battleship at Pearl Harbor
A 3D tour of the USS Arizona and this model of the monument as it is today.
Recovered body of Japanese flyer shot down.
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Rich Terrell
. . . "Does anyone else think it’s odd that a former U.S. president and a former Secretary of State began a self-promoting tour in Canada? Maybe it’s just me." . . .
Bill and Hillary Clinton should just go quietly "Like an aging vaudeville duo whose act has grown stale and whose once-adoring audiences have diminished to a nostalgia-driven handful, Bill and Hillary Clinton have taken to the lecture circuit in their obsessive quest for relevancy and, of course, money." . . . |
What a disgrace, and every decent person knew at the time it was a disgrace. But through their act of common courtesy, humanity, dignity, and modesty, the Bush family once again reminded us of who they really are and who the McCains really are.
. . . And then there were the so-called eulogies, most of which were reprehensible acts of narcissistic exploitation. On one hand, you had eulogies being used as score-settling tirades against Trump and his supporters, and on the other you had those like Meghan McCain — the deceased’s own child, for God’s sake — using her eulogy to up her media profile, to create a YouTube moment, to reassure the same hideous media that personally destroyed her father during his 2008 presidential run, that she is one of them. . . .
"That is probably because the Earth has been warming and cooling for thousands of years — long before humans and their machines came on the scene.Earth could be plunged into a mini Ice Age in the next few decades, but there is good news – it could override the damage done by global warming.By 2030 comes about, the temperatures on Earth could be so low that the River Thames freezes over during winter, much like in the last little ice age which spanned from the 13th to 17th century.Maths professor Valentina Zharkova at Northumbria University said the Ice Age could help offset the damage of global warming.She said: “I hope global warning will be overridden by this effect, giving humankind and the Earth 30 years to sort out our pollution.”She added any global warming damage that is undone will be instantly reversed again when the next solar maximum begins in the 2050s.
Obama believes that all of Trump’s successes are due to Obama, and all of Trump’s setbacks are his own.
What it shows is that statehouses are important because they set election laws. If the state is run by Democrats, rest assured they will take every advantage to secure absolute power. What's needed now is a concerted Republican counterattack, not to secure absolute power, as the Democrats have done, but to secure free and fair elections from a willing electorate.
Come to California to see what's going to roll out across America in time to guarantee a progressive landslide in 2020. It may be perfectly legal. But it's so rigged it would make Boss Tweed blush. ...The way they did this was to pass laws designed to rig the system.Three laws in particular combined to stack the deck against Republicans. First came the Motor Voter law. This meant that as soon as any California resident acquired or renewed his driver's license or state ID, he would be registered to vote automatically. Second, the state legislature authorized counties automatically to send absentee ballots to voters, even if they had not requested those ballots. Third, the rules governing ballot custody were changed so that anyone could turn in absentee ballots, not just the actual voter.The opportunities presented by these three laws were fully exploited by Democrats.
True, the Democrats and major media want to try to make it look like it is out of character for Trump to act with common decency and respect. Yet when McCain show no class by banning the president from his funeral, they have no problem with it. Democrats and the media are disgusting in their actions and could lead to real trouble in this country if they continue and their brand of hatred spreads. From the commentsMSNBC Panel: Trump Probably Thought Bush Funeral Was All About Him Even Though It Wasn’t, but It Was A Rebuke Of Him . . . ". Even when it’s not about Trump, they’ll find a way to make it about their obsession. They make money for making it be about Trump so even when it isn’t they can’t stop.
“The virgin birth story is about an all-knowing, all-powerful deity impregnating a human teen. There is no definition of consent that would include that scenario. Happy Holidays,” Sprankle said.
She then imposed the false narrative of a power struggle between a dominant master (who had Parkinson's and needed a service dog to help him function throughout his day) and a helpless creature conscripted into training and forced to help 41.
Why was Sully lying in front of the casket of 41? According to Graham, "it's a bit demented to project soul-wrenching grief onto a dog's decision to lie down in front of a casket." Well, if we use science, then we will take stock of previous observations and compare similar accounts of dogs with funerals. We will then look at studies or seek out experts like Dr. Coren to see if there is any meaningful correlation. If we don't apply our own confirmation bias, as it seems Graham did in her article, we will find that Sully is doing what many a child with the same cognitive abilities and what other dogs in Sully's situation do.
If our society's goal is to entertain ourselves with false criticism, Slate proves this point. . . .
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Rich Terrell
George Herbert Walker Bush was a teenager when he became a Naval aviator during World War II. (Getty)
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American Thinker |
If Ocasio-Cortez cared about her constituents, she might take time to learn how entrepreneurs, with the freedom to use resources to serve consumers, have lifted billions out of poverty in the past few centuries. If the goal of democratic socialists to abolish capitalism is reached, we’ll never hear of future Dr. Wangs.
Venezuela shows that socialism requires time to reduce a prosperous economy to misery and rule over its ruins...."Francisco Toro, writing in the Washington Post, tries to whitewash socialism in the wake of the destruction of Venezuela. He sends a message to “true believers” of the cause, from violent, hooded fanatics behind Soviet flags to eternally-offended worshipers of the ultra-left Senator Sanders or the comparatively moderate followers of Hillary Clinton." . . .