Saturday, September 24, 2022

Who's our real president? Joe Biden — or the staffers who keep walking back his comments?

I've heard it said that the real President is the person writing Joe's teleprompter. TD

 NY Post  "Is Joe Biden President? That’s the question to ask after staffers walked back Biden’s latest remarks on Taiwan.

"During his rather uneven “60 Minutes” interview with Scott Pelley last weekend, Biden firmly and clearly announced that the United States would defend Taiwan in the event of a Chinese invasion.

"This was a dramatic statement, and a substantial shift from America’s traditional policy of “strategic ambiguity” on Taiwan, in which our response to Chinese saber-rattling over the island nation was essentially “fool around and find out.” Biden was not at all ambiguous: If China went to war with Taiwan, it would be war with the United States and its allies.". . .

Tim Allen Cracks 14-Word Dad Joke About Joe Biden — Liberals Lose Their Minds - Analyzing America

Joe Biden's teleprompter gaffes hurting presidency - Washington Times

Joe Biden's best teleprompter gaffes of 2020 (

Universal settles after Despicable Me character 'made racist OK symbol while stood next to children' |

  Daily Mail Online  

"A racial discrimination lawsuit that accused actors portraying the Despicable Me character Gru of doing a white power symbol while taking photos with non-white children has been settled by Universal Orlando. The lawsuits were brought by Tiffiney and Richard Zinger and Geisy Moreno and Joel Rodriguez. The two sets of parents said that their children were victims of the discrimination in two separate incidents in February and March 2019. The first incident took place during breakfast at a resort hotel, the second was inside a Universal theme park. The terms of the settlement reached by the parties has not been made public, reports the Orlando Sentinel. The case was closed on September 12. The two families [originally] sued Universal Orlando for $30,000. The suit was filed in Orange County, Florida. The lawsuit accused the company of violating the Florida Civil Rights Act of 1992. The two actors portraying the characters were named by Florida Politics in April 2022 as Austin Walker and Joseph Saenz."

New York Attorney General Letitia James Must Resign — and Be Prosecuted for Abuse of Power

"America in the Biden era is turning into a police state, with Democrats using the powers of their respective offices to prosecute political opponents. 

 The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

                          Her anti-Trump lawsuit is a staggering criminalization of politics.

. . ."This attorney general of New York is a staggering crook. She is criminalizing politics — using the powers of the office of attorney general to pursue a personal political vendetta. And in doing so, she has instantly cast herself and her conduct into the same seriously crooked position that forced her predecessors’ resignations.

"Make no mistake.

"America in the Biden era is turning into a police state, with Democrats using the powers of their respective offices to prosecute political opponents.

"The New York Post’s Miranda Devine has turned up the news in a story headlined this way:

FBI hero paying the price for exposing unjust ‘persecution’ of conservative Americans

"Devine reports this: 

Bombshell allegations by FBI Special Agent Steve Friend contained in a whistleblower complaint filed late Wednesday with the Department of Justice inspector general reveal a politicized Washington, DC, FBI field office cooking the books to exaggerate the threat of domestic terrorism, and ­using an “overzealous” January 6 ­investigation to harass conservative Americans and violate their constitutional rights.
Friend, 37, a respected 12-year veteran of the FBI and a SWAT team member, was suspended Monday, stripped of his gun and badge, and escorted out of the FBI field office in Daytona Beach, Fla., after complaining to his supervisors about the violations.. . .

Now to the heart of this matter:  

. . . Now comes Letitia James. In her filing a lawsuit against a political foe she detests, James has made herself the New York face of this Stasi-style, decidedly criminal abuse of power.

"For which she should resign — or be impeached.

"And prosecuted.

Hey, Letitia, Where Are the Causation and Damages? (

I am a trial lawyer and a civil litigator. And one of the things I do, one of the things I've worked a lot on, is consumer fraud issues. So, when New York Attorney General Letitia James sued Donald Trump for civil fraud, I had thoughts! My first thought was, "Well, this isn't really a lawsuit. This is a bunch of bullsh**."

Democrats Move to Criminalize Opposition | Power Line  "A hallmark of banana republics is that those who lose power are apt to wind up in prison, or on the wrong end of a firing squad. Even more advanced countries, like Israel, sometimes have a regrettable tendency to prosecute former political leaders.

"It is hard to think of anything more destructive to a democracy, and yet the Democrats are going down that path. It seems clear that they intend to bring criminal charges against President Trump over his keeping some White House documents at Mar-a-Lago–a trivial offense, as far as anyone knows.

"And that’s not all. The Department of Justice has issued subpoenas to a large number of people who were associated in some way with the Trump campaign or administration. They generally seek information about efforts to challenge the reported election results in several states. A copy of one of the subpoenas, with the name of the person who was served redacted, is linked below. Take a look at the scope of the documents the subject of the subpoena is required to produce:"  . . .

How can Americans NOT fear this Democrat Party?

Friday, September 23, 2022

Biden Claims Economic Success as U.S Enters Recession: 'We Are on the Right Path'

 Biden Claims Economic Success as U.S Enters Recession: 'We Are on the Right Path' | Neon Nettle

America suffers second straight quarter of contracted economic growth

. . ."Biden's comments come despite White House data published on Thursday showing the second straight quarter of contracted economic growth in the United States.
"Thursday's data reveals that the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis’s (BEA) first estimate of the nation’s gross domestic product was worse than the predicted expansion of 0.5%, FXStreet noted.
"The economy shrank by a 0.9 annualized rate.
"Economists widely define a recession as two consecutive quarters of negative growth.
"Despite that, Biden claimed in a statement that the contraction was unsurprising and the economy is heading in the right direction.
"Coming off of last year’s historic economic growth – and regaining all the private sector jobs lost during the pandemic crisis – it’s no surprise that the economy is slowing
"After destroying America's economy with his failed policies, Democrat Joe Biden is claiming economic success as the United States enters a recession, arguing that "we are on the right path."
"Biden's comments come despite White House data published on Thursday showing the second straight quarter of contracted economic growth in the United States.
"Thursday's data reveals that the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis’s (BEA) first estimate of the nation’s gross domestic product was worse than the predicted expansion of 0.5%, FXStreet noted.
"The economy shrank by a 0.9 annualized rate.
"Economists widely define a recession as two consecutive quarters of negative growth.". . . 

Biden also claimed that the key to stopping inflation would be more government spending and raising taxes under two separate plans.

Searching for anti-Semitism on the right while ignoring it on the left -

  Jonathan Tobin (

"The comments of a speaker at a recent rally that featured an appearance by former President Donald Trump in Pennsylvania is being widely cited as justification for President Joe Biden's labeling of his opponents as "semi-fascists." That talk, which served as one of several warm-up speeches prior to the main event with Trump, involved comments in which a defendant in the Jan. 6 Capitol riot was spoken of as a victim even though the person in question has been credibly accused of also being a Nazi sympathizer. Those remarks are therefore being put forward by some on the left as evidence for the thesis that under Trump, the Republican Party has become a home for anti-Semites, if not Nazis.

"In a campaign where Biden's Democrats have begun to gain some ground recently in a midterm election that had heretofore seemed to promise disaster for them, the focus on Trump and his alleged soft-spot for extremists has proved to be a brilliant tactic. Instead of defending their dismal record on the economy, inflation, crime and other issues, Democrats are doing their best to change the subject to Trump and Jan. 6. This is also tied to an unseemly and highly politicized set of actions undertaken by the Department of Justice — like the raid on Trump's Mar-a-Lago residence — that seems akin to the typical banana republic practice of a government seeking to jail their political opponents. Justified or not, Democrats gain when the discussion is about the party that is out of power rather than the one that has been in control of everything in Washington for the last 20 months.". . .

Ratings-challenged Don Lemon ‘not the answer,’ to CNN’s morning show issues, critics say

"CNN had tried for years to fix its morning programming and Don Lemon is not the answer," a longtime network morning show producer told Fox News Digital when the move was announced.   

"CNN recently announced low-rated, left-wing host Don Lemon would move from primetime to an ensemble morning program later this year, as the network attempts to revamp its AM lineup with a show centered around a host who's struggled to attract viewers.". . .
. . ."Steve Krakauer, a former CNN digital producer who edits media newsletter Fourth Watch, believes Lemon has a chance to thrive in mornings but wonders if he’s too partisan to attract additional eyeballs. 

" 'Lemon is a talented TV personality who went far down the Trump addiction rabbit hole over the past five years. That may have brought him some degree of success with a small subset of the audience, but ultimately it did not allow for his true talent to shine. He's not a news reader. He's not a strong partisan voice like Rachel Maddow. So what is he? Well he's fun, and he's kind of goofy, and he can fill air time," Krakauer told Fox News Digital. 

" 'If that's what the morning show will be, maybe he'll succeed. To be fair, success for CNN in the morning will basically be getting above a ‘scratch’ rating," Krakauer continued. "But I also wonder if Don Lemon in 2022 is currently capable of just being that, of de-politicizing himself enough to be palatable for an audience that doesn't want to be part of the endless divisiveness that his old show brought."

"Lemon has insisted that the move from primetime to the mornings isn’t a demotion. McCall believes network honchos simply did what they had to do, but more changes will be inevitable if Lemon doesn’t figure out a way to appeal to viewers. ". . .

SATIRE: Rep. Adam Schiff Calls for House Select Committee to Investigate DeSantis for Flying Migrants to Martha’s Vineyard –

Satire:  RedState  "Washington, D.C. – Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) has called for the creation of a House Select Committee to look into Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis for sending Venezuelan migrants to Martha’s Vineyard. He and his colleagues hope this will help to get to the bottom of the issue, which he calls “one of the most traumatic experiences Americans living in Martha’s Vineyard have ever had and a blight on the nation.”

"While addressing reporters at a press conference, Schiff excoriated DeSantis for bringing brown people to the nation’s most popular bastion for wealthy white progressives. “This was like 9/11 – or even worse – Jan. 6 for the people living in Martha’s Vineyard,” the lawmaker fumed. “It is our duty to find out what happened.”

"When asked if he might be exaggerating by comparing the flying of migrants to the island to Jan. 6, Schiff replied, “Look, the name of the place is Martha’s Vineyard, not Maria’s Vineyard – do you understand? Forcing us to deal with these people is nothing less than barbaric.”

"Schiff then revealed that he had evidence of Russian involvement in the matter. He said:

“But I haven’t even gotten to the good part yet. I am in possession of evidence showing that Russia has been deeply involved in this whole initiative to send illegals to Democrat-run cities. Apparently, both Abbott and DeSantis have quite a cozy relationship with Putin. At least one witness has come forward claiming at least two of the bus drivers appeared to be of Russian descent.”

"The lawmaker said he would be going public with the rest of the evidence “really really soon, I promise.' ”. . .

Freakout Over Martha's Vineyard Flight Ignores the Real Problem

 Freakout Over Martha's Vineyard Flight Ignores the Real Problem (

Whatever number you choose, 4,431 total illegal crossings or 3,543 allowed to stay, the number is a lot bigger than the 48 migrants who landed in Martha's Vineyard. And yet, the outrage! Critics lined up to call DeSantis' transfer of illegal crossers to a luxury redoubt in Massachusetts cruel and inhuman and un-American and anti-American and "literally human trafficking" and more. A Boston-based group called Lawyers for Civil Rights demanded that the United States Justice Department and the Massachusetts attorney general investigate and possibly prosecute DeSantis for an alleged "conspiracy to deprive our clients of their liberty and civil rights and interfere with federal immigration proceedings."

Soros-Funded Group Behind Lawsuit Against DeSantis on Martha’s Vineyard Flights | Newsbusters   . . ."This is nothing new for Soros, who has bankrolled several far-left, pro-open borders organizations. In January 2022, a Soros-funded group secured a $158 million government contract to help illegal immigrants avoid deportation, in what appears to be a violation of U.S. border security policy. 
"DeSantis, on the other hand, has voiced support for strong national borders. He tweeted on Sept. 15 that in Florida, “we take what is happening at the southern border seriously. We are not a sanctuary state, and we will gladly facilitate the transport of illegal immigrants to sanctuary jurisdictions.” 
"The LCR patted itself on the back in its press release, calling its lawsuit against DeSantis part of a “herculean pro bono effort” backed by an “army of volunteer attorneys.” Their stated objective was to seek “damages” from DeSantis for his supposedly “unlawful relocation scheme” of roughly 50 migrants to Martha’s Vineyard." 

Shocking behavior by Putin and Biden


Shocking behavior by Putin and Biden - Asia Times   "Anyone who listened to Vladimir Putin’s TV broadcast to his nation on September 21 had to be shocked by the Russian leader’s tone, incoherence and threat.

"US President Joe Biden, in a speech to the UN General Assembly, only made matters worse, not better, by putting all of the burden unequivocally on Putin’s head.

"There are many impacts from these events, including the bitter possibility of a wider war that will spill over into Europe.

"Both Biden and Putin seem to think they can play this kind of poker. Not only will they both lose, but the world will be greatly endangered.

"To take the view that the only outcome in Ukraine is win or lose, and that if Russia loses it may use weapons of mass destruction or the Russian government may collapse into chaos, is not in anyone’s interest.". . .

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Letitia James Launches Desperate New Attack in War on Trump


New York AG Letitia James continues her obsessive quest to destroy Trump - American Thinker  
. . .Heck, the case is so bad that even Bill Barr, who’s become Trump’s mortal enemy when it comes to disputing the American president’s plenary power to declassify anything he wants, has gone on record saying that the case is a “political hit job,” that constituted “gross overreach,” that will end up “backfiring,” because it will increase sympathy for Trump. The suit, he concluded, is nothing more than a manifestation of Trump Derangement Syndrome.  

No president in American history has paid such a high price for daring to buck the establishment. Trump may be gone from office, but the leftists holding power across America have vowed to do everything they can to hunt him down and destroy him. Is it appropriate for me, at this point, to remind them again that Moby Dick won and Ahab went down with the ship?.

 Letitia James Finally Brings Her Weak A** Case Against President Trump and Family Members – IOTW Report

Letitia James Launches Desperate New Attack in War on Trump ( "It's no secret that Democrats are willing to do or try anything to keep Donald Trump out of polite society or elected office — from Joe Biden's divisive speech calling the former president and his supporters fascists to the DOJ's raid on Mar-a-Lago. But now, New York Attorney General Letitia James has opened a new front in the left's attacks by filing a 220-page civil lawsuit against Donald Trump for alleged "intentional and deliberate fraud.". . .

Martha's Meltdown Model

  RealClearPolitics  . . ."Most, like Washington, D.C., and New York, were on record as sanctuary city jurisdictions. In the abstract, they endorse open borders and celebrate diversity -- from the serenity of thousands of miles away.

"The uproar at Martha's Vineyard prompted the Democratic hierarchy to do some explaining. Why had it not earlier objected to the federal government night flights of tens of thousands of border-crossers to red-state communities that had opposed illegal immigration?

"And why be angry with governors who were only emulating that policy by flying in a mere 50 newcomers -- in the light of day -- to a far wealthier and liberal-minded sanctuary resort?

"Florida Governor Ron DeSantis gave the nearly all-white, rich vacation spot an opportunity to match noble words with even nobler deeds. But in response, the 1 percent screamed that their small community could not possibly cope with a mere 50 new arrivals.

"So far, wealthy progressive enclaves in Malibu, Aspen, and Napa have not stepped up to alleviate the "burden" put on their Martha's Vineyard brethren.

"They should ask how does a poor Yuma or El Paso sustain hundreds of thousands crossing illegally into their communities -- once Joe Biden effectively rendered federal immigration law null and void?". . .

Illegal Aliens, Deported from Martha’s Vineyard, Want to Return to ‘Beautiful’ Island –

 IOTW Report  "Illegal aliens who were deported off Martha’s Vineyard less than 48 hours after their arrival now say they would like to return to the “beautiful” elite island home of the wealthy’s summer estates.

"Late last week, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) sent two flights packed with 50 illegal aliens from Venezuela to Martha’s Vineyard, where former President Obama has a sprawling 29-acre summer estate.

"Less than 48 hours after their arrival, officials on Martha’s Vineyard declared a “humanitarian crisis” and claimed they have a “housing crisis” that prevents them from being able to absorb border crossers and illegal aliens, even as the island could shelter six million refugees.

"As a result, Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker (R) intervened to bus the illegal aliens off Martha’s Vineyard to Joint Base Cape Cod. Some of the illegal aliens are now suing DeSantis, claiming he violated their Fourth and Fourteenth Amendment rights.

"Although left-wing attorneys have claimed that the illegal aliens are “very traumatized” by their arrival on Martha’s Vineyard, some of the illegal aliens have told Catholic Charities that they would love to return to the elite island because of “how beautiful” it is: more here". . .